Superintendent's Message
Violet Nichols
October 10, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians and Staff,
Congratulations to the SeaWolves Football team and the Boys’ Varsity Soccer team for their wins over Colchester and the Girls' Field Hockey teams’ win over Burlington this past Homecoming weekend! Go wolves!
The high school also welcomed students from the Schiller-Gymnasium in Hameln, Germany. Celebrating its 50th year, this is the longest continuous exchange between a high school in Vermont and a German high school, and the second-longest exchange of its kind in the nation. The students were introduced at the pep rally and an all-school assembly, and then there was a party to follow. It was wonderful to see the students getting to know each other and to have alumni of the program back to take part in the celebration. I’d like to extend a huge thank you to Theresa Mazza and PollyVanderputten for all of their work to host such an exceptional celebration.
WCAX came to the assembly and interviewed students, Lars Franke, a teacher from Hameln, and the founder of the program, Tim Kahn. Watch that here.
FY26 Budget
As we roll into the peak foliage season of October it’s once again time to focus on budget development. This year our students and staff are diving into our new literacy program, excelling at co-curriculars, welcoming artists and authors, participating in cultural exchange, and embracing new cell phone restrictions intended to enhance learning.
Our current budget of $68 million was passed on its third try. Our homestead property taxes increased by 8.18%, the second lowest increase in Chittenden County, and significantly lower than the double-digit increases felt across the county and state. The major lever we had in our pocket was a $3.04 million budget surplus, which allowed us to keep tax rates down with only minimal staffing and programming cuts.
Fast-forward to today, not having a $3 million budget surplus at our disposal is essentially akin to starting off $3 million in the hole. What are the actual nuts-and-bolts impacts of these headwinds?
Even if we established a FY26 expense budget identical to the one approved by the voters in May (level funding of $68 million, 0% expense increase), and even with no adjustment to the real estate inflation factor, our FY26 homestead property taxes would increase by 7.18%. If the real estate inflation figure increased at the same pace as it did the previous year, this property tax increase, with no increase in spending, would be close to 25%.
Looking at this from a different angle, even assuming modest staff salary increases to compensate for inflation and rising health care costs, to provide level service (meaning we offer the same educational and extra-curricular programming as we do today), we would need to increase our expense budget by over $3.5 million.
This is where the trade-offs become real, especially when staff salary and benefits account for almost 80% of our overall budget. At a rough average of $100,000 per staff position (for salary plus benefits), funding a $3.5 increase in expenses would require the reduction of approximately 35 staff positions and/or programming options (such as co-curricular activities and athletics). Compensating for the absence of the $3 million surplus equates to an additional 30 staff positions/programming cuts.
Given the stark scenarios above, I am pleased that the School Board has formed the community-based Finance Committee to engage in a collaborative exercise with us to help educate our residents about the complex nuances of the Vermont education funding system and the tough choices we will need to make to present a FY26 budget that the voters will approve. This will be daunting work, but ultimately in the best interest of our community, and especially our students. We look forward to this engagement and ask for your support as we address this as a diverse community over the next five months before Town Meeting Day on March 4, 2025.
We also want to hear feedback from our community. If you’d take the time to fill out this Budget survey, it would be greatly appreciated. Please submit your feedback by November 13th.
Be sure to continue to visit the Budget FY26 page on our website as we will be updating information there over the coming months.
School Board Vacancy
School Board member Elaine Cissi will be moving out of the area so unfortunately has resigned from the Board. In her short time as a board member, she proved an involved and supportive member and a strong advocate for the district. We are sad to lose her but grateful for the time she has given to the board and district.
If you are interested in being a member of the board applications will be due to Meg Collins no later than noon on Friday, October 25th.
Candidates will then be interviewed by the board in open session on Wednesday, October 30th. The board will convene in executive session and then return to open session to announce their newest member. Their first meeting will then be Wednesday, November 6th.
Panorama Surveys
Students have begun taking panorama surveys in their classes and will continue throughout the month. We look forward to hearing what they think about our schools. Families will be taking their own surveys in November and I will include the links in my newsletter next month.
Transportation Update from Operations Director, Jean-Marie Clark
As we enter October, there are many new employees in the transportation department! Our bus depot fills up each morning with employees arriving for on the job training with our team. We have some team members scheduled to take some of their tests with the DMV this month. Send some positive thoughts this way to help them pass their tests! And a special thanks to our current drivers who are working together to train our new employees.
We are excited to share that Guy Williamson is our latest newly licensed driver! Guy passed his test on a Monday and started driving a route the very next day. If you see him driving a bus in your neighborhood, be sure to give him a wave!
Visit our Transportation Update page for up to date information.
For questions and concerns about transportation, please contact Stephanie Hyatt, Transportation Dispatcher. Stephanie is the point of contact for families with questions about transportation in-the-moment. She can be reached at 802-233-0673. You can also call the bus garage at 802-652-7479. For general questions, please reach out to Jean-Marie Clark, Operations Director, at jclark@sbschools.net.
For information about Safe Routes to School, including minutes from their recent meetings, visit this page.
Employment Opportunities
The district is hiring! Please follow the links to read the full descriptions for these roles.
Grant Coordinator and Administrative Assistant for Educational Support Systems
Bus Drivers (and Bus Aides)
Training available obtain Commercial Driver's Licenses to eligible candidates, full and part time positions available as well as van drivers and bus monitors
Full job descriptions are available on School Spring. If you have questions on hiring processes or on employment, please contact Elissa Galvez, Employment Specialist, egalvez@sbschools.net (802) 652-7247.
District Calendar
For information about each school please visit our website or download our app. If you are new to the district or haven’t had a chance to explore, the website is the best place to find all the information on the district and your students' schools. You can also follow us on social media: @SBSchoolsVT on Twitter, @southburlingtonschoolDistrict on Instagram and on Facebook.
Thank you for reading!
Along with the website, the dedicated app will be your best resource for updated menus, schedules and other important information in the event of school closures and delays.
Download the SBSD app (Apple and Google) to stay up to date on events and announcements (or scan the QR code )!
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