Bonny Slope Elementary
August 16, 2024
Dates To Remember
8/17 BSCO Playground playdate 9:30-11:30am (Playground/Under Cover)
8/24 BSCO Playground playdate 9:30-11:30am (Playground/Under Cover)
8/22 Family Engagement/Meet Your Teacher 4:00-5:30 pm
8/22 BSCO Picnic 4:30-7:00 pm (Field)
8/26 First Day for students Grades 1-5
8/28 First Day for ½ Kindergarten - Last Name A-L
8/29 First Day for 2nd ½ Kindergarten - Last Name M-Z
8/30 All kindergarten students attend
9/2 Holiday/Labor Day
9/5 Back to School Night 6:00-7:30
9/9 Bobcat Trail Club (BTC) first day - M/Th 7:45-8:10
9/9 Volunteer Orientation – Day Session 12-12:45 pm - Zoom
9/10 Welcome Back Coffee for Parents - 8:15-9:30 am (Cafeteria)
9/10 Volunteer Orientation – Evening Session 7:-7:45 pm (Cafeteria)
9/11 Bus Evacuation Drill (9:45-10:45)
9/13 Vision Screening (K-5)
9/25 North & Central America (GeoClub)
9/26 Picture Day
9/27 Aug/Sep Birthday Lunch
Welcome to all of our new families and welcome back to all of our returning families! We are so excited to see you all soon, and to welcome students back for the 2024-25 school year on August 26.
I hope everyone has enjoyed the break and is rested, recharged, and ready for our new school year! Our staff will return on Monday and I always look forward to this time we have to work together to get everything ready for all of our students.
In this newsletter, you will find some news and information to help you prepare for the start of school. If there is anything you are wondering that isn't answered here, please call the office. I hope to see you all at the supply drop off event, and BSCO picnic afterward on Thursday, August 22, next week!
All the best,
Staffing Update
We are so excited to have new staff and returning staff!
Joining us this year will be:
- Jessica Bascom, school counselor
- Carson Beguelin, music teacher (half time)
- Samantha Wright, Paraeducator II in the Resource Room
- Ashley Katz, teacher candidate, joining Aliyah Taylor in 4th grade
We will have some staff introductions to share soon!
Returning to us will be:
- Lisa Hazel, 3rd grade teacher (former Bonny Slope 1st Grade Teacher)
We are excited to have Mrs. Hazel back in a new grade!
Meet Your Teacher/School Supply Event/BSCO Picnic
Please join us for our Meet Your Teacher event on Thursday, August 22nd.
Teachers will be available from 4:00pm-5:30pm in their classrooms. Please bring school supplies and help your student deposit them in the classroom. To help with the flow of families thru the classrooms and to give each family time to meet the teachers, please try to come during these times:
4:00-4:45pm: Last Name A-L
4:45-5:30pm: Last Name M-Z
If you would like to get photos of your student in the classroom, this is a great time to do it as we ask students to enter school independently on the first day.
Please join other families for a picnic on the field/playground after you meet your teacher.
For your school supply list please visit our website:
You may also bring any medication your student may need at school and check it in with office staff.
Bus Routes
Bus routes and schedules will be sent directly to families by the Transportation Department. If you haven't received that information, please look out for it to arrive soon.
Kindergarten Tentative Classroom Assignments and Appointment Sign Ups
Kindergarten teachers will be sending invitations on Monday, August 19. Please look out for the messages so you can sign your kindergarten student up for their small group appointments on Monday, August 26 or Tuesday, August 27.
Students arrive at school at 8:00 am. All students must arrive at school via the front entry doors or the side doors when arriving by bus. We ask families to drop off their students at the doors of the school and allow students to enter the building independently (or with our staff to accompany them to class) even on the first day. Students may enter classrooms at 8:10 am.
Students who arrive between 8:00 am- 8:10 am must report to one of the supervised areas listed below. At 8:10 am, staff will release students to line up and proceed quietly to class.
Please note: Dogs are not permitted on our campus during arrival.
Cafeteria: Students eat breakfast
Gym: Students walk to music and/or chat quietly with friends (K-2)
Upper Hallway: Students in 5th grade may sit in hallway and chat quietly
Library: Students in 3rd and 4th grade will do quiet activities in the Library
Bobcat Trail Club (M/Th): 7:45-8:10 am on the track - open to all students
Students are to report directly to one area and remain there until it is time to go to class. An exception: Students who eat breakfast at school or who must go to the cafeteria to deposit meal money may go to the cafeteria then go to their grade level area. Students who eat breakfast at school must report to the cafeteria first to eat. Often, there is not enough time to both eat and go the assigned area. Eating breakfast is the first priority.
To build independence we ask that parents say good-bye at the entrance of the school. While instilling a sense of independence and confidence in children, we want to encourage timeliness and eliminate crowding in the hallways and office.
Use the designated crosswalks with crossing guards.
Car-drop off
Drivers remain in your car, students exit the passenger side of the car only.
Parent Pickup: please park and walk to pick up students from teachers
Car Pickup: follow crossing guard direction to enter bus lane when buses leave.
Dismissal is a busy time. There are five options for students:
- Walk/Ride bike home
- Ride the school bus home: Teachers will deliver bus riders as they exit the building.
- After school classes or Student Stop: Students will be released to their assigned location.
- Parent pick up 2:50pm: Parents park in our parking lot meet their student at the front of the building near the column with your grade level. Kindergarten students will be picked up in the grassy area near the bus lane.
- Parent pick up by car curbside 3:05-3:15pm: Cars will be directed to enter our bus lane at the west side of our school after our buses have left. Students will line the sidewalk and enter the cars on the passenger side.
Please Note: Dogs are not permitted on our campus during dismissal.
Important Volunteer Message
If you think you would like to come into school at any time to help with anything, please register with the school district volunteer registration system. This includes field trips away from school. Only those who have been cleared through the registration system will be allowed to volunteer so this is a necessary step. You can use this link to get to the site.
Bonny Slope Elementary
Principal: Betty Skundrick
Assistant Principal: Anh Nguyen-Johnson
11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503.356.2040
Fax: 503.356.2045
Attendance: 503.356.2040 Press 1 for attendance
Attendance email: