Boyertown Area Senior High
Boyertown Area School District - Home of the Bears
Week In Review
Friday, August 16, 2024
Important 2024-2025 Dates
August 18- Class of 2025 Parking Permit Registration (Infinite Campus message at 7:00pm)
August 22- 9th Grade Orientation 12:30-2:30pm (See details below) & 9th Grade Laptop deployment. BASH Open House 6:00-8:00pm
August 23- 9th Grade Tailgate 5:00-6:00pm followed by the BASH Football Game (starts at 7pm).
August 26- First Day of School, report to HR [ALL students must stay the full day including PT, Internship, BCTC, etc] Virtual Students will be at BASH from 9:00am-11:00am
August 30- No School, Office Open
September 2- District Closed
Student Schedules are available in Infinite Campus
Welcome Back Students!
Dear BASH Families,
We are excited to welcome our students back on Monday, August 26, 2024! ALL students, including BCTC, Part Time Seniors, and Internship Students, should report their assigned HR by 7:40am. During the first day of school, students will remain in HR and complete various activities including: Pictures, Health Screenings, Grade Level Meetings, Staff Introductions, Building Tours, and various other activities. The BASH Picture Order Form is provided below for those interested in purchasing photos. All students will receive an BASH Photo ID and should have this on them at all times. BCTC students will attend tech starting on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. We are excited to start the new year and look forward to changes we made to improve your academic achievement. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
BASH Admin.
BASH Back to School Night August 22, 2024
BASH will be holding Back to School night on Thursday, August 22, 2024 from 6:00pm-8:00pm. We will start with an administration presentation in the NAUD at 6:00pm, followed by an open meet and greet of teachers and counselors. Students are encouraged to attend to tour the building and meet our staff. Please park in any available space. We look forward to meeting you!
BASH Staff
BCTC Info.
Dear BASH Families,
We are excited that you will be starting/ continuing at BCTC this coming school year and taking advantage of great opportunities that both schools have to offer. We wanted to reach out to you to make sure you are prepared to have a successful start to the year.
ALL BCTC students will be staying at BASH for the full day on Monday, August 26th (BASH’s first day and BCTC’s first day) and participating in HR activities. BCTC is aware of your absence and it will be excused.
On Tuesday, 8/27, all PM BCTC students will meet in the LGI for a brief meeting after checking in to homeroom with Mrs. Mazzie. An announcement will be made telling you to report to the LGI.
On Wednesday, 8/28, all AM BCTC students will meet in the LGI for a brief meeting when you arrive back at BASH. Security will be in the front of the building to direct you.
AM BCTC students are to meet the busses in the morning at the Athletic Entrance. Busses leave for BCTC promptly at 7:40AM. School personnel will be outside helping you get on the correct bus
PM BCTC students will board their busses outside of the Main Entrance at approximately 11:10AM. Students should report to the Main Entrance after 4th period and wait outside the building. There is no need to leave 4th period early and your teachers have been instructed as such.
Upon returning back from PM BCTC, East campus students should wait until West campus students return to board their vans and buses. East students who are taking personal transportation home may leave upon arrival back to BASH
East PM BCTC students waiting for West PM BCTC students are to wait outside (on good weather days) and not leave campus.
Please check your emails daily, as we will communicate this way throughout the year
Recall that on Early Dismissal days, PM BCTC students are responsible for securing their own rides home.
All BCTC students are responsible for completed BASH Career Portfolio expectations that can be found HERE
Please contact Mrs. Mazzie at with any questions.
Thank you,
Mrs. Christen Mazzie, School Counselor
Mr. Ryan Venner, Grade level principal
BASH July & August Summer Letters Finalized (updated 8-16-2024)
Please Click Here to access the BASH July & August Summer Letters.
Welcome to BASH Class of 2028! UPDATE: Laptop Deployment & Tailgate Info.
Dear Parents & Guardians,
We are excited to welcome our newests BASH Bears! Please see the document below for the Class of 2028 orientation provided by BASH Link Crew. This will take place in the BASH NAUD (end of the bus line) from 12:30-2:30pm on Thursday, August 22, 2024. Please review dismissal instructions and locations on this document.
9 th Grade Laptop Distribution:
Laptop distribution will take place immediately following Orientation from 2:30PM to 5:45PM in the café. Students should report to the Café directly to receive their laptop. They will be dismissed following the Orientation dismissal locations by last name. Parents should remain outside during laptop distribution.
9th Grade Tailgate
On Friday, August 23, 2024, from 5:00-6:00pm we will be holding our 9th Grade Tailgate in the BASH Softball Stadium. We will have drinks and snacks along with various games. At 6:00pm, we will walk over to the football stadium to enter the game and cheer on our Bears! The football game starts at 7:00pm. The entire event is free for our 9th grade students. PLEASE BRING YOUR MIDDLE SCHOOL ID FOR ATTENDANCE PURPOSES.
BASH Admin, Link Crew, & IT
Student Schedules Available August 13th @ 4:00pm
Student schedules will be available to students via Infinite Campus on August 13th at 4:00pm. Please check your schedule in Infinite Campus.
Important BASH Updates: Cell Phones & Discipline 2024-2025 SY
Technology Usage Fee Info.
New for 2024-2025: The Technology Usage Fee is included in the Annual Student Information Verification (ASIV). There is NOT a letter to send home with students. ASIV includes the following:
As a component of our student 1:1 device program, the District continues with a “Technology Usage Fee.” This fee supports the maintenance and upkeep of equipment distributed to all Grades 2-12 students. The current “Technology Usage Fee” is $20.00. Any family who qualifies for the state of Pennsylvania’s free lunch program will have the fee waived. Any family who qualifies for the state’s reduced lunch program will have the fee reduced to $10.00. Families experiencing financial difficulties are encouraged to contact their school office to discuss additional payment options. More details regarding payment of the Technology Usage Fee will be emailed in October.
Waiting until October allows the free/reduced lunch determinations to be complete and eliminates the need for tech fee refunds, etc. In October, the district will notify parents/guardians of the payment procedures, due date, etc.
Parking Information & Permit Registration (Updated 8-9-2024)
BASH Drivers,
During the first week of school (August 26th thru August 29th), any student with a valid Driver's License may park on campus. Parking is first come first serve, so please make sure you plan ahead. "I couldn't find a parking spot" will not be a reason to be late to school.
The Class of 2025 will have priority in purchasing a parking permit. Please make sure that you have all of your obligations cleared by August 18, 2024 in order to be eligible to purchase a BASH Parking Permit. You can now check both Fees & Detentions via Infinite Campus under the "Obligations" tab [see instruction below]. Please review the Parking Permit Application Rules/Info attached below. The Class of 2025 (only) will receive registration information via Infinite Campus, on SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 2024 at 7:00PM. Please make sure you are monitoring your email to register and are signed into your G-Suite account to complete the G-Form. Make sure you have your vehicle: Year, Make, Model, and License Plate information. Students MUST have their valid PA DL when purchasing their ticket. Permits are first come first serve based on eligibility and will sell out. After Labor Day, we will determine if parking permits are available for purchase for the Class of 2026.
Thank you and enjoy your summer!
BASH Admin.
Administration & Counseling Updates 2024-2025 SY
In order to better serve the needs of our students, BASH have moved to a team model with our counselors for the 2024-2025 school year. This will allow all counselors, as well as our new Student Support Liaison, Mrs. Cornes, to better support our incoming 9th grade students, while providing more time for all of our students. Please click on the BASH Counselor Webpage for additional counseling information.
Administration contact information is below:
Mr. Jared Sparks, Building Principal (
Mr. Ryan Venner, Grade Level Principal (
Dr. Matthew Bergey, Grade Level Principal (
Mr. Eric Houck, Grade Level Principal (
How to View Obligations (Fees & Detentions) in Infinite Campus (see attachment)
Community Bulletin Board
BASD hosts an online Community Bulletin Board. The electronic bulletin board features district and community activities, events, clubs, resources, and more. The board is updated regularly and is an excellent source of information regarding things happening throughout our community and beyond. Be sure to check it out regularly!
Many of the clipart images used throughout this newsletter were purchased through before the company went out of business.
This picture is a modified version of our BASD logo.
The BASD logo is protected under copyright law.
This is the official BASD bear logo. This logo is protected under copyright law.
Canva is also used in the creation of this newsletter.
Any additional applicable copyright information for items used throughout this newsletter
will be provided on a use-by-use basis.
Boyertown Area Senior High
120 North Monroe Street
Boyertown, PA 19512
(610) 369-7435