Tiger Beat
North Elementary Newsletter | November 24
Scenes from This Week
Important Upcoming Dates
- November 27: Early Release (no lunch)
- November 28 & 29: Thanksgiving Break
- December 5: No School (Parent-Teacher Conferences)
- December 14: Snacks with Santa (3:00-5:00 PM)
- December 23-January 3: Holiday Break
See the full Somerset Public Schools Calendar here.
Staff Member of the Week
Sarah Murmello
Mrs. Murmello has been teaching for 10 years, teaching both first and second grade in Brockton and Fall River and now K-8 ESL for the past 5 years. She started teaching in Somerset at North and SMS in September 2023. Mrs. Murmello went to Stonehill College (where she met her now husband at their freshman orientation) for undergrad in Elementary Education and Mathematics and Bridgewater State for her masters in TESOL.
Outside of school, she loves to spend time with her 3 year old, Ava, and her husband, Matt. They love to spend time outside together. In the summer, the Mrs. Murmello and her family love going to Cape Cod and spending time on the beach and on her uncle's boat. She is also a Disney lover!
She is so glad to be continuing her teaching career in Somerset and loves all of the staff and students!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences will be held in-person on December 5 from 12:30-7:00 PM. Classroom teachers should have emailed sign up links directly this past week, but the links to all faculty sign-ups can be found on this document. In addition to classroom teachers, the document includes related service providers (speech, occupational therapy, BCBA), SEL providers (psychologist, school adjustment counselor), specialists (art, music, health, PE, technology), special educators, interventionists, and our English Learner teacher.
New Kindness Tree
Thanks to our fabulous art teacher Mrs. Wilson, we have a new Feinstein Foundation Kindness Tree painted in our main office hallway to take the place of our old artificial Christmas tree. Students and staff add leaves throughout the year to put our North acts of kindness on display. We are so excited to see our new tree bloom!
Food Drive
Somerset Police Department Toy Drive
North Elementary is accepting donations on behalf of the Somerset Police Department Toy Drive. The drive will run through December 16. Thank you for your help!
Lost and Found
Take a peek to see if your child(ren) has lost any items!
November Lunch Menu
PTO News
Join the PTO!
There is no PTO meeting in the month of December.
Snacks with Santa will be held on December 14 from 3:00-5:00 PM in the gym.
New North PTO Facebook Page
The PTO has a new North PTO Facebook page. Make sure to follow for info and updates!
News from the Health Office
A few reminders from Nurse Stephanie in our Health Office to help keep all of our students safe and healthy:
Students with active vomiting, diarrhea, open rashes, crusty/inflamed eyes, and/or temperature > 100 are asked to remain home from school.
Students may return from school when their temperature is < 100 for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
Illness Specific:
Strep: Students must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school, and they need a note to return.
Pink eye: Must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.
Hand Foot Mouth: Fever-free for 24 hours and no open skin lesions. All areas must be scabbed/closed over
Vomiting/Diarrhea: May return when tolerating good amounts of food/water and no vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours
Please do not send medication to school in your child’s backpack. Anything with an active ingredient is designated a medicine in school. This includes cough syrup, cough drops, ointments, nasal sprays, vitamin gummies, etc. If you would like to have any medications available for your child at school, please notify the Health Office.
Students after surgery, for hurt or broken limbs, sprains, strains, or any student with assistive devices (splints, casts, boots, crutches, etc.) must have a note to be in school as well as MD clearance or restrictions for recess/PE.
Please notify the Health Office if your child has RSV, Covid, Influenza, or Strep.
Grade 4 physicals are due to be updated! Please send in your student’s most recent physical if you have not done so already.
Vision/Hearing screenings have started for K-5. Grades 1 and 4 are mandated to have BMI screenings, however, you can opt out via the forms that will be sent home.
Clothing Donation
Please consider donating new or gently used clothes that we keep on hand in case of emergency. We are especially in need of pants. Donations can be brought to the main office. Thank you!