Beach Haven School Update 12/13/24

Upcoming Events and Activities:
December 13, 2024- Report Cards go home.
December 19, 2024- TREP$ Marketplace and BH P.T.A Holiday Celebration
December 20, 2024- Early Dismissal 12:30 PM
December 23, Jan. 1, 2024- Winter Break- School Closed
January 2, 2024-
- School Back in Session
- Beach Haven SEPAG Meeting at 4:30 PM
Attendance Matters
Parent/Caregiver Survey Request
As a small school, every child absent significantly impacts our school's chronic absenteeism rate because each child represents a more significant percentage of our population than other schools. The advantage our children get from having smaller class sizes can be negatively impacted by each absence they have. We aim to have students here in school as often as possible so they can benefit most from their education. Students who reach 18 or more absences in a single school year are considered chronically absent. We need your help understanding why you believe students are chronically absent from our school so we can help improve student attendance.
Please fill out this very brief survey:
Chronic Absenteeism Early Warning System Parent/Caregiver Survey
December Character Trait- Gratitude
The monthly character trait for December is gratitude. Gratitude means feeling thankful, appreciating what you have, and being able to receive and return acts of kindness. What are you grateful for today?
Messages from Superintendent/Principal
Congratulations to this year's Beach Haven Teacher of the year, Melanie Buda, and our Educational Service Provider of the Year, Ms. Holly Herriger!
Mrs.Buda, Teacher of the Year, pictured with Mr. Loeffler and our Principal of the Day Caroline Colmer. Caroline made her mark as principal of the day by asking the greatest variety of creative questions to students as she visited classrooms. She also made two original announcements about our Character Trait for December, Gratitude.
"I am incredibly honored to receive this recognition.This recognition inspires me to continue striving for excellence in my classroom and to make a positive impact on every learner. I am currently in my 2nd year teaching preschool at Beach Haven School. I have 7 years experience in the public school teaching preschool and over 10 years in private schools. I earned my degree in Elementary Education from Kean University."
"Being a teacher at Beach Haven School brings me immense joy. It is truly a unique environment for both work and learning. I am so honored to be most of my students' first teachers. It brings me so much joy seeing how much my students learn throughout the school year. I value the opportunity to work closely with my colleagues across various important school committees, such as the School Climate Committee, WIN Committee, and Early Elementary Education Team. Through our joint work, we contribute to creating a supportive, safe, and productive educational environment that benefits our students and school community."
"The collaboration between the school and the surrounding community creates an enriching learning environment bridging classroom instruction with real-world experiences. My role as an educator is profoundly enhanced by these opportunities to bring authentic, contextual learning experiences to my students."
"Beach Haven School is something truly extraordinary!"
Ms. Herriger is smiling from ear to ear because she was surprised by a special gathering of all of the students as she was presented with the Educational Services Provider of the year recognition.
"I am beyond grateful to have received this award for Beach Haven's Educational Services Professional of the Year. I am in my 11th year as a speech language pathologist and have worked in schools, rehabs/skilled nursing facilities, outpatient clinics, and home health. I can truly and honestly say that I have always loved being a speech language pathologist and feel so lucky that I get to do my job every day."
"Working at Beach Haven School is like no other place I have worked before. The amount of support and appreciation our staff and students receive from our administration, BOE, PTA, parents, and community is truly something special. This support does not go unnoticed and makes us all want to give back to our school and students even more. Our staff and students are truly extraordinary and make me excited to go to work each week."
"Over the past 4 years, I have learned so much being a part of the W.I.N. Committee, School Climate Committee, the Early Elementary Team, and the I&RS Committee. Before coming to BHS, I would have never thought I would have been involved in the many after school W.I.N. Classes (Tie Dying, K'Nex, Cake Decorating, Board/Yard Game Club, etc.), the School Plays, and even playing my first instrument in our Staff Bell Choir. These opportunities not only help our students, but they have helped me grow as a person. Beach Haven is truly a magical place!"
Holiday Concert- What a Wonderful Show!
Student Artists of the Month
Preschool is Holiday Ready as the Work in Their Holiday Market Play Centers
Preschool Show and Tell Sponsored by the Letter "G".
Kindergarten Melted Snowman Writing
1st Grade Holiday Designs
1st Grade Delivers Their Pen Pal Letters
1st Graders Were a Busy as Elves This Week!
Grade 3 Math Centers in Action!
3rd Grade Chat and Chew with Cocoa and Cookies!
3rd Grade Holiday Breakfast Celebration!
Grades 4-6 Enjoy Shopping at the P.T.A. Holiday Shoppe- Thank you P.T.A!
Grade 5 is Hard at Work Multiplying Decimals
Wellness Wednesday Yoga with Ms. Sara
Holiday Artistic Creations
Connected Wellness Symposium Open to Parents, Staff & Community Members
OCASA Connected Wellness Symposium on Wednesday, January 29th at 5:30 PM. The evening will feature keynote speaker, Jonathan Barresi, who highlights the book The Anxious Generation, followed by a screening of the documentary, Screenagers: Elementary Level. Mental health and wellness resources will also be available for families. This evening is intended for adults only. Light refreshments will be available.
Link to OCASA Connected Wellness Symposium Registration Form
Home Academic Support
Here are some resources to help support your child during homework. These are not designed to provide answers, but to help students who may struggle gain a better understanding through finding the explanation behind the answers when they get stuck or confused. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at shenry@beachhavenschool.com.
If you are looking for free skill practice in any subject:
IXL- There are a ton of free mini lessons your kids can work on to improve their skills in any subject and in any grade. https://www.ixl.com/
Brainly is a homework helper site students can use to ask question(s) to a community of teachers and students. https://brainly.com/
Socratic provides homework help with most subjects. It gives visual explanations, video tutorials and detailed step by step guides to help students understand complex concepts. https://socratic.org/
Quizlet provides students with the tools they need to learn any skill. It has step by step solutions and flashcards to help students prepare for quizzes or assignments. https://quizlet.com/latest
WolframAlpha Provides students with step by step solutions and skill development for understanding simple and complex learning for all subjects. https://www.wolframalpha.com/
School Counselor Request Form
If you wish to have a student seen by our school counselor, please fill out this form. The responses to this form will be checked once a week. If you have something more urgent to inform the school about, please get in touch with the school's main office during business hours at 609-492-7411. (If your child is in crisis, please dial 988 for support and 911 for emergencies).
Speech and Language Support
Here are some resources to help you understand and to support your child's speech/language development at home. (See the links below)
Speech and Language Milestones
Community Events and Support!
Emergency Preparedness
- Make A Plan: Families may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to create plans that outline how they will contact each other during an emergency.
- Build a Kit: Assemble emergency kits containing essential supplies like water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and important documents. Ensure these kits are easily accessible and periodically updated.
- Ready Kids: Engage students in age-appropriate preparedness activities. Utilize FEMA’s “Ready Kids” resources to teach children about emergency planning.
- Pet Preparedness: Pets are important members of families too, so they need to be included when making a plan.
Community Support
Heating/Energy Assistance- If you know someone who is having difficulty paying their energy bills this winter to stay warm, see the resource below to refer that person to for assistance.
Family Preparedness
Life on the Island is glorious. We also know that weather can pose risks here unlike other areas. In order to help keep your family prepared, here are some resources to consider.
Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
This Toolkit consolidates a comprehensive array of local, national, and online resources, providing a one-stop destination for families seeking guidance and assistance. It's a compassionate guide that fosters understanding, facilitates communication, and ensures vital information is readily available to those who need it.
Crisis Help
NJ Hopeline
Whatever you’re going through, feeling, or thinking, we are here to listen and support you.