The Woodlands High School
Highlander Happenings January 24, 2025 - February 7, 2025
Senior Campus Administrators
Dr. Ted Landry, Principal
Ms. Beth Wyrick, Associate Principal Operations
Ms. Jaime Cassidy, Associate Principal Curriculum
Senior Campus Assistant Principals
Mr. Clint Rushing, A-Car
Ms. Paige Jeanes, Cas-Fue
Ms. Laura Braun, Ful-Jai
Ms. Stefanie Roland, Jam-Med
Ms. LeighAnn Wolfe, Mei-Ramd
Mr. Craig Harbin, Rami-Sto
Mr. Chad Lanham, Str-Z
Senior Campus Counselors
Ms. Julie Emmons, A-Bru
Ms. Brittany Darden, Brv-Dew
Ms. Lisa Algaze, Dex-Gou
Ms. Keisha Clarke, Gov-Joh
Ms. Monica Frank, Joi-Mas
Ms. Jane Iribarren, Mat-Pag
Ms. Elizabeth Bowling, Pah-Ros
Ms. Venitra Bradberry, Rot-Tay
Ms. Tiffani Jaqua, Taz-Z
Ms. Kristi Tabor, Lead Counselor A-Z
Ms. Kayla St. Romain, College & Career A-Z
9th Grade Campus Administrators
Mr. Dennis Muehsler, Principal
Ms. Shawne LeDee, Associate Principal
9th Grade Assistant Principals
Mr. Ryan Clapsaddle, A-L
Ms. Riqui Boyles, M-Z
9th Grade Campus Counselors
Ms. Vicky Woods, A-Gr
Ms. Allison Chambers, Gu-Pe
Mr. Matthew Kelley, Ph-Z
4 Year Planning Update
This week, your students were given instructions on how to update and submit their 4 Year Plan for approval. You can view the video here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DVDgeJieOtXLrG3ZwAyX56ZG3DL81w2O/view The plan must be submitted before their individual counselor meeting that will take place between January 22 and March 7.
Naviance Presentation
The “Naviance 4 Year Plans and Pathways” presentation by Mrs. Tabor, you can view it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBRkRkg9cA4. Naviance codes were emailed to parents on Friday, November 1, 2024. If you did not receive your code or cannot log in, please email Mrs. Tabor at ktabor@conroeisd.net.
If you have two children at TWHS, those accounts can be linked. Please email Mrs. Tabor to make the request. If you have a student at McCullough and one at TWHS, those accounts CANNOT be linked until both students are at TWHS.
In the presentation, parents were given the opportunity to ask questions. Here are the FAQs. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kBrWVQGLEh74r8lXgy3sFzqtmUkLWRs4xMWhT__Hzd0/edit?tab=t.0
Dual Credit Important Information
Students interested in taking a dual credit course must have a qualifying SAT, ACT, or TSIA2 placement test score. The qualifying score chart can be found here. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PRb8Ptvg5Srx8XRZ8J3vdVK6gOgSq3uNp0PQNqga76M/edit?tab=t.0 Students who already have a qualifying score on file, whether it’s an SAT, ACT, or TSIA2 test they took last year, are NOT required to re-test. Students can sign up to take the SAT or ACT test through www.collegeboard.org and www.act.org. The PSAT test is no longer an acceptable qualifying test.
For students not wanting to take the SAT or ACT test, they have the option to take the TSIA2 placement test. The Texas Success Initiative (TSIA2) is a college readiness test. The test includes reading, writing, and math. When students take the TSIA2 test, their scores are good for 5 years! In order for students to take the TSIA2 test, they need to create an Accuplacer account as well as complete a pre-assessment activity prior to the testing day. This test will be given during the week of March 24th. Instructions for creating your Accuplacer account and pre-assessment activity can be found here. https://sites.google.com/conroeisd.net/twhs-dual-credit/dc-steps/step-3-qualifying-test-scores/tsia-2-testing Students are not required to take the entire test, however, it is encouraged in case they choose to do another dual credit course at a later date.
SIGN UP FOR THE TSIA2 IN MARCH BY CLICKING HERE: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeyVV6Xm1q_rkY9fl4N9G-nsKXbZMd6Hha88hunqVKSkJmScA/viewform or Scan the QR Code.
The deadline to complete all of the dual credit steps and submit DC paperwork and qualifying test scores is Friday, April 11th, 2025. Students are encouraged to sign up now for whichever test they choose. A qualifying score will help them complete the remaining dual credit steps. Students can begin completing the dual credit steps https://sites.google.com/conroeisd.net/twhs-dual-credit/dc-steps on January 6th, 2025, and this can be done before the student meeting with their counselor.
During the initial course request meetings with counselors, there is ample time to sign up for a dual credit course. However, the paperwork should be submitted completely to ensure placement in the courses. We only have a certain number of seats available for several of the dual credit classes, and they are assigned on a first come, first served basis.
SAT School Day
The School Day SAT will be held in April, 2025. Current Juniors and Seniors can sign up to take it. Sign ups will open on February 1, 2025.
SAT Testing Dates https://www.collegeboard.org/
ACT Testing Dates https://www.act.org/content/act/en-texas.html
SOFTBALL: Coach Maddock’s goal is to raise a total of $3,500 or more this year! If you cannot attend but would like to donate, please do so here: https://events.nationalmssociety.org/participant/576828
Register Here: https://forms.gle/ntomvsJPH2wfmCwH6
SWIM & DIVE: The Highlander Swim and Dive Team competes at the Varsity District meet this Friday and Saturday. Cheer on any swimmers or divers you know because they have been working all year for this series of championship meets.
The Highlander Swim and Dive team is also hosting early tryouts at the CISD Natatorium for potential new team members Feb. 25th at 4:30 p.m. If you are interested, go to room 234 at the freshman campus for a tryout flier or go to our team website dropthahammer.com. If you have any questions, email Coach Wade at jlwade@conroeisd.net. Go Highlanders!
JROTC: We don’t let a little snow slow us down! Our annual Military Ball is Friday, January 24th. Over 150 cadets and guests will be in attendance! Our Raider Team competes in a grueling fitness competition in San Antonio on Saturday, January 25th. We will visit McCullough Junior High on Wednesday, January 29th to put on a display of some of what JROTC has to offer our rising freshmen. ALL of our cadets will take the Air Force Active-duty Fitness Test during their class periods Thursday and Friday, January 30th and 31st. Saturday February 1st, our Orienteering Team competes at the Houston Orienteering Club’s Stubblefield competition, and our Drill and PT Teams will travel to the DFW area for a competition. Finally, our Joint Leadership Academic Bowl Teams will compete online in Level II of their national competition the first two weeks of February. Wish all our teams good luck!
- SUPPORT JROTC WITH KENDRA SCOTT JEWELRY: Sunday Feb 2nd, all day at The Woodlands Kendra Scott location…just in time for those Valentine purchases! Mention you’re supporting JROTC and our Booster Club will receive a portion of the proceeds.
MEET IN THE MIDDLE: Our mission is to bring students with intellectual disabilities together with their typically developing peers for food, fun and physical activities! EVERYONE is welcome to join! An inclusive meeting with all of our amazing members is scheduled for Monday, January 27, at 2:45-3:30 p.m. in room 107. This meeting will have three art activity stations. Be ready to get creativr! As usual, we will have lots of snacks! Pickup is in the front loop at 3:30 p.m. sharp. We meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Questions? Contact the sponsor, Dianne Maberry at dmaberry@conroeisd.net. Check us out on IG @twhs.mim. Next Meeting: February 10 - Valentine's Day Party. Parents: Contact dmaberry@conroeisd.net if you can provide snacks for one meeting!
SCIENCE NATIONAL HONORS SOCIETY: Applications are now open for Science National Honors Society (SNHS), the largest and most active honors society on campus! Who can join? All sophomores and older with an 85 or higher last semester in their honors science class, PLUS an 85 or higher in their math AND either English or Social Studies. How do I apply? Visit room 312 to pick up a paper application. You must also complete an online Google form (the QR code is on the paper application). When is the deadline? The deadline to turn in all completed applications is Friday, January 31st at 2:40 p.m.
STUDENT COUNCIL: Our next meeting will be Monday, January 27th at 6:00 p.m. in the main campus cafeteria. ALL Student Council members are highly encouraged to attend so you can hear what we have planned for the spring semester and find out how you can help enhance the culture at TWHS.
- Attention Male Senior Students: Mr. Woodlands will take place on Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00pm at the Bock Auditorium at McCullough Junior High. If you and/or a friend are interested in participating, please stop by room 240 to pick up an information packet from Mrs. Bartolazzi by January 29th.
THE CLIMBING CLUB: Explore your sense of Adventure and Fun! The Climbing Club at TWHS will have our first meeting of the year on Friday, January 24th at 3 p.m. in room 243. Don’t forget to bring your t-shirt designs so we can vote!
TWHS BAND: TWHS Band members continue on with a strenuous season of TMEA competitions. After being named a TMEA All-Region IX Band member, these students competed further to earn Area status. Some of these students are recognized as Area members because they earned a seat in TMEA Region IX Orchestra. They competed against the best band members in the state on January 11 to try to earn All-State status. Excellent Achievement Highlanders!
The following 17 students are new TMEA Area Members: Charlotte Stablein – Flute; Avery Sullivan^ – Flute; Claire Glaccum – Flute; Evan Work^ – Oboe; Fernando Perez – Oboe; Allen Minami^ – Clarinet; Sergio Rodriguez – Clarinet; Aaditya Aravind – Clarinet; Nicco Caredda – Alto Saxophone; Donald Ellis – Tenor Saxophone; Zack LeBlanc – Baritone Saxophone; Nicole Fountain^ – Trumpet; Lucas Feng – Trombone; Lauren Fountain – Trombone; Bruno Pena^ – Bass Trombone; Alex Torres^ – Percussion; Kai Chen^ – Percussion. { ^ = Region IX Symphony Orchestra member}
TWHS BAND SPIRIT DAY: Feb. 8th at Kendra Scott (Market Street) Spirit Night from 12 - 2 p.m. Mention TWHS Band when you check out in store. Online shopping available Feb. 8th & 9th using code: “GIVEBACK-ILWML”
VISUAL ART ACHIEVEMENTS: Myla White and her 3D entry titled, "Daphne" was not only a Finalist, but it was awarded "Best of Show" honors. This means that this piece will be displayed as part of the official Western Rodeo Art Show at NRG Stadium throughout the duration of the Rodeo from March 4th through the 23rd of 2025. A huge congratulations to Myla!
Leah Swart and her 2D entry titled, "Las Escaramuzas" was not only a Finalist, but was awarded "Special Merit" honors. Her artwork will be displayed as part of the official Western Rodeo Art Show at NRG Stadium throughout the duration of the Rodeo from March 4th through the 23rd of 2025 and has the potential to be sold at auction! Congratulations Leah!!
News from the Clinic
We would like to remind you of several important updates regarding your student’s health records and requirements:
1. Vaccine Updates: If your student has received any vaccines this school year, please send a copy or screenshot to the school clinic so it can be added to their electronic record.
- Colleges and universities require a second dose of the Meningitis (MCV4) vaccine, administered on or after the 16th birthday.
- Email vaccine records to:
- Senior Campus: aransley@conroeisd.net
- Ninth Grade Campus: efalcon@conroeisd.net
2. Graduating Seniors or Moving Families:
- If you have a graduating senior or plan to move over the summer, please request a copy of your student’s vaccine record before the end of the school year.
- Records can be picked up by your student or emailed to you.
- Note: Clinic staff will not be available after May 28th for the summer.
- The district does not submit records to colleges or universities on your behalf.
- Records are kept on file for five years after a student’s last enrollment in Conroe ISD.
3. Upcoming Vaccines or Expiring Affidavits:
- If you’ve received a letter or email regarding an upcoming vaccine due or an expiring Conscientious Objector affidavit, please ensure these are submitted to the clinic within 10 days of the due date to maintain enrollment.
- Conscientious Objector affidavits can take up to 30 days to arrive from Austin. You may request up to five affidavits at a time at no charge.
4. Vision and Hearing Screenings:
- We are completing the required vision and hearing screenings for all students new to the district this year.
- If your child receives a vision referral, please ensure the letter is signed by an eye doctor and returned to the clinic to complete the referral process.
- If you need assistance obtaining an eye exam or glasses for your student, please contact the clinic nurse.
Thank you for your continued support in helping us keep our students healthy and in school!
AP TESTING: Exam fees for Spring-semester-only AP courses (Psychology, Human Geography, Economics, Government) have been added to student school cash online accounts. If you pre-paid for Spring semester courses at the November 7 deadline, you do not need to pay again.
Final deadline for ALL AP exam payments and registration is 2 p.m. February 28, 2025.
All fall semester, year-long, and exam-only courses will incur a $40 late fee if paid at this time. Please contact Ms. Braun if you need to make a late payment. LBraun@conroeisd.net
ATTENDANCE: To report an absence, use the Student Absence Reporting APP or call:
9th Grade: 832-592-8025
10th Grade: 936-709-1236
11th Grade: 936-709-1233
12th Grade: 936-709-1234
Early Releases: If your student needs to leave early, please send them with a note to be delivered to the Attendance office before school. Doing so will ensure that the check-out process will be as quick and efficient as possible. There are only early releases before 2:00 p.m. Please feel free to call the Attendance office if you have any questions or concerns. We are happy to help!
LIBRARY: All library books that were checked out before the holiday break are now due. Please turn them in ASAP or come by the library to renew it.
This is a link to our 2024-2025 Community Presentations.
Healthy Relationships Webinar: Thursday, February 6, 2025, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Hidden in Plain Sight (Current Alcohol, Drug, and Concealment Trends & Identifiers)
Registration Required! In Person: Thursday, March 20, 2025, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. (ADULTS ONLY)
PARENT ACCESS CENTER TRANSITION TO HOME ACCESS CENTER: Home Access Center (HAC) will go live on January 21 and operate alongside the Parent Access Center (PAC) until Spring Break. (PAC will be decommissioned within the two weeks after March 17). During this transition, parents will have access to both applications. As HAC launches, PAC will notify users that HAC is now online and that student information in HAC will be updated in real-time. To prepare for HAC's replacement of PAC, documentation for parents and staff will be available in the Knowledge Base (https://kb.conroeisd.net) by January 18.
SCHOOL CASH ONLINE: Attention Parents: Please be sure to check your child's School Cash Online account frequently. The website is www.conroeisd.schoolcashonline.com. Fees are added throughout the year for various activities. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the fees charged to your child, please contact the classroom teacher or club sponsor. Failure to pay fees listed as "required" or "overdue" may result in a student not being permitted to participate in some extracurricular activities. If you need assistance logging in to School Cash Online or adding and viewing your child's account, please visit schoolcashonline.com/Home/Support and view the resources available to help.
ABSENT REPORTING APP: In an effort to make things easier for our families, CISD is launching an app to help you report your student's absences to our school when they are out. Documentation such as doctor's notes will still need to be submitted to our campus attendance office, but we are excited about the convenience of this new app. You will access it through the Parent Portal. The directions are included in the link. https://kb.conroeisd.net/kb/absence-reporting-system-app-parent-directions
January 24, 2025 - February 7, 2025
Friday, January 24, 2025
Science NHS Meeting 6:40 & 2:40 LGI 1
The Climbing Club 3:00 Room 243
JROTC Military Ball 6:00 Jett Center
Saturday, January 25, 2025
DI Training 7:00 LGI 1, Cafeteria & Rooms 111-116
Wrestling Invite @ Cy Ridge 8:30
Monday, January 27, 2025
Choir Officer Meeting 2:45 LGI 2
Student Council Meeting 6:00 Cafeteria
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Boys Basketball @ Cleveland 4:00
Lady Highlander Basketball v Cleveland 4:00 TWHS
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Model United Nations 3:15 LGI 1
Boys Soccer v Cleveland 4:30
JV Green Girls Soccer @ Ridgepoint 4:30
JV White & Vars Girls Soccer @ Cleveland 5:30
Friday, January 31, 2025
Tennis Aggieland Tournament
Boys Basketball v College Park 4:00 TWHS
Lady Highlander Basketball @ College Park 4:00
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Tennis Aggieland Tournament
Girls Soccer @ College Park 10:00
Boys Soccer @ College Park 4:30
Monday, February 3, 2025
Choir Officer Meeting 2:45 LGI 2
SAT 3:30 Rooms 201 & 205
Cheer Parent Meeting 6:00 LGI 1
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Interact Meeting 2:35 LGI 1
Boys Basketball @ New Caney 4:00
Lady Highlander Basketball v New Caney 4:00 TWHS
Boys Soccer v New Caney 4:30
JV Green Girls Soccer @ Atascocita 4:30
JV White & Vars Girls Soccer @ New Caney 5:30
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
NSSHS 2:45 LGI 1
Model United Nations 3:15 LGI 1
SAT 3:30 Rooms 201 & 205
Powerlifting Meet 4:00 Weight Room
Softball Senior Dinner 5:45 Cafeteria
Friday, February 7, 2025
Science NHS Meeting 6:40 & 2:40 LGI 1
Boys Basketball v Conroe 4:00 TWHS
Girls Soccer v Conroe 4:30
Boys Soccer @ Conroe 4:30
The Woodlands High School
The Conroe Independent School District (District) is an equal opportunity educational provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Active of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752.
Website:Main Campus http://twhs.conroeisd.net/
9th Grade Campus https://twhs9.conroeisd.net/
Phone: (936) 709-1200
Twitter: Main Campus @TWHSCISD 9th Grade Campus @TWHS9thCISD