Global Leaders' Family Newsletter
February 3-7 2025

Mission Statement
School for Global Leaders is a nurturing and academically challenging learning environment for all. Alongside families, community members and international organizations, our students engage in authentic, relevant and rigorous interdisciplinary learning opportunities that help them evolve into open minded, reflective, and joyful life-long learners. With a strong foundation in intercultural understanding, compassion, and respect, Global Leaders advocate for change and promote peace in the world.
Message from Principal Ricks
Dear Global Leaders Families,
I hope you had a chance to review your child’s progress report in ManageBac. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher via email to set up a time to meet. Don’t wait until the marking period ends or Parent-Teacher Conferences to address any concerns. We are now in the final four academic weeks of the second marking quarter, so it’s important to stay engaged in your child’s progress.
Celebrating Black History Month
February marks the start of Black History Month, a time to honor and celebrate the achievements, contributions, and resilience of Black leaders, scholars, artists, and activists. Throughout the month, students will engage in discussions, activities, and projects that highlight Black excellence in history and modern-day society. We encourage families to continue these conversations at home and look out for resources and activities we’ll be sharing to help support these important discussions.
As always, thank you for your partnership and support in your child’s education.
Keri Ricks
Principal, Global Leaders
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, February 4, 2025:
- 7th Grade Trip to the Museum of Natural History
- SLT Meeting
Wednesday, February 5, 2025:
- 6th grade Trip to the Library
- Student Leadership trip to the Opera
Friday, February 7, 2025:
- Theater Showcase @ 8:20am