AE Weekly Newsletter
February 9, 2025
Inclement Weather Plan
As you may have seen, there is another potential for bad weather this coming week. We will monitor the weather and communicate any decision about in-person learning as soon as we can. In preparation for any weather announcements, if we find that we need to close, all buildings will have a Flexible Instructional Day (FID) for each closure next week. As a reminder, a FID operates on a two-hour delay schedule.
PTO Fundraiser
The next PTO Meeting will be held at Cleona Elementary School on Thursday, March 6th, at 5 pm. This is also when the Cleona Coffee Roasters Fundraiser can be picked up.
A-C Toy Drive
Hello, Parents and Guardians,
The Gifted Program at AE is organizing a toy drive for Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. We are asking that all donations be new and unused! If you donate, send the toy to school with your student. It will then be collected in their homeroom! For the list of donations, click on the Donation Wish List. This drive will run from February 14 - February 21. Thank You!
Spring Picture Day
Spring Picture Day is February 13th at Annville Elementary. Students will have individual and group pictures taken on this day. If you would like to order pictures, the codes for both individual and group pictures are below. They can be ordered online or money may be sent with your student on the day of pictures.
Individual order forms were sent home last week with your student. If you need a group order form, please have your student drop by the office to pick one up. You do not need the order form in order to place the order, just send payment in an envelope. Please label the envelope as picture day money and be sure the student’s name and homeroom are also listed on the envelope.
Individual picture code: EVTKPT2PF
Group picture code: EVTV3GX4T
Updated Information - Kindergarten Registration
LVC Support Programs
LVC is providing a number of free programs to support students in our community. These programs provide interventions to promote social/emotional, communication, and academic growth. Please see the flyers below to learn more!
LVC Community Youth Chorus
AE Events
- 2/10-2/14 - Random Acts of Kindness Week
- 2/13 - Spring Picture Day
- 2/14 - Snow Make-Up Day - School is in session
- 2/14 - Toy Donation Drive Begins
- 2/17 - Act 80 Day - No School
- 2/18-2/21 - FFA Week
- 2/27 - Sixth Grade Wax Museum
- 3/3-3/7 - Read Across America Week
- 3/6 - PTO Meeting - 5:00 at Cleona Elementary
- 3/19-3/21 - AE Book Fair
- 4/1 - End of Third Marking Period
A-C Community Bulletin Page
Don't forget to check out the Community Bulletin Page on the District Website for the many events happening in our A-C Community linked here!
Student Spotlight
Alaina Long goes above and beyond every week in her ELA class! With her teacher, Ms. Wisniewski, she creates a newsletter for parents and guardians to highlight all of the learning that's happened throughout the week. This week, she even included information for this newsletter! Check out the learning happening in fifth grade in her article below!
Fifth-Grade Learning by Alaina Long
Fifth grade has learned so much this past week, and it is amazing! Fifth grade continued to work on and finish the mid-year TDA (text-dependent analysis). They also learned about verbs and conjunctions. During reading, 5th grade explored the Wild West and learned about homophones and homographs. They also learned about the prefix "mid," suffixes "al" and "ic," and the Greek Roots "homo" and "hetero." While working in math, they learned how to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators, estimate, and add mixed fractions. For Social Studies, one 5th-grade team worked on and presented state projects, and the other team worked on and presented their Northeast project. That is how much knowledge the 5th grade had gathered in the past week!
Mr. Hitz's students participated in IU13's K'Nex STEM Design Challenge this week! For this competition, students had to build a prototype that would address a real-world problem related to infrastructure, transportation, and urban development. The teams who competed were judged on their notebook design, blueprint, prototype (that they had to build from scratch onsite), and presentation. We are incredibly proud to share that one of our teams won first place at this competition and will move on to compete at the state level! Congratulations to Eli Armstrong, Ethan Long, and Danny Wentling for their winning design!
We recognized students following The Dutchmen Way this week with a pancake breakfast for Red Ticket Winners! You can tell by the smiles on their faces - it was a blast (and pretty tasty)!
We ended the week with an assembly recognizing students' hard work during the second marking period. We celebrated champions of all kinds and, of course, had some fun, too!
Stay Connected
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