Boone Meadow Friday Flyer
October 9, 2020
Have a wonderful Fall Break!
Dear Boone Meadow Families -
We're successfully crossing the finish line of quarter 1, amidst the challenges that continue to face our community during the COVID pandemic. We could not have succeeded in our venture to keep the school doors open without your support of mitigation strategies (masks, hand washing, cohorting), monitoring of health concerns, completing daily screeners, and navigation of the varied constraints. We are thankful for your ongoing partnership, support, and collaboration. The entire Team Meadow crew extends our gratitude.
Please note the following items:
Conferences/EDay on November 2nd - Student conferences will be held on Monday, November 2nd. Please note the following important components to the day.
- November 2nd will be an Eday for students. So that teachers will be able to meet with families, content/modules will be published for students to access through Canvas, our learning management system.
- Conferences will be held via Zoom/virtually. Due to mitigation requirements, we can not hold in-person family conferences.
- Conferences will primarily be student-led so that they are given the opportunity to communicate their strengths and areas to strengthen. Student-led conferences align with our ZCS district priorities of student agency and empowerment. Concerns that need to be discussed privately should be ongoing throughout the school year as needs or concerns arise, and communication should remain fluid throughout the year. Please do not hesitate to stay in ongoing communication with your child's teacher.
- Classroom teachers will schedule specific times with families for conferences.
End of Quarter 1 Student Progress Reports (report cards) will be available to families for access in PowerSchool on Tuesday October 27th.
Remote materials Pick up - Families of remote learners are to pick up materials at the front doors at Boone Meadow on Tuesday, October 20th. You can drive through the drop-off lane and a staff member will be there to assist you. Pick up times are 11:30-12:30 and 2:45-3:30.
Picture Retakes - Picture retakes are scheduled for Friday, October 23rd
Dine for Dollars - Our next Dine for Dollars event will be hosted by Hot Box Pizza all day on Oct 23rd. 20% of all (pick up & delivery) sales go back to Boone Meadow PTO. Simply mention BME PTO when placing your order.
Online Book Fair - This fall's book fair will be held online from November 2nd through November 16th. More information to come soon.
Have a wonderful fall break, and we will see students when they return to school on Monday, October 19th.
Tom Hundley, Principal
A few notes for our remote learners & families:
We have a number of items to keep on the radar in the coming weeks.
- Our next materials pick up day will be October 20th for those families engaged with remote learning. We will follow a similar procedure as last pick up with availability during lunch time and after school. You can pull up to the curb to receive materials between 11:30-12:30 & 2:45-3:30. A staff member will be present to assist you.
- A number of our remote learners are beginning in-person learning after Fall Break. For those returning to the building (or new to the building), we are excited to have you with us on campus.
- For students returning to campus for in-person learning, I've included information below regarding daily screeners for students. Note that the daily screener is linked with PowerSchool/attendance procedures and must be completed each morning before school. It is expected to be completed by 8:15am for 1st-4th graders and 9:15am for Kindergarteners) - Please see below for more information/details.
Spirit of Giving - PTO Donation Drive
Hello BME Families!
Boone Meadow PTO is currently hosting a “Spirit of Giving” Donation Drive. Since 2012, Jog-A-Thon has not only been the primary, but also the favorite student fundraiser for Boone Meadow Elementary. On average, BME families have raised between $16,000-$20,000 each year to help fund classroom grants, technology and enrichment at our school. Due to current volunteer and social distancing guidelines related to COVID, we are unable to hold this annual event. The BME students and staff are continuing to adjust and rise to the challenges the 2020-21 school year brings, and the BME PTO continues to support them amidst this unprecedented year. We are committed to our mission to provide assistance and enrichment opportunities for the entire BME community.
We are reaching out today to ask for your financial support of the BME PTO. Without the BME Mixer & Silent Auction in Spring 2020 or Jog-A-Thon this fall, the BME PTO is currently unable to support our students and staff as we normally would during the academic school year. Because most traditional means of fundraising are suspended due to Covid-19, the BME PTO is hosting a “Spirit of Giving” Donation Drive this year to help raise funds. With your support, the PTO will be better positioned to serve our school community.
In years past, the BME PTO has proudly purchased a number of items for our students and staff. Recent examples include:
- the new rock climbing wall in the gymnasium was funded by PTO,
- STEM garden projects,
- the outdoor shade structure,
- Chromebooks and iPads for classrooms,
- various classroom projects & learning opportunities,
- and xylophone stands for our music programming!
- On top of these great contributions, the PTO has funded a variety of teacher grants and numerous appreciation events for the BME Staff.
We need and appreciate your support in our effort to make the 2020-2021 school year the best experience it can be. Every donation, large or small, will make a difference. Although the PTO will accept donations throughout the year, the “Spirit of Giving” Donation Drive is through the month of September.
To participate in our donation drive, a tax deductible donation can be made via check to Boone Meadow PTO or via PayPal to We can accept those donations at the school and deliver to the PTO Board.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to BME PTO President, Torrye Kampen or to PTO Treasurer, Audra Stewart at
Your consideration is greatly appreciated.
With many thanks,
Textbook Rental
Elementary fee statements were emailed on August 27, 2020 and payment was due in full on September 30, 2020.
Thank you if you have already made your payment. If you have not made payment, please do so as soon as possible. If you would like to set up a payment plan, please contact the ZCS Business Office at
If you did not receive your textbook rental fee statement, please log into your PowerSchool parent account and click in on the Balance tab. You will see your student’s itemized statement, payments made, and current account balance.
For answers to Frequently Asked Questions regarding Textbook Rental, please visit
Link to Parent Sign In (PowerSchool)
Shortcut to PowerSchool screener on iPhone - Step 1
Shortcut screener on iPhone - Step 2
Shortcut screener on Android
Why Cook Wednesdays - (aka Dine for Dollars)
Upcoming "Dine for Dollars" opportunities include:
- Friday, October 23rd - Hot Box Pizza All Day
- November 4th - 6th- Jill’s Cookies All Day
- November 18th- City BBQ All Day
Thank you for considering these future opportunities to support Boone Meadow PTO.
Upcoming Events & Important Info
October 9 - End of 1st Qtr
October 12-16 - Fall Break
October 20 - Remote Learning Materials Pick-Up (11:30-12:30 & 2:45-3:30)
October 23 - Picture Retake Day; Dine for Dollars (Hot Box Pizza - all day)
October 27 - Student Progress Reports (report cards) available for view in PowerSchool
November 2 - Student Conferences (Eday for students)
November 3 - Election Day
November 11 - Veterans Day
November 25-27- Thanksgiving Break
December 10 - Hannakah begins
December 18 - End of Qtr 2
December 21 - January 1 - Winter Break
January 18 - MLK Jr. Day (no school)
January 19 - No School
February 12 - Chinese New Year
February 14 - Valentine's Day
February 15 - Presidents Day - No School
February 17 - Ash Wednesday
March 12 - End of Quarter 3
March 14 - Daylight Savings Time
March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
March 28 - Palm Sunday/Passover
April 2 - April 9 - Spring Break
April 2 - Good Friday
April 4 - Easter
April 13 - Ramadan Starts
April 15 - ZWest Music visit to BME
May 5 - Cinco de Mayo
May 13 - Eid
May 26 - Last day of school
May 27 - Teacher work day
May 31 - Memorial Day
Guidance from the Indiana Department of Health
Diversity Coalition
ZCS and the Zionsville Diversity Coalition partnered to create a list of mentor texts that support our elementary adopted literacy curriculum. Books donated will be placed in our elementary classrooms for teachers to use and to offer our students mirrors (seeing themselves), windows (seeing others), and doors (opportunities to learn about differences) because in ZCS, EVERYONE BELONGS!
School Pay
You can utilize School Pay to pay for textbook rentals and to fund lunch accounts. Information about School Pay as well as additional lunch details, such as the monthly menu, can be found on the Food Services website.
Contact Us
Location: 5555 S Main St, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 3178732226
Twitter: @ZCSBoone_Meadow