Welcome to the 24-25 School Year
Oak Valley Elementary
Dear Oak Valley Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Oak Valley Elementary. We are excited to welcome our owls back to the building very soon. I look forward to meeting our Oak Valley community in the coming days. We hope you had a wonderful summer. Please see the information below as we prepared for the school year. The district calendar is also linked below. Ensure we have your most current phone number, address, and email. See you soon!
– Suzanne Hagen, suzanne.prenger-hagen@ops.org
Office Hours
- 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
- Phone: 531-299-1880– Fax: 531-299-1899
District Back to School Information
Back to School Night for Grades PK - 5
- August 12, 5:00 – 6:00 pm
- Meet Mrs. Hagen, 4:45 - 5:00 pm in the gym
- Optional annual iPad insurance $20 collected. Online payments collected using Infinite Campus - https://campus.ops.org/campus/portal/ops.jsp
Parent Portal Infinite Campus Account
- Check your email for a message from OPS about how to set up your account if new
- Complete beginning of the year forms, technology agreement, and pay for iPad insurance
- Complete the Education Benefits Form to qualify for discounts, waivers, and other programs. Sign up through the school café website (https://www.schoolcafe.com).
Before and After School Programs - Kids Club
- Starting at 6:30 am, weekly fee and deposit
- Ending at 6:00 pm
- Registration and pricing - www.opsfkidsclub.org or call (402)502-3032
First Day of School
- Kindergarten, August 14
- Grades 1-5, August 15
- Early Childhood / PK, August 21
Student Schedule:
- K-5 Breakfast, 8:35 – 8:50 am
- Arrival if not eating breakfast, 8:45 am
- Early Childhood arrival, 8:50 am
- School day 8:50 am – 4:05 pm
- Dismissal: 4:05 pm
Dismissal Procedures
- During Back to School Night, communicate with classroom teachers about how your child will dismiss each day (walk home, picked up by older sibling, car, Kids Club program, bus, daycare…)
- Change to dismissal procedures need to be communicated with the office before 3 pm if not previously communicated with teachers
- If picking up by car, please follow the traffic flow and stay in your car. Do not double park or stop in crosswalks.
Transportation Questions
- Transportation letters were sent by OPS by mail
- Be sure Oak Valley has your current address on file
- District phone number - 531-299-0140
- Please let us know if your child is provided a bus but your child will not ride at dismissal
- General Education Zum Bus app information - https://www.ops.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=281
OPS Student Placement Office- 531-299-0302, studentplacement@ops.org
Breakfast and Lunch
- Free breakfast and lunch for all students
- Please complete the meal application to qualify for free or reduced lunch status for other possible educational opportunities - https://www.schoolcafe.com/OMAHAPS
- School Meal Menus - https://www.schoolcafe.com/OMAHAPS
- Oak Valley will provide all classroom supplies
- Please send your student with a backpack and clean refillable water bottle each day
- If you are interested, teachers will provide a donation list
Health Office – FAX – 531-299-1899
- Submit updated immunizations and physician’s notes
- Alert nurse and classroom teacher of any allergies or medications
Common Sense Media Resources
- Back to School Tips and Family Agreements
- https://www.commonsensemedia.org/articles/back-to-school-reset-4-tips-on-managing-devices-and-screen-time-for-families
Oak Valley Website -- www.ops.org/oakvalley
- Check for important dates, schedules, donation requests, family handbook, and school information
Communication Methods
- Parent emails, automated phone callers, and texts (check to make sure they are not blocked)
- Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/OPSOakValleyElementary) and school website (www.ops.org/oakvalley)
Oak Valley PTA
- Sign up during Back to School Night
- We need support and volunteers
2 Hour Late Start Dates:
- September 24
- October 29
- January 28
- April 1
No School Dates:
- September 2
- October 4
- October 24 & 25
- November 5
- November 25 - 29
- December 20 - January 3
- January 20
- February 14 & 17
- February 27 & 28
- March 17 - 21
- March 28
- April 18 & 21