Fancher Flyer
Fancher Falcons S.O.A.R.
Click the grey button below to send a fancher staff a staff shout out!
Are you following us on facebook? See important updates, learning & fun we have with students!
If you aren't currently following us at Fancher Elementary on Facebook, please like our page so you can see our district updates, Fancher Staff Spotlights, and more.
Like @FancherElementary
Important Upcoming Dates
- October 21 - Picture Day Make Ups & Retakes
- October 28 - Gratitude Drive Thru for National First Responders Day
- October 31 - Fall Celebration Movie at Celebration Cinemas & Fancher Costume Parade
- November 6 - Daylight Savings Time
- November 8 - Election Day - NO SCHOOL for Students, Teacher PD
- November 11 - DK-12 1/2 day for students, dismissal 11:52am
- November 14 - Trimester 2 Begins
- November 16 - Fancher Culture & Diversity Night
- November 18 - Report Cards Trimester 1 go home
- November 18 - 1st trimester Report Cards go Home
- November 23,24,25 - No School / Thanksgiving Break
- December 8 - Hoops for Hunger - CMU
- December 21 - No School, Winter Break Begins
Please help our school
Hello Families,
Your child either brought home Thursday or will be bringing home next week a Parent Information Envelope letting you know about a safe and easy way for our school to raise funds for essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed.
The SchoolStore fundraiser is 100% online so there is NO face-to-face selling, handling money, or delivering products. Your participation will take less than 12 minutes, and there are exciting prizes to make it fun for the students.
Here is all you need to do to participate:
1. Go to to sign up.
2. Send form emails inviting family, friends and co-workers to support your child.
3. Return the Envelope with the Student Prize Code to school for your child to get their fun participation prize.
Be sure to ask your child for the Parent Envelope tonight. Your participation will make a difference for our school and teachers!
Fancher Elementary School
Autism Awareness & Acceptance Lessons with CMU
The lessons will occur monthly beginning the week of October 24th. They have been generously funded by the Organization for Autism Research. Lessons will include specific information regarding autism, including how to be aware of the needs of peers with autism, in addition to focusing on the acceptance of differences and similarities of all students.
In addition to the formal lessons, books about children with autism will be read to each class and these books will be donated to the school libraries at the end of the academic year for students to check out and share with family members and friends.
You may check out the following link for more details about the lessons: Kit for Kids | Organization for Autism Research ( If you have specific questions, please feel free to contact AnnMarie Bates at or 989-774-5899.
Fancher Falcons SOAR - Safety. Ownership. Attitude. Respect
Fancher Falcons SOAR
Our SOAR matrix is at the front of your student's agenda in the pages include for the student handbook, we encourage you to review these expectations at home with your child too.
Daily our students earning Dojo Points for meeting positive expectations, we recognize students who are SOARing with our Positive Office Referrals, Positive Postcards mailed home, and SOAR Student Shout Outs each month.
We know our students are still growing and developing mentally and socially, so we recognize it is always a work in progress when teaching and reteaching expectations. We utilize restorative practices - including repairing the harm, circle ups, and more.
We appreciate your partnership in supporting our Fancher Falcons to SOAR!
Mrs. Katie Rinke & the Fancher Elementary Staff
Fall Celebration for Fancher Card Sales & Fall Assessments
Fancher PTO
Fancher Elementary will be celebrating a successful Fancher Card Sales, as well as celebrating students' hard work on their fall assessments to start the school year!
On Monday, October 31st we will be bringing back our school tradition of traveling to Celebration Cinemas via Mt. Pleasant Public Schools Transportation and viewing a movie together in our costumes as a positive reward for hard work. We will be watching the Flick Family Film, Minions Rise of Gru (PG).
The movie is FREE and Fancher PTO will cover the cost of a drink & popcorn combo for each student, along with the transportation fee. More information will be coming home soon with your student.
After the movie we will return to Fancher for a costume parade along Kinney Avenue at 2:30pm, families are invited and more information will be coming home soon!
Thank you families & students for your hard work and time put into the effort of selling Fancher Cards! We appreciate you!
Pokemon Cards, Toys, and Electronics
Electronic Devices
Such as cell phones, iPods, cameras, tablets are strongly recommended to be left at home, they are not permitted on our playground or in a student's desk during the school day. If the objects are at school they need to remain safely tucked away in backpacks from 8:40am to 3:49pm.
Count on Me, Count on You - from Mrs. RInke
Emergency Safety Drills
Last week students and staff practiced our first lockdown DRILL, where a uniformed officer comes into the building wearing a bright green vest to represent the threat. Any student or staff member who sees the green vest notifies the closest adult to place the building into lockdown mode for the DRILL. Our students and staff did an excellent job with this, we were secured quickly, an all call announcement is made and 911 is notified of our drill.
This week students will be discussing in their classrooms what to do in an emergency situation if we need to evacuate the building. We have practiced a Fire Drill as a building, this will practice will be evacuating and relocating to our rally point which is just down from Fancher at Rowe Hall.
I encourage you to check out our district website where we have information that pertains to our district school safety. Click here to get to the website.
Second Steps - Social & Emotional Curriculum
Michigan Read by Grade Three
WIN Groups
WIN (What I Need) academic and social skill groups have begun for Math, Reading, and/or social skills at each grade level.
These groups are designed to target what each student needs and then grow him/her in that skill area.
Groups meet daily to work on reading or math for 30 minutes. This time each day is crucial because students are able to work at their level, uninterrupted.
Students may change groups as their skill set grows and as needs change. We are excited to watch our students grow and as readers, mathematicians, and in their social skills as a result of these groups, supporting the learning that is taking place in the classroom!
COVID Reminders
- Temperature of 100.4 degrees
- Sore Throat
- New uncontrolled cough causing difficulty breathing
- Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
- New onset of severe headache, especially with fever
Please continue to communicate with your child's building of any new situations that affect your family by calling us at 989-775-2260 or emailing Mrs. Wendi Chaffin at
If your child is not feeling well and/or going to be absent, please call the school, and we will contact their teacher to let them know of the absence.
Medication & Student Medical Needs
Please bring any medication (over the counter or prescription) THIS INCLUDES STUDENT INHALERS, to the front office at Fancher. A signed release form from the student's doctor will need to be submitted, according to school policy. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Meal Magic - Add Monday to your child's lunch account
Milk .75 cents
*to create an account for your student and add money either using a credit card or e-check, you will need your student's 5 digit ID. This 5 digit ID - is also your child's username to log in their school computer. If you need help finding this number and your student doesn't remember please call our office at Fancher and we can help you.
Fancher Spirit Wear
- The Fancher Elementary School spirit wear sale has begun! Choose from hundreds of spirit wear designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days! Visit
October Bookshelf
MPPS Transportation
Transportation Deptartment
Request for Transportation use the form linked here routes typically arrive around 8:35am at our school building. If you need to sign your child up for transportation, please fill out REQUEST FOR TRANSPORTATION FORM at the above website.
We ask for your patience the first few days of bus pick-ups as several students were added to routes after back to school open houses. The original time given by the bus driver may be later than expected.
Phone: 989-775-2323
Before & After School Care
PEAK (after school):
SACC (before school)- School Aged Child Care (Before School Program)- 775-2340
REMINDER - No Outside Food for Student Lunches
Friendly reminder of our No Outside Food policy for Student Lunch time. Students must bring their lunch to school or choose a school lunch option.
Family Resources
Student Attendance
For safety reasons, families will receive a phone call by 10:40 am for any student that is marked as Absent each morning in Power School. You can deter getting that call from our system by calling us in the morning to let us know of your child's absence and their reason for the absence.
Our codes we use for absences are:
UA-Unexcused Absence
Any absence that has not been reported by a parent or guardian and/or any absence that is not listed as an Excused Absence in Board Policy.
AV-Verified Absence
An absence that the parent verifies or explains. Example: (1) The student doesn’t feel well, and is staying home, but is not visiting the doctor. (2) The family is taking an extra long weekend, vacation, etc.
EA-Excused Absence
Absences that meet the definition of an Excused Absence based on MPPS Board Policy.
*Illness or professional appointments with a doctors note *Death of a relative
*Observance of Religious Holidays
Below are images to our attendance policy but it can also be found in the front of your child's Agenda....
Bright by Text shares tips and info just for you: based on your child's age and where you live.
MPPS New Website & App
Have you checked out our new website - it is pretty slick!
Download on the App Store
or Get it on Google Play
*scroll to the bottom of the MPPS website and see Stay Connected and the links to download
Food Services
Where's the Lunch Menu?
Fancher Elementary
Office Hours 8:00am-4:00pm
Location: 801 South Kinney Avenue, Mount Pleasant, MI, USA
Phone: 989-775-2230
Twitter: @FancherFalcons