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National Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
Every October, schools and organizations across the country join STOMP Out Bullying™ in observance of the National Bullying Prevention Month, October. The goal: Encourage communities to work together to stop bullying and cyber-bullying by increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact of bullying on all children of all ages.
Source: http://www.stompoutbullying.org/
- More than one out of every five students has reported being bullied at least once
- 33% of those students reported being bullied at least once or twice during the school year
- School-based bullying prevention programs decrease bullying up to 25%
- The chance of being cyber-bullied has tripled in the last five years
- Bullying affects more than the victim, it affects the witnesses too
- Students have unique power to help stop and prevent bullying
- Bullying affects education, health, and safety of all those involved
- Bullying has many forms, none of which are okay
- More than half of bullying situations stop when a peer intervenes on behalf of the student being bullied
Caught Doing Good Cards
Throughout the month, staff will filling out "Caught Doing Good" cards of students who demonstrate acts of kindness or respect toward others. At the end of the month, students who have been "caught doing good" will be rewarded!
Be The "I" In KIND
There will be a banner in the lunchroom for students to take pictures with and to spread the goodness of being the "I" in K "I" ND.
Unity Day
On Wed. Oct. 23rd, students and staff are encouraged to wear orange to UNITE against bullying. All who wear orange are asked to stop in the guidance office for a treat. A group picture will be taken at 8:15 am in the cafeteria of all those wearing orange.
Project Connect-- Share a SMILE!
Making our school and community a safe, thriving, and positive place is a priority. Sharing a smile is something that brightens everyone's day! In the lunch room, there will be a spot where students can take a sticky note with a smile on it, and share it with whomever needs it. That student can then share the smiley face note, and so on.
Community Service Project
ELC High School students and staff will spend time in the afternoon on a date to be determined to go out into the community to do volunteer work.
You are not alone.
Support is ALWAYS Available
Talk to--
- A parent
- Coach
- Teacher
- Counselor
- Administrator
- Therapist
- Other trusted adult/personnel
- Online Resources
- Helpline set up by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- Available 24/7
- Suicide prevention
- Available 24/7
THE TREVOR PROJECT (USA) 1-866-488-7386
- Available 24/7
- Suicide prevention within the LGBTQ+ community
- Monday-Thursday from 9am-9pm and Friday from 9am-5pm
- Help and advice for people affected by eating disorders
More than one out of every five students will be bullied this year. This is probably happening to someone you know and care about.
- support others who have been hurt or harmed
- treat others with kindness
- be more accepting of people’s differences
- help include those who are left out
Take the Pledge against Bullying HERE!
ELC High School
Email: mindy.brechwald@elc-csd.org
Website: www.estherville.k12.ia.us
Location: 1520 Central Avenue, Estherville, IA, United States
Phone: 712-362-2659
Twitter: @elccounseling