Woodside Wolves Weekly
for the Families of Woodside Elementary - October 4 2024
Dear Woodside Families,
Thank you so much to the 5th Grade Parents who prepared and sold all the delicious food and treats at our Outdoor Big-Screen Movie Night last Friday. The event was a HUGE SUCCESS thanks to the Woodside Community! THANK YOU!... and, don't forget to check out the action photos towards end of this newsletter.
Our Lap-A-Thon was another HUGE success for Woodside last Friday! Please see the details below that outline our Woodside Lap-A-Thon top producers.
Please take the time to read through this Newsletter for important dates and events taking place next week and beyond.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Sincerely Yours,
Christopher Chenault
Hispanic Heritage Month Artwork by Ms. Fuenzalida's Students
Mrs. Highsmith's Class of Scholars!
Fall Festive is October 18th! We Can't make this Awesome Event Happen W/O YOU!
Please help support this event: to Volunteer Click HERE
Pre Order Your Fall Fest Tickets and Whole Pizzas!
Click the link to preorder Fall Festival tickets and/or a whole pizza! PRE-ORDER LINK
Save some time and Pre-order your Haunted House tickets today!
From 5:00-5:30 pm, we have a 5th-grade tour guide for our younger friends. This means a haunted house without the scare. From 5:30-8pm be prepared to be scared!
Please use the link below. In the comment section please include -your child's name- teacher's name. We will add your name to the list that will be at our front door. Thank you for supporting 5th-grade outdoor education. Any questions you can contact Shannon at
1 entry $10
Unlimited pass $25
Family pass for four $35
Haunted House Donations Needed!
The Haunted House needs donations or items to borrow(*). Please bring your items of donation to the school, there will be a bin in front of the office. If you have an item to borrow, please reach out to Shannon at
Thank you in advance for supporting this Fall Fest tradition.
Black tarps or extra large black yard bags
Black lights*
Clear/frosted or black plastic sheeting
Fog machine *
8’ black zip ties
Black duct tape
Dark painters tape
Scary Halloween decor(ex.Clowns, skeletons, ghosts, werewolves, spiders…..)*
Costumes or scary masks*
Blue, purple, or orange lights*
Black, white, or light solid color sheets
Strobe light*
Caution tape
Black paint and glow-in-the-dark paint
Extension cords*
Large cardboard boxes
Classroom Candy Contest is ON!
English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) Next Meeting is October 28th
Woodside's English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
- What:
- English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting
- In Person at Woodside MUR
- Monday, September 30th at 8:05 am
- To ensure that we are supporting our emerging bilingual students
- To have a voice in your child's education
- To have a direct line of communication with your school
- Learn how to better support your students, resources, & more!
- Spanish Translation will be available at every Woodside ELAC meeting.
- Please email me directly at if you plan on attending and require Chinese, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, or any other translation
Future Woodside ELAC Meeting Dates (the last Monday of the month):
-October 28th
-November 25th
Future DELAC Meeting Dates:If you have any questions or require more information regarding ELAC, please contact Maria Tsakoyia at 925-689-7671.
Here's Mr. E, a former parent of mine at Hidden Valley when I was there as V.P.
Woodside NEEDS YOU as Our District-Level Representative
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Representative Needed!
Woodside needs to identify a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) representative for monthly meetings. This can be shared and split among more than one family. If you like another way to be connect to your student's school and the Mt. Diablo District, this is for YOU!
Meetings are held at Willow Creek Center. PAC meetings will be monthly and will focus on gathering parent feedback for our district-wide goals.
Here is the agenda for Sept. 17th.
Future Meeting Dates:
October 22, 2024
November 19, 2024
December 17, 2024
January 28, 2025
February 25, 2025
March 25, 2025
April 22, 2025
May 27, 2025
If you are interested in being Woodside's PAC representative or sharing the responsibility, please contact Mr. Chenault by calling the office at 925-689-7671 or by email at
Dates To Remember
Woodside Calendar of Events:
Oct. 7 - 11: Fall Break (NO SCHOOL)
Oct. 14: Indigenous Peoples' Day
Oct. 14: 7 to 8 pm Parent Faculty Club Meeting (PFC) - Join the Meeting HERE
Oct. 15 to 28: Believe Kids Cookie Fundraiser
Oct. 16: Re-take Photo Day
Oct. 18: Fall Fest (Volunteers Click HERE) & Haunted House (Volunteers, please email
Oct. 31: Halloween
Nov. 1: NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS... Teacher Work Day
Nov. 1: First Day of American Indian Heritage Month
Nov. 3: Daylight Saving Time (Fall Back... set clocks back one hour)
Nov. 4-8: Woodside Fall Book Fair
Nov. 6: Chipotle Dine & Donate
Nov. 8: Frito Friday
Nov. 8: Tentative Woodside Community Movie Night
Nov.11: NO SCHOOL - Veterans Day
Nov. 15: Frito Friday
Nov. 22: Frito Friday
Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 2: School resumes
Proud of Our 4th & 5th Graders that Campaigned and Ran for Student Council!
Next School Site Council (SSC) Meeting is October 15th
What is the SSC?
A school site council is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, and community members that works with the Principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets.
SSC Members:
Mrs. Cleveland (parent)
Mrs. Alvarez (parent)
Mr. Richett (parent)
Mrs. Westfall (staff)
Ms. Fuenzalida (staff)
Mr. Chenault (staff)
What is the purpose of the school site council?
The School Site Council serves as the school community representative body for determining the focus of the school's academic instructional program and all related categorical resources.
What: School Site Council Meeting (SSC)
Where: Woodside, room E-1
When: Tuesday, Oct. 15th, AND Tuesday Oct. 29th from 3 to 4 pm
Why: Review & Assess last year's SPSA, review current data, and continue to update the 24-25 SPSA
Who: SSC Members and ALL parents/guardians and community members are welcome
Shop at any Sloat Garden Center location during the Growing up Green weeks, mention Woodside to the cashier, and our school will receive 10% of purchases back in the form of a Sloat gift card, which can go towards our school’s beautification projects, fundraisers or classroom activities. Please note: Purchases of gift cards do not apply. Just mention your school to the cashier!
2024 DATES
Oct 18 - Oct 27
Nov 22 - Dec 1
2025 DATES
Jan 3 - Jan 12
Feb 7 - Feb 16
Mar 14 - Mar 23
Click HERE for the Flyer with 2024-25 Growing Up Green Weeks
Parent Faculty Club (PFC) Next Meeting is October 14th!
Woodside PFC
Join us Monday, October 14th from 7 pm to 8 pm:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 810 8053 5040
Connect with us on Facebook -
We are looking forward to an exciting school year. Go Woodside!
Future PFC Meeting Dates:
The Woodside PFC Board
Keri Hallin – President, Melissa Spurlock – Treasurer, & Jenna Croy - Secretary
Contact Shannon for Your Frito Friday Punch Card!
5th Grade Outdoor Education Updates and Information
Volunteers NEEDED to Meet OUR Fundraising Goal!
Dear 5th grade families,
The link provided will take you to the Frito Friday signup genius. Thank you for volunteering to help raise funds for camp.
Questions or concerns please reach out to Shannon at
Coffee and Tea with Mr. C
Our first time together is Wednesday, October 30, 2024, from 8 am to 8:45 am. Please check in at the school office and don't forget to bring your coffee or tea and join me for an opportunity to “meet and greet” one another. There's no agenda, just an opportunity to chat and answer any questions or hear any concerns that you may have.
Woodside Morning Care for TK & Kindergarten PM Friends
For PM Kindergarten & TK Families ONLY
If your student attends TK or Kinder PM session, Woodside morning care is available. NO pre-sign-up is necessary.
- This is not a drop-in service, please regularly drop off and sign in your student between the hours of 7:30 and 8:05 am.
- Classroom C-1: 7:30-8:05 am Drop off and student sign-in
- After 8:05 am please come to the office to sign in your morning care student
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Woodside office at 925-689-7671.
Please Note:
Woodside Morning Care has no affiliation with the CARES Expanded Learning Program
Welcome Back from Ms. Kimber!
Kimber Kaiser, School Counselor, LMFT
Woodside Elementary -Mondays and Fridays, ext. 85932
Strandwood Elementary- Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, ext. 86623
Outdoor Movie Night Action Photos
Please click HERE for the MDUSD Food and Nutrition Information and Menus
District breakfasts/brunches & lunches are currently FREE to ALL MDUSD students.
MDUSD is 1-1 Student Devices for Grades 2nd - 5th at the elementary level
Please see the attachment regarding obtaining Chromebook Insurance
- Insurance is optional but highly recommended.
- The insurance term lasts one year from the purchase
- You will need your student's device number to register for insurance
- If your student is new to the district & Woodside (Grades 2-5), they will be getting their device by the end of next week
- 2nd-grade students will be assigned a 1-1 device as soon as possible. Please be on the lookout for additional communication from your student's teacher.
Click the link below to view the attachment.
Upcoming Regular District Board Meeting Dates
LOCATION: School District Board Room-1936 Carlotta Drive, Concord CA 94519
The Closed Session (no public access) will begin at 5:00 PM. Open Session (public access) will begin at 6:00 PM. Broadcast viewing, public participation, and interpretation information will be posted at on the meeting day. Approved minutes will be published to
Student Health
In order to keep our school community healthy, keep students home if they have had a fever (>99.5 F), vomiting, or diarrhea within the past 24 hours; or if they are feeling unwell and unable to participate in usual school activities. As we move into the flu season and are facing RSV and COVID, We need to remind students about universal precautions - good hand washing after blowing nose, proper cough into elbow, etc..
Woodside Attendance Hotline
ext 7755
Woodside Elementary Contact Information
Thank you to our office staff Annabel Vazquez, Office Manager & Maria Tsakoyias. School Secretary. We could not operate without you!
Location: 761 San Simeon Dr, Concord, CA 94518, USA
Phone: (925) 689-7671
Twitter: @WoodsideEL (I'm still working on gaining access)
Twitter: @MrChrisChenault