Highland Park Elementary
Week of January 27
No School Monday
This is a reminder that there is no school on Monday, January 27, for professional development for our teachers. See the district calendar below.
Save the Date: NAAPID
You’re invited to celebrate National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) with us on Monday, February 10, 2025 from 7:30-8:30. Start your morning by enjoying a grab-and-go breakfast with your student and then spend meaningful time together in their classroom. We look forward to welcoming you and celebrating the vital role families play in student success.
Event Details:
Date: Monday, February 10, 2025
Time: 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Read a Thon 2025 is coming soon - It is our biggest annual fundraiser at HPE! Watch for the packet to come home in early February. Read a Thon will run from February 14-28. We hope all HPE families are able to participate!
Do you have gently used books (especially graphic novels!) to donate for other kids to have for incentives? Please send them to school with your child or bring them to the Main Office, there is a tub for them under the sign-in table. We will be collecting books through March 9. Thank you
HPE’s Community Night: Celebrating Family and Fun!
Save the Date!
What: This event is an opportunity to celebrate the many cultures and traditions that make up our school community of our families at HPE, and an opportunity to be together in community.
When: Friday, February 21, 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Highland Park Elementary (1700 Saunders Ave St. Paul, MN 55116)
Who: HPE students, parents, families and friends
Do you have a story, music, game, or other cultural artifacts that represent your family tradition, culture and/or childhood that you would like to share? If so, consider signing up to participate by completing this form.
Want to donate money to help provide food and entertainment? Please use this link or send money to the school office. https://square.link/u/tDBqUt2N
For EL Students: WIDA Testing Beginning
Test window: 1/27-2025-3/21/2025
All EL students in SPPS grades Kindergarten through 12th grade take the WIDA ACCESS for ELLs language proficiency assessment. This test is administered annually in the spring to measure and monitor EL students’ English language growth and readiness to exit the EL program.
Somali: Imtixaanka WIDA ACCESS-ka ee Ardayda ELL-ka: Ardayda EL-ka ee fasallada Kindergarten ilaa 12 waxay qaadanayaan imtixaanka la dhaho ACCESS-ka ee ardayda ELL-ka lagu qiimeeyo heerka Luqaddooda Ingiriisga. Imtixaankani waxa la qaadaa sannad kasta dayrta si loo qiyaaso ama loo ogaado heerka horumarka Luqadda Ingriisga ee ardayga.
Oromo: WIDA ACCESS Barataa Afaan Ingilifaatiif(ACCESS for ELLs): Baratoonni Afaan Ingiliffaa (EL) kutaa Kindargaartanii hanga 12 jiran qorannoo ACCESS jedhamu kan dandeetii Barataa Afaan
Ingiliffaatiif muldhisu nifudhatu. Teestiin kun oggaatti al tokko Afraasaa (spring) keessa kan kennamu hoo ta’u guddinna afaan Ingiliffaa baratoota Afaan Ingiliffaa (EL) kan madaalu.
Spanish: WIDA ACCESS for ELLs: Los estudiantes de EL en grados de Kínder al 12 tomarán el examen del idioma inglés ACCESS for ELLs cada año escolar. Este examen anual nos muestra el incremento en el desarrollo del idioma.
Link to SPPS website for more information: https://www.spps.org/about/departments/research-evaluation-assessment/test-coordination/access-family-information