The Royal Decree
Royal High School's Weekly Bulletin: Feb 2, 2025

Winter Sports are wrapping up, see the schedule, buy tickets
We have over 50 clubs! See what we have, when they meet
Coming Soon:
FEB 10- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to minimum day on Feb 12.
FEB 12- Minimum Day for Staff Development
FEB 14- Senior Hug Day
FEB 17- Presidents Day-No School
Important Dates to Remember
FEB 10- Monday, 8:30am start, EVEN Block day schedule due to minimum day on Feb 12.
FEB 12- Minimum Day for Staff Development
FEB 17- President's Day, No School
MAR 7- Staff Development Day, No School
MAR 22-30- Spring Break, No School
APR 1-2- Every 15 Minutes Presentation (Juniors and Seniors)
APR 18- Good Friday, No School
MAY 17- Prom, Sheraton Universal, 7pm
MAY 26- Memorial Day, No School
MAY 30- Grad Bash Universal Studios, 4pm-2am
JUN 2- CSI Presentations and Senior Awards Night 4:30 and 6pm
JUN 3-5- Finals Week, Special Schedule
JUN 5- Graduation of the Class of 2025, 6pm
JUN 6- Last Day of School, Minimum Day
No Pick up or Drop off in the St Rose Parking Lot
We would like to remind everyone that parking, picking up, or dropping off Royal students in the St. Rose parking lot is not allowed. This is for the safety of both the St. Rose schoolchildren who use their parking lot for a playground and for the safety of Royal students. If you are picking up or dropping off your student you must use a Royal lot.
Thank you for understanding.
Special Schedule Weeks
These days are altered to ensure even distribution of class periods for the week.
FEB 10- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to minimum day on Feb 12.
FEB 12- Minimum Day for Staff Development
MAR 3- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to no school on Mar 7.
APR 7- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to minimum day on Apr 9.
APR 9- Minimum Day for Staff Development
APR 14- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to no school Apr 18.
JUN 3-5- Finals Week, Special Schedule
JUN 6- Last Day of School, Minimum Day
CLICK HERE to visit our Academics Homepage
For Academics questions contact the following:
Reina Zapata, Assistant Principal of Curriculum and instruction
All athletic ticket sales are online through gofan.co
Click here to purchase tickets.
CLICK HERE to visit our Athletics Homepage
For Athletics questions contact the following:
Reid Furlong, Athletic Director
Yvette Shuster, Athletic Secretary
Patti Myszkowski, Assistant Principal of Student Activities & Athletics
Athletic Tryouts
See the tryout page on the Royal website.
CLICK HERE to visit our Arts Homepage
For questions contact the following:
Band Program - Lisa Pate, Director of Bands
Vocal Music - Peter Davis, Director of Vocal Music
Theater Arts - Suzy Jeffords, Director of Theater Arts
Visual and Performing Arts Dept. - Dan Maye, Department Chairperson
All event ticket sales are online through gofan.co. Click here to purchase tickets.
CLICK HERE to visit our Activities Homepage
We have over 50 clubs! See the Clubs Page on the Royal website.
For Activities questions contact the following:
Patti Myszkowski, Assistant Principal of Student Activities & Athletics
Ashley Rotellini, ASB Account Clerk
Join PTSA!
Please consider supporting your Royal High School PTA by joining the PTSA for only a $7.00 fee.
We are also asking for a $40 family donation. Your membership dues and donations help the many PTSA programs offered at the school such as Reflections, Every 15 mins, Distracted Driver, Scholarship Awards, and the Senior BBQ among others.
As a member you have a voice and vote at all PTSA Association meetings, you can advocate for students and teachers at the state level, and it also provides college scholarship opportunities for eligible students (qualifications include a 2-year membership.)
Membership DOES NOT require you to volunteer, but volunteers are welcome.
Wrestling- Surveys
PTSA- Presto Pasta
Feb 4
District and Community Flyers
Follow us for Key Info & to Live that #RoyalLife!
Website: rhs.simivalleyusd.org
Location: 1402 Royal Avenue, Simi Valley, CA, USA
Phone: 805-306-4875