RMS Staff eNews
Season 2: Edition 3-Week of August 17-August 21
A Tribute.
**Weekly Class Schedule: Synchronous & Asynchronous**
Important Information:
Optional Technology Help for Teachers
PL and DLT will be providing additional training sessions and office hours in order to support our teachers. Teachers can sign up to attend Online Tools for Synchronous Learning: Google Meet and Zoom, one of the back-by-popular-demand sessions from Friday’s training. Additionally, the teams will be available to answer questions related to Zoom, Meets, and google Classroom during office hours. To see the full schedule and registration links, click here.
August 7 PL Sessions - Recordings Available
Thank you for your participation and engagement on Friday, August 7 District Day. Several of the sessions from this day were recorded and are now available for viewing. Teachers may access the recordings of these sessions in this folder. If prompted, please sign into Google Drive using your PISD login information.
Core Store
Launched in 2016, the CORE Store has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in supplies and classroom materials to teachers throughout Plano ISD. The CORE Store allows teachers to shop for additional school supplies for their students at no cost. The Foundation was proud to adjust our services during the COVID-19 closures and deliver school supplies to over 900+ families during the Spring Semester. We continued to provide supplies directly to families by partnering on the district’s Back to School Fairs. Our next phase will include teacher shopping days in the CORE Store. We will limit shoppers to 6 teachers at a time and we ask that shoppers do not arrive early. Please plan to view the shopping list in advance and plan ahead since shoppers will only be allowed 20 minutes. More information on how to utilize the CORE Store can be found at https://www.pisd.edu/corestore.
Fall Shopping Days:
- September 16 & 18 2:00-6:00pm for 20 minute increments
- September 19 9:00am-2:00pm for 20 minute increments
Employee Crisis Fund
The mission of the Employee Crisis Fund is to provide a source of financial assistance to Plano ISD employees who are facing an emergency situation and are unable to handle immediate short-term financial obligations associated with the crisis. If you find yourself in this situation, please visit our website to learn how you can submit a request for assistance. At Plano ISD, we are dedicated to caring for our PISD family.
Happy Birthday Augusters!
Kevin Kelln 8/2
Brad Allcorn 8/5
Jenna Park 8/5
Anna Hensley 8/9
Brandi Shrier 8/14***TODAY!
Crystal Tutson 8/14***TODAY!
Matthew Reisinger 8/22
Tragsdale 8/23
Sue Boisvert 8/24
Erin Gardner 8/25
Martha Gonzalez 8/25
Day 1 - carpool duty...Trags greeted & refused three F2F students!
Formerly known as Exum
Selfie time!
Is she smiling!?!
Happy People
Group Picture!
New Teacher Gifts!
This message was included in the Parent Newsletters...
Quick Admin/Counselor Notes
Please do not send students to their counselors for schedule changes. If they ask, the answer is "No."
**Benefits 20-21 Enrollment is OPEN UNTIL AUGUST 21ST**
Action is required for all employees. You must either enroll or decline coverage online. Login to TEAMS Employee Service Center to complete enrollment or decline coverage.
*Even if you were at 100%, this new training just popped up.
PARKING WARS!!! Trags vs Dot
*Side note: Principal Jingles (in her white car--big picture below) took it upon her skinny self to park in two spaces on the same day. Et tu, Jingles? Et tu?
Step by Step Instructions: Making Parent Email Groups for Outlook
STAFF KIDS' 1st Week!
Snyder Boys 10th & 12th Grades
Matt Reisinger & Son!
My son and I at Tech when I dropped him off on Monday
Julia Hayter's Son!
Julia Hayter's Daughter!
Trags' Twins!
Trags' Young Lady!
Matt Sekerak & Ashley Greenberg
They have been great to work with and we are so excited to have them on our math team!
Counseling Team
For Conquering the Gauntlet! You guys are amazing. Keep up the hard work!
New Staff Members
We are so happy to have you here at Renner! Ya'll have been working hard to learn everything and adjusting as needed. We appreciate you!
Maru Lopez
She has been NONSTOP enrolling and making sure we are ready to welcome new kiddos to Renner!
He busted his butt to make three master schedules happen, each more wonderful than the last. I'm sure he wants to block our calls/emails/texts at this point, but he answers all of them with a great attitude and gets it done!
Lori & Brad
Thank you for answering my twelve million questions (every day) and being such an amazing collaborative team. Even when we're feeling swamped, everyone is willing to pitch in to help each other.
Nurse Brandi
Thank you for going above and beyond to make sure we know the needs of our kiddos and keeping everyone in the loop!
Megan Hawthorne
Recording training for setting up Digital Notebook! So well done, and so easy to follow!
Jennifer Beall
Providing "One Stop Shopping" for all of our "To Do's" So Helpful!
Beall has gone above and beyond taking care of the 8th grade team (and others). Her to-do list to prepare for our first live day, her patience with our questions and lack of tech skills, the 8th grade website she set up to help alleviate parent questions/emails, and playing therapist on a daily basis...everything she has done has been not only helpful, but done beautifully. We'd be lost without you, Beall. THANK YOU!!! (especially for reading all of Theresa Williams' emails for us and then compiling important info cause you know we didn't - haha!)
Katie Aycock
For running interference so Jonathan could take care of student login questions in preparation for the first day of school & for helping in the front office call center on the first day! You are a gem!
Cindy Clay, Paula Sandoval, Crystal Tutson, Nancy Slater. Tracey Huston & Kim Smith
For helping with chromebook distribution on Friday and Monday in the Texas heat while teachers were in staff development
**To give a staff shout-out or two, please complete the form. It doesn't take long and it goes a long way to support one another. Link here: https://forms.gle/s5S2SzGgBQ6y7hea6*
Final Thoughts.
Copyright Info
I was looking up a copyright situation for a teacher just a minute ago and came across this great link from the Library of Congress about what remote learning teachers can post online and how it applies to copyright: https://blogs.loc.gov/copyright/2020/03/teaching-from-a-distance-and-copyright-considerations/
Cool Online Teaching Tips
Good Info:
- Direct Deposit: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/directdeposit
- W-4: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/W4_2020-standalone
- Payroll Questions: If an employee has a payroll related question, please have them send an email to payroll@pisd.edu.
Remote Learning Resources Folder & PD Google Classroom
*There will be some Remote Learning Resources put in one folder on the google drive.
*We will also have a Google Classroom setup that will contain any PD's that are not included in Safe Schools
Positive Phone Calls
Form here: coming soon
**Please make sure to include the student's entire first and last names when filling out the form.