The Bronco Roundup
November and December Edition-2024
A Message from Our Principal, Mrs. Guillory:
The countdown to the Christmas holiday break has officially begun, and we’ve got three exciting weeks ahead of us! It's the perfect time to finish up projects, study for any upcoming tests, and wrap up the semester strong. Remember, the effort you put in now will make the break feel even more rewarding. But don’t forget to have some fun too! There are plenty of activities and events to look forward to. Whether you're participating in holiday-themed events or simply enjoying the season, it’s important to balance work with relaxation. Let’s make the most of these next few weeks and end the year on a high note. Stay focused, stay kind, and enjoy the festive spirit!
We’ve got this! 🎄🎉
There's an App for That!
Calcasieu Close Watch App
There is a new App that can and will be used throughout the Parish to report things anonymously from your phone, iPad, or computer-The Close Watch App.
Brief Overview: A complaint is received by CPSO and law enforcement will check out the complaint to make sure it is legitimate and will then move forward.
Crimes and thefts can be reported, either in school or out, and it can prevent mass casualty incidents with just a few key strokes.
See something, say something, it’s right at your fingertips!
It's in the App Store called Calcasieu Close Watch.
*Remember, if you see or hear something, REPORT IT to a MBMS faculty or staff member IMMEDIATELY.*
"We are Broncos, NOT Donkeys!" -Ms. Daniel
We are a family, and this family looks out for one another!
Top Gains Honoree
Moss Bluff Middle School is a Top Gains Honoree AGAIN! Way to go Bronco students, families, teachers, and staff!
A Top Gains school is a school that earned a progress index equivalent to an "A" and did not earn any Urgent Intervention Required labels for student groups and/or discipline.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Lyric Fun!
Can you spot the hidden lyrics hidden somewhere in this newsletter?
The FIRST 20 students to EMAIL Mrs. Foreman with the lyrics AND who sings them will get a sweet little prize!
There is only one song hidden. Happy Hunting! 🎅
Upcoming Events
Christmas Break
You can leave the Christmas lighst up til January!
Christmas and New Year's Break will be from December 23-January 6 (Teacher Inservice on January 6).
2nd 9 Weeks Report Cards
Report Cards for the 2nd 9 Weeks will go home on Friday, January 10th.
Holiday Shirt Days
February 14-students can wear a Valentine's Shirt with uniform bottoms to school.
February 28-students can wear a Mardi Gras shirt with uniform bottoms to school.
Happenin' Around Campus
Kindness Week
MBMS Student Council sponsored Kindness Week with hot chocolate at recess, Dynamic Duo Day, PJ Day, and a Decades Day! It's Cool to Be Kind!
Pumpkin Chunkin' Contest Winners
Pumpkin Chunkin' Contest 3rd Place Winners Ryan N, Khloe F, and Mayah S! Pictured with Science Club Sponsors, Mrs. Summers and Mrs. Sanders. Way to go, Broncos!
Junior Beta Induction
New MBMS Betas were inducted into the National Junior Beta Club!
Moss Bluff Middle School Veteran's Day Program
Student Council Food Drive
Students in MBMS Student Council teamed up with Sam Houston Band for KPLC's Christmas for the 3rd year in a row to help bring a little joy to families in our community. Way to show Moss Bluff that THIS is the Bronco Way!
Mental Health and Managing Stress Presentation
MBMS Counselors, Mrs. Bel and Mrs. Brown gave our Bronco Students a few tips to manage mental health and stress!
Christmas Band Concert
Led by our Band Directors, Mr. Hearne and Mr. Teague, the Moss Bluff Middle School Beginner, Junior Varsity, Varsity, and Jazz Bands put on a great Christmas concert on Tuesday, December 17. Absolutely amazing talent showcased by our Broncos!
Editorial Corner
In Honor of Kindness Week, What Does Teamwork Mean to Me? by Hailey Vidrine-8th Grade Bronco Roundup
As we all know, teamwork is very important and needed in everyday life. To me, teamwork is a key part of a lot of the things that I do. For example, in softball, classes that I take, projects, etc. In softball, when you join a new team, you have to meet new people who eventually become your closest friends. We learn that we must communicate with each other to make plays and understand what is going on. As a teammate, you have to help your team and be the best you can be. Teamwork isn’t only in sports though. In the classes that I take such as SWAT, we talk to each other and let each other know what is going on and who is doing what. When you are doing a project for a class or group work, you have to work together because not all of the work can be done by one person. There’s no “I” in TEAM/TEAMWORK.
Bronco Teamwork Interviews
Teamwork in the Band by Liam McGovern-7th grade Bronco Roundup
Michael McGovern
What do you think teamwork is? Teamwork is where we come together to help each other to achieve a goal.
How do you think teamwork works in the band room/during class?
Teamwork works in the band room when we kind of have to listen into each other for when we're tuning at the beginning of our class or well, during. Performances when we have someone playing louder, we have to listen for the melody and then we. Adjust our pitch to that, to where people can hear the melody, and we become the background.
What is an example of good teamwork within band?
An example. Teamwork in the band is when we. When we have to find the. Lowest instruments, which is the tubas and low reads. In our class, we make sure that we can hear them and we as a group, everyone else trumpets, saxophones, flutes, every other instrument we have to tune into them.
What happens when good teamwork isn’t present in the band room?
When good teamwork isn't present in the band room, we. We tend to play out of tune and. We'll get off, we become off track to where there's one, we're playing a certain section and the other group playing at different section and then the band isn't exactly a band anymore.
Cole Struchtemeyer
What do you think teamwork is?
When multiple people work together to get something achieved
How do you think teamwork works in the band room/during class?
You tell somebody if they're playing the wrong notes or if they're on the wrong measure
What happens when good teamwork isn’t present in the band room?
Somebody could do something wrong, or somebody could play the wrong note somebody could be on the wrong measure somebody could be on the wrong song the wrong song and the band doesn't sound good.
Bryson Larocque
What do you think teamwork is?
Teamwork is when multiple people will set aside their differences and come together to accomplish something.
How do you think teamwork works in the band room/during class?
In class we all have different parts and song we're playing, and we have to play our parts right in order for us to accomplish the full sound of the song.
How do you think teamwork works in the band room/during class?
We all have to start to realize that we're not the only ones in the room and we're not sometimes you aren't the biggest part of whatever song you're playing, and you have to be able to understand that you have to work together with the other instruments in order to accomplish the song
What happens when good teamwork isn’t present in the band room?
Mr. Hearne will typically guide us in the right direction but when it's not present, the song is never fully at its best.
Sawyer Daigle
What do you think teamwork is?
Teamwork is that a group of people or yeah, a group of people working together to accomplish a mutual goal in between them
How do you think teamwork works in the band room/during class?
In the band room we must work to accomplish a good sounding tone and a certain piece of music such as right now we're working on a bunch of different Christmas tunes and to get to the goal that we want is a good sounding song. We have to all make sure our parts are learned, and we have to work together and help out each other so we can make the song sound good cause all of our individual parts have to go together in a certain way.
What happens when good teamwork isn’t present in the band room?
When we don't know if when all our parts aren't working together, we get a bunch of sound that doesn't go together. Or doesn’t make sense in the song so that's why we really need to all work together and using teamwork so we can get the goals that we want to and accomplish the sound that we want to.
Teamwork Around Campus
"Teamwork Is"-by Valentina Trinidad Zorrilla and Regan Kennedy
Kori Brown
"...when you try hard to include people and to help them, to work together and to include everyone in the game."
Delena Pham
"Teamwork is working together and including everyone and to show people how to do things when in need."
Lillie Wilson
"...when you are not feeling in the right mood, but you still have to try and put a happy face so that you don't bring the rest of your team down even though you know you are not perfect and still make mistakes you try your best to cheer other people up."
Demi O'neal
"Teamwork is when a team of people work together to accomplish or achieve something."
Aaliyah Deruso
"Teamwork is when multiple people work together to achieve something."
Maleiya Bellow
"Teamwork is when a group of people different or alike work together to either get something done or solve a problem."
Parker Melendy
"...when two students or a group of people put their differences aside and work together to accomplish something."
Camden Miller
"Teamwork is important in football is because if kids are not at practice, they will not get better as long as they stick together and go to practice."
What do YOU think Teamwork is? Click on the Link below!
Christmas Fun!
6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, as well as teachers, participated in a Christmas survey! Take the poll to see how you "match" up with some of the answers we got!
To Give or To Receive?
Out of 166 responses for this question, 37 student said that they like to give presents, 18 said they would rather receive, and 111 students said that they like to give the presents AND receive them!
Santa or Grinch?
90 students said they are Team Santa while 76 said that they were Team Grinch!
Does peppermint belong in hot chocolate?
81 voters must have selected the wrong answer...
84 got the answer correct and selected "NO"! 😉😉😉
In one word or phrase, describe what Christmas means to you:
What is your favorite Christmas tradition if you have one?
What is your favorite Christmas movie or movie you watch around Christmas?
A Very Belgium Christmas!
From Ms. Mathot, MBMS French
Do you celebrate something other than Christmas? Are you from a different country or background that may celebrate this holiday differently?
In Belgium, we mostly celebrate on Christmas Eve. Our traditional dish for Christmas is stuffed Turkey (La dinde de Noel) and desert is "une buche de Noel" (Christmas Log) We always wait for a White Christmas, and it happens regularly! The sound of the cities covered in snow is the best silence ever!