MASC Newsletter Back to School
Maryland Association of Student Councils
Welcome to the MASC Back to School Newsletter!
Table of Contents
- Intro to MASC
- MASC Officer Intro
- Staff Development Day Recap
- MASC Membership
- 2nd Vice President Corner
- MASC Advance Recap
- Upcoming Events + Opportunities
Keep Reading Below!
Intro to MASC
The Maryland Association of Student Councils (MASC) is an organization of public and private secondary school student councils in the state of Maryland. Students are not only the leaders of the future but also the leaders of today, defending and promoting the interests, rights, and well-being of all students in the state of Maryland.
MASC Officer Intro
Shradha Bista (she/her) is a senior at North Hagerstown High School in Washington County.
Vice President
Madison Watts (she/her) is a senior at Rockville High School in Montgomery County.
2nd Vice President
Derrell Gross (he/him) is an 8th grader at Southern Middle School in Calvert County.
David Arowolo is a sophomore at Eastern Technical High School in Baltimore County.
Staff Development Day Recap
Staff Development Day (SDD) was held on June 15th, 2024. The recently appointed members of the MASC executive board for the 2024-2025 school year came together to develop their skills. During this time, the staff worked on their goals for this year to ensure they do their jobs to the best of their abilities. They also spent time together and strengthened their relationships on the board by playing bonding games and spending quality time within their departments. They will participate in monthly department meetings to get ready for the school year. Finally, to finish off this event, the department heads made plans to have more bonding time at nearby restaurants. A special shout out to our MASC Leadership who put a lot of effort into this to make it happen!
MASC Membership
MASC membership is now open! Make sure to register your school! A reminder that ONLY MASC member schools are able to attend our Winter Leadership Conference in January and Convention in March. We hope to see you there!
2nd Vice President Corner
Hi everyone my name is Derrell Gross, I am the MASC 2nd Vice President. Have you ever had an idea that could make your school even better? Now’s your chance to share it! Join the
Action in Middle School (AIMS) Committee and help turn your creative ideas into reality.
MASC Advance Recap (Days 1/2)
With over 120 students in attendance at the Lathrop E. Smith Environmental Education Center in Montgomery County, MASC Advance was a huge success this year! On Day 1, students got checked in, played icebreakers, and then started their certification in order to become a workshop presenter. There were breaks in between for lunch, dinner, games, and relax time. On Day 2, students attended their last presenter certification workshops and were presented with certificates of completion. After that, students participated in service projects led by the amazing service coordinators that included creating no-sew blankets and writing letters. The last workshops included Fall Leadership Conference training and Winter Leadership Conference brainstorming. We also had a Bruster’s ice cream fundraiser which was a huge hit! Thank you to MCR/MCJC for hosting and we can’t wait to see you all next year!
MASC Executive Board Recap (Day 3)
During our August Executive Board meeting, we administered the oath of office to all the appointed staff who had not been sworn in at our May Executive Board meeting. At this meeting, reports from each region and the appointed staff were presented. We also voted on pre-filed legislation and reviewed three bids. We would like to congratulate FCASC for being selected to host the upcoming Convention. Additionally, congratulations to CASC for winning the bid to host Advisor Hospitality at the Convention. A huge shoutout to Northwood High School (MCR) for presenting an amazing bid to host Convention's Advisor Hospitality.
MASC Theme 2024-2025!
At the MASC August Executive Board Meeting, the theme for the year was finally revealed! This year's theme is the MASC Olympics of Leadership!
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
Stay Updated!
Stay updated on all things MASC by following us on social media (@md.stuco) or checking out our website (linked below)!