The Weekly Update 9/6/2024
The Weekly Update 9/6/2024

2024-2025 Calendar
Tawanka September 2024 Calendar
Instrumental Music Discovery Night
Kindergarten is learning to work in small groups.
Kindergarten is learning to work in small groups.
First Grade
Mrs. Fedele
On the first day of school Mrs. Fedele's class did their first team building activity to try and save a gummy worm named Fred. Fred fell off his boat and didn't have his life vest on. Using only paper clips, the students had to get the life vest onto Fred. Every group was successful and did a great job communicating!
Ms. Wells
1st graders in Ms. Wells' class completing a STEM challenge where they had to get a gummy lifesaver ( the "life preserver") around a gummy worm (his name is Fred) while only using paperclips!
Second Grade
Ms. Fisher
Second grade got to know each other by playing "A Warm Wind Blows" in the pod!
Second Grade
Second Grade
Second Grade
Mrs. Atwater
Mrs. Atwater’s class is showing off all the different strategies that they know for adding! Including number bonds, tally marks, make a ten, and ten frames! Way to go!
Third Grade
Reading Program & Vocabulary Words.
Fourth Grade
Mrs. Phillips
Fun was had by all, but only one was victorious!
Mrs. McHugh
The fourth grade students in Ms. McHugh's class have been engaging in many community building activities , as we get to know our classmates .
Mrs. Broderick & Mrs. Atwater
Tawanka Pink Out 2024
Shirt Sale - September 6th - September 13th
Mamma Russo's
Mama Russo's Dine to Donate - Monday, September 9th - 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM
Picture Day
Thursday, September 26th
Welcome new and returning Tawanka families! We are looking forward to another amazing school year. As many of you know, here at Tawanka, we pride ourselves in positive behavior practices and support. We are excited to celebrate and acknowledge our students' respectful, responsible and safe behaviors in a variety of fun and engaging ways. With the coveted, new and improved, Tawanka Token awards, weekly positive behavior student drawings and much more, we aim to foster positive behavior practices and expectations. We look forward to a year of excitement and support. As always, remember “Tawanaka Eagles, we love to see you SOAR!”
Keep Student, Parent & Guardian Information Current!
Title 1
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year from Tawanka's Title I Team! Tawanka is a Title I School, which means that we receive federal funding to improve educational opportunities and help our students meet the state performance standards in language arts and math. As a schoolwide Title I school, our Title I funds and services provide support to all students and families in our building. If you have any questions about Tawanka's Title I programs, please visit the Title I page on our school website or email one of our Title I Reading Specialists (Andrea Gansor - agansor@neshaminy.org / Beth Smith - bsmith@neshaminy.org).
Your child may be eligible for FREE meals at school! You can visit Neshaminy's Food Services website to learn more, or click here to sign up online to see if your child is eligible. If you need an application in a language other than English, please contact Tawanka's front office.
Below you will find a copy of Tawanka's Right to Know Letter for the 2024-2025 school year. Please review this letter to learn more about requesting information about the qualifications of your child's teacher and school and state assessments.