Hilltop Headlines
September 1, 2024
Serving this Week
Elders: Chad Mathews, Mark Tlapak
Organist: Janet Meyer
Offering Assistants: Roy Capdeville, Jeff Knippa
Greeters: Phil & Jeanne Smith
Hilltop Cafe: Sona Holmstrom
Donut Pickup: Lynn Breckenridge
Golf Cart: Pam Pope
Audio: Brenda Schroeder
Presentation: Clay Braun
Tech Director: Cody Stephens
Elders: Michael Zinke, Wayne Cavalier
Greeters/Offering Assistants: Tine Kennedy, Joy Stuewe
Hilltop Cafe: Gail Dankis
Golf Cart: Jeremy Hobratsch
Connections Coordinator: Josh Hobratsch
Camera: Preston Fischer
Presentation: Kathryn Klein
A Return of Our Blessings
Offerings/Electronic Giving for this week:
Home $19,180.61; General $13,438.68; Pam Hight Scholarship Fund $500; Cemetery Fund $15.53; Camp Zion $25.75; Braille $5; Missions $600; Capital Campaign $25,700.09
Attendance: 8am - 150; 10:45 - 329.
10% of General Funds go to the following organizations: TX Dist LCMS, CHS Round Rock, Water Mission, Camp Lone Star, Brookwood in Georgetown, Faith in Action, Rev. John H. Kieschnick Endowment: $1,493.19
From Your Pastors
Dear Zion family –
I hope you’re gearing up for a fun and restful Labor Day weekend. Labor Day was first recognized in 1894 and grew out of an 1886 Chicago riot where thousands of workers took to the streets to demand an eight-hour workday. Whether you work at home, in an office, or on a field, and whether you work part-time or full-time, your work can be a blessing to our world. Thank you!
In worship this weekend, we’ll wrap up our series on the book of Exodus with a bit of a strange story about how Moses’ face, after meeting with God, was glowing. The mystifying account is found in
Exodus 34:29-35:
When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him. But Moses called to them; so Aaron and all the leaders of the community came back to him, and he spoke to them. Afterward all the Israelites came near him, and he gave them all the commands the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai. When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face. But whenever he entered the Lord’s presence to speak with Him, he removed the veil until he came out. And when he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord.
After speaking with God, Moses’ face visibly reflects the glory of God – and all the Israelites are terrified. It can be terrifying to see God's glory. But it doesn’t have to be. Find out how and why God invites us to see His glory this weekend in worship. We worship at 8 am in our beautiful historic sanctuary, at 10:45 am in our wonderful worship center, or online at zionwalburg.org.
Your pastors love you!
– Pastor Zach, Pastor Kevin & Pastor Kyle
Extended Sanctuary Bible Class
Dear friends,
As we prepare for our time with you in August to discuss Israel, Hamas, Zionism and antisemitism, I wanted to share a very important resource to lay a foundation for our time together.
My wife, Nancy, shared this book from her collection and I have found a FREE updated version online as a PDF.
Please click this link:
Myths & facts PDF
Looking forward to our time together August 18, 25 and September 1, 8 (the class has been extended one more week!) in the sanctuary at 9:30 am.
In Y’shua – Steve Cohen
Here are some links to check out in order to prepare for class:
Messages Reveal Hamas Leader.pdf
The Forgotten History of the Term.pdf
Antisemitism Uncovered: A Guide to Old Myths in a New Era (adl.org)
Women of Wisdon Event - Sign up Now
The Women of Wisdom initiative is dedicated to offering heartfelt support and encouragement, fostering a warm and welcoming environment where women can build lasting friendships with others who share similar challenges. Through this community, we aim to inspire one another and gently guide each other closer to God. Our purpose is to provide a space where women can come together, share their experiences, and gather ideas for future events and programs that align with our faith journey.
Please see flyer below for more information and click the button to register!
Seeking Communion Assistants
Zion is looking for men who are willing to assist with communion at the 8am service. For more details and to find out how and when you can help contact our Connections Coordinator Josh Hobratsch at josh.hobratsch@zionwalburg.org or 512-630-6231
Faith Circle Women In Mission (LWML)
All women are invited to Faith Circle Women In Mission (LWML). We meet the 2nd Thursday of each month from September through May, from 10-noon in the Zion Church Parlor for fellowship, Bible Study, and supporting mission projects.
Our next meeting is Thursday, September 12. We will kick off the video Bible study UNSHAKABLE, by Donna Snow. At some point, our life is shaken by suffering, heartache, or loss. UNSHAKABLE, looks at eight remarkable men and women from the Bible that God shook to the core and then used them to point people to the hope of salvation. Somewhere in this cast of characters you will find yourself. The Lord provides that same strength and grace to us today.
Please join us. If you have any questions, contact Sarah Jones at sarah.jonez@gmail.com, 512-797-8022.
Parlor Bible Study
The Parlor Bible Study (Sunday mornings 9:30 A.M-10:30 A.M) is fully into the Apostles' Creed. Many of us placed Luther's Small Catechism on the shelf after confirmation, but there is so much we may have forgotten. This is an opportunity to return to the book that helped us realize the truths about the Holy Trinity: a mystery made known throughout the Bible.
Fall Family Camp - Only three spots remain!
Zion’s Mission Board is once again excited to be hosting family camp weekend later this fall. We only have a limited number of RV and tent campsites left from Thursday, October 10th through Monday, October 14th at Caddo Lake State Park in East Texas. Families are welcome to join us at camp as early as Thursday and can stay through till Monday – or anytime in between. The weekend will include fellowship, worship, and food as well as ample free time for families to experience together some of the wonderful activities that the surrounding area has to offer. Breakfast and dinner will be provided on Saturday and Sunday. All other meals are on your own to provide. The total cost covering all four nights per family is $50 per RV/tent site. We hope and pray that you as a family will consider joining us this year. Click the button below to RSVP by August 25th. Reserve your spot now before they are all gone! A completed registration form accompanied with cash/check payment into the church office is required for your site to be confirmed. Please contact the Church Office, Pastor Kevin or Shane Baylor for more information.
Women's Weekly Bible Study
Tuesday Morning Women's Bible Study begins September 17th at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Jeanne Smith, l04 Dawson Trail, Georgetown, 78633 (Sun City). The study will be a 7-week study of "Isaiah" by Melissa Spoelstra. Workbooks are $22 (includes streaming) and can be ordered from Carlene Schultz at cls12363@yahoo.com or 713-542-6216 by September 3. Workbooks can be paid for and picked up at the first class.
Zion Prayer Calendar
For the week of September 1-7 pray for:
September 1 - Zion custodial crew
September 2 - Adult Bible classes
September 3 - Volunteer money counters
September 4 - Zion braille
September 5 - Altar Guild
September 6 - FM 972 communities
September 7 - Laundry Love
Lutheran Hour Ministries
National Good Neighbor Day is September 28! The Hopeful Neighborhood Project encourages you to participate by spreading acts of neighborly kindness throughout your community. Join the movement to make the world better, one neighborhood at a time. Learn more and check out the free "Getting Started Guides: at nationalgoodneighborday.org.
The Project Connect Carousels in the Narthex and the Lobby have some great booklets on numerous topics. Look over the selections and if you see something that would be helpful to you or someone you know, please take a booklet.
Sermon Schedule
Sept. 1
"The One"
Speaker: Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler
The Universe does not have a plan for your life - but God does! (Genesis 24:14)
You can listen to The Lutheran Hour on KLBJ on Sunday mornings at 7 a.m. or online at lutheranhour.org, through a mobile app, and on new media platforms like Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Alexa, Google Home and Sirius XM satellite radio.
Pastors: Zach McIntosh, Kevin Hintze and Kyle Borcherding
Interim Principal: Suzan Winkelman
Church Office Hours: 8am-4pm Monday-Friday
Church Phone: 512-863-3065
School Phone: 512-863-5345 Fax 512-686-5807
6001 FM 1105, Georgetown, TX 78626