Ann Reid Annoucements
Upcoming Dates
- February 6 - Dining Out Day - Culvers - see details below
- February 10 - Out Monday: No Classes for Preschool Students - Home Visits available
- February 17 - No School for all District 203 Students - President's Day
Innovative School Experience
We have received many inquiries regarding our AM/PM school day hours for the 25-26 School Year. Please click on this link to see District 203 Proposed School Day Hours for all 4 school levels.
Community/Tuition Sibling Sign Up
If you have a student who is currently enrolled and they will be returning to Ann Reid for the 25-26 School Year, they are guaranteed a spot next year. All returning families will participate in D203's Annual Update in the springtime. AM/PM preferences for SY 25-26 are not being considered at this time. Please see Innovative School Experience above.
If you have a sibling of a student who is currently enrolled and you have completed our spreadsheet, that child (the sibling) is guaranteed a spot for next school year. You must complete the spreadsheet and complete the enrollment process below for all new students (including siblings).
See additional information regarding the enrollment process below.
Enrollment for New Preschool Families 25-26 SY (repeat)
Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year opens January 15th for NEW preschool students. If you know someone who would like to enroll their child at Ann Reid next year, please direct them to the District 203 website at https://www.naperville203.org/Enrollment/Ann Reid.
Please complete an Intake Form. Once your address is verified, you will receive an email with the next steps in the enrollment process which will include a link to complete the Online Application, guidelines on what documentation is required, as well a link to make an appointment to complete the process in person at our Centralized Enrollment Office.
Once you have completed the enrollment process, you will be provided a link to enroll in our Community/Tuition based lottery.
The Community/Tuition based lottery will take place 3/1/25. Email communication will be sent directly to families who have completed the enrollment processes to verify a place in our community program.
February 25th
Please note that Tuesday, February 25th is NOT an eLearning Day, as previously advertised by District 203. Students will be IN PERSON that day - EC-12th grades.
Kindergarten Age Requirements (repeat)
As of February 6, 2023, the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) made an amendment to Rule 23 Ill. Admin. Code 226.720(b), which significantly impacts the age eligibility criteria for special education early childhood classrooms. The amended rule now states that, "Early childhood classes and services shall serve only children from three through five years of age." All students who are 5 on September 1 of the school year are eligible for kindergarten and are no longer eligible to attend Ann Reid Early Childhood Center during that school year. No exceptions will be made to ensure compliance with this regulation. Students who are 6 on September 1 of the school year are enrolled in first grade. However, if a child has never attended a recognized kindergarten program and a parent requests enrollment in kindergarten in District 203, we allow it.
If a child attended any type of kindergarten program for all or part of the previous school year, then the student is enrolled in Grade 1. If a parent retention request is submitted for the child to attend kindergarten, the request would be reviewed by the receiving elementary principal (and his/her team).
Home & School News
Home & School News
Thank you to all the families who participated in our Ann Reid Winterfest! We hope you had a great time exploring My Gym the past couple weeks! Look for more free events coming soon because of your participation in Ann Reid Home & School Fundraisers.
This THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th is our Dine to Donate Event at Culvers all day long!!! Join us for lunch, dinner or both! and earn 10% back of the total order to Ann Reid Home & School. Dine-in, carry-out or drive-thru available. This offer is valid at the Culvers at 1515 North Naper Blvd. only! Flyers went home in your child's backpack last week. Please make sure to mention "Ann Reid Home & School" when placing your order! We can't wait to see you there and thank you for your support!
Get excited for Valentine Cookie boxes from Moose and Me Bakery! Flyers and order forms went home last week in your child's backpack. You can use this link to order now. Orders are due by THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6th! Cookie pick up will be on Tuesday, February 11th from 3-4pm at Ann Reid. All proceeds will benefit Ann Reid Home & School.
Community News
Star Net Family Learning Opportunities
STAR NET Region II has several webinar events for Families to be held in February and March, on topics related to toilet training and early literacy. Please see the attached flyers for more information (flyers are PDF and may not open on an iphone).
Toilet Training: This 1- hour training will introduce you to ideas and strategies that will assist all children with potty training. When and how to begin the process, and tips and tricks that would be helpful to know will also be discussed. Useful resources will be shared.
Lullabies to Literacy: Come learn ways you can foster your child's language and literacy development at home with activities, strategies and adaptations that encourage and support all learners to grow skills. Useful tip sheets and resources will be shared.
Ann Reid Early Childhood Center
Email: emarker@naperville203.org
Website: www.naperville203.org/annreid
Location: 1011 South Naper Boulevard, Naperville, IL, USA
Phone: 630-420-6899
"Translate Newsletter" and "Select Language."
ఇతర భాషల కోసం, కుడి వైపున ఉన్న "వార్తాలేఖను అనువదించండి" క్లిక్ చేసి, "భాషను ఎంచుకోండి."