Community Resources
*Please note: resource information is current as of August 2019. Please call each resource to ensure that the information (times, dates, required identification, etc.) is still correct.
McKinney-Vento Information
Homeless children & youth have the right to a free, appropriate public education.
Who is homeless? Anyone who, due to a lack of housing, lives:
· In emergency or transitional shelters
· In motels, hotels, campgrounds, abandoned in hospitals, or awaiting foster care
· In cars, parks, public places, bus or train stations, or abandoned buildings
· Doubled up with relatives or friends
· Migratory children living in these conditions
Click here to visit our district website to learn about your rights, the programs offered at school, and to access the Student Residency Questionnaire.
The Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD JPS School Based Health Clinic, operated by JPS Hospital, offers services for underinsured students and siblings in EMS ISD. Services include:
· Sick visits
· Well child visits (ages newborn to 21)
· Adolescent Care
· Sports physicals
· Follow-up care for chronic conditions including diabetes, asthma, eczema, etc.
· Immunizations (must be an established patient or be seen for a visit)
· Minor procedures such minor burn/wound care, abscess care, simple laceration repair (at provider discretion)
· Referrals for x-rays or specialists, as appropriate
The clinic is located at 1029 N. Saginaw Blvd. (the clinic is in the same parking lot as Pulido’s Mexican Restaurant).
Clinic hours:
Open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (closed Thursdays)
Closed from 12:00-1:00 p.m. for lunch.
Appointments are recommended. However, walk-ins are welcome and served on a first come, first served basis in between pre-scheduled patients.
If you don’t have insurance, the clinic staff will connect your child with available resources. For students with insurance or other coverage such as CHIP, Medicaid, or JPS Connection, the standard co-pay and PCP restrictions still apply.
Call 817-702-4874 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Legal Aid
817-336-3943 or 800-955-3959
Justice for our Neighbors (immigration legal services)
OneSafePlace (legal help for domestic violence and violent crime survivors)
Tarrant County Bar Association Legalline (free advice on a variety of topics)
Texas A&M Legal Clinic (various topics)
Community Link Mission
Community Link Food Pantry
(817) 847-4554
300 South Belmont St
Saginaw, Texas 76179
Community Link Mission is a food pantry serving the following zip codes: 76179, 76131, 76135, 76114, 76052, 76177, or 76137. Qualifying families are eligible to receive assistance once each calendar month. If you need more assistance than once a month, speak with a Community Link staff member for additional support and resources. Community Link Mission also provides additional assistance to families at holidays and at the beginning of the school year.
Pantry Hours
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays: 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM
First Saturday of each month: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM*
Thursday 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM*
Saturday 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM*
*Please bring the following the first time you visit Community Link: verification of income, residency, household members, and disability papers (if applicable).
Visit Community Link’s website at for income guidelines and more information.
Community Food Market
The Community Food Market features a farmer's marker-style layout with fresh meats and produce. The Market is held at the NW Tarrant County College Campus on the third Friday of each month (8:30 AM to 11:30 AM, or whenever the food runs out). Hours may change during the holidays and summer times. You must bring their own bags and wagons to transport their items.
Medicaid/SNAP Enrollment
Community Link can assist with Medicaid and SNAP enrollment. Representatives are on site the second and fourth Tuesday of each month for walk-in assistance; however, the dates may change, so it is recommended that you call 817-847-4554 or 1-866-430-6143 to check the dates and times. You may make an appointment by calling 1-866-430-6143.
NICA (Northside Inter-Community Agency, Inc.)
(817) 626-1102
1600 Circle Park Blvd
Fort Worth, Texas 76164
NICA provides food, clothing, and self-help programs to families in the following zip codes: 76106, 76108, 76114, 76127, 76131, 76135, 76164, 76177, 76179, 76008, 76020, 76052 and 76071.
In addition to food and clothing programs, they offer case management, crisis counseling, and employment, education and community services to eligible families.
Hours of Operation
Tuesday through Friday: 9 AM - 3:30 PM
Saturday 9 AM - 12 PM
Visit NICA’s website at for more information.
Tarrant Area Food Bank
Services Offered:
Food pantry locator
Help applying for food assistance, financial assistance, and healthcare
ACH Child and Family Services
24-hour crisis hotline
817.335.HOPE (4673)
Services Offered:
Free counseling
Group skill-builder classes
Youth emergency shelter
Crisis stabilization and respite services
Transitional housing for single-parent homeless families
United Way of Tarrant County
Call 2-1-1, 24 hours a day, to get connected to community organizations and government agencies. The call is free and confidential.
Services offered:
Caregiver Support
Child Care
Financial Assistance
Health Services
In-Home Services
Legal Assistance
Disaster Resources
Homeless Shelters
Union Gospel Mission
Union Gospel Mission offers emergency overnight shelter for men and women. They also offer resident programs for males, females, and families. *
Males: To enter the overnight shelter, go to the main entrance at 1331 E. Lancaster, Fort Worth 76102 at 2 pm. Bring your ID and proof of a TB test within the past year.
Females: To enter the overnight shelter, go to the main entrance at 1321 E. Lancaster, Fort Worth 76102 at 1:45 pm. Bring your ID and proof of a TB test within the past year.
*To learn more about the resident programs, call 817-339-2553.
SafeHaven- Domestic Violence Shelter and Services
SafeHaven provides free services to domestic violence survivors and families. Their two shelters provide 24-hour care to families fleeing violent situations. They also offer counseling and other support services. To get more information and to inquire about eligibility for services, call 1-877-701-SAFE (7233).
Salvation Army
Salvation Army offers emergency overnight shelter for men, women, and children. They also offer voluntary addiction recovery services, housing, and financial assistance. Their Home Sweet Home Program helps prevent homelessness and support residential stability by providing homeless and at-risk households the tools to effectively budget and manage income and expenses.
To enter the overnight shelter, go to 1855 E. Lancaster, Fort Worth 76103 at 5 pm. Bring an ID for every adult.
To learn more about the Home Sweet Home Program, and other services they offer, call 817-344-1800.
Click on the following link to access information on additional shelters in Fort Worth:
Eagle Mountain Saginaw ISD Counseling and Campus Support
Phone: 817-847-7793