RHS Weekly Newsletter
September 13, 2024
New This Week
RHS Newsletter
Each week, our students share what's going on at RHS. Please take a few minutes to learn more: RHS Newsletter - 9.13.24
Updated Documents
- RCS Sick Guidelines 2024 - From our district nurse
- RHS Tutoring Schedule 2024-2025 - Tutoring starts on Monday, September 23
- RHS Bell Schedule 2024-2025 - A recent safety audit resulted in a recommendation we avoid having 1800 backpacks in the gymnasium at the same time (which occurs during school assemblies at the end of the day). In our continuing efforts to keep our students as safe as possible, we have updated our schedule for assembly days so students can keep their backpacks in class (during assemblies) and have time to return to class before dismissal
Homecoming Assembly (Friday, September 20th)
Our first assembly of the year is next Friday during Homecoming week. As we do for every assembly, students will not be allowed to leave school on Friday afternoon. If there is a legitimate reason for your son/daughter to be called out of school on Friday, you must contact the office at least 24 hours ahead of time.
Post High School Opportunities
We are excited to share information about post-graduation opportunities with you. The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) has partnered with the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) to enhance the Pathfinder Resources page with organized resources that will help students and their families review college information, find financial aid information, get a job, serve their community or country, assess their skills if unsure of their path, and explore opportunities to earn college credit or receive training in high school. The information can help you in the planning for your future after high school. Pathfinder Resources Website
Homecoming 2024
Homecoming week 2024 will kick off on Monday 9/16. The theme for Homecoming is Ancient Greece! Our spirit days are as follows (and included in the picture below):
Spirit days - If you are not sure what to wear for the dress up theme each day, wear the color for the day to participate still.
- Monday - Athena Goddess of Patriotism: USA day or wear Red
- Tuesday - Iris Goddess of the Rainbow: Color day
- Freshmen: Gray
- Sophomores: Black
- Juniors: White
- Seniors: Red
- Wednesday - Demeter God of Agriculture: Flannel day or wear blue
- Thursday - Poseidon God of the Sea: Bikers vs. Surfers (Beach day) or wear yellow
- Friday - Gods of Romeo: Hoco shirts
Homecoming shirts and tickets will be sold next week by the school store (in the cafeteria at 9GA). They are $15 each. $15 for a HoCo shirt and $15 for a HoCo ticket. Tickets can be purchased Monday-Friday next week as well as at the door for the dance. Only seniors are allowed to bring a guest (someone who does not go to Romeo Community School). Seniors who want to bring a guest need to complete a guest pass form (link to Sara's form).
The Homecoming parade will be on Wednesday at 6pm. The game is on Friday 9/20 at Barnabo Field. Kick off is at 7 pm. The Homecoming dance is Saturday 9/21 from 6pm - 9pm. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $15.
HOCO Dance Guest Passes
Guest passes (for non Romeo students) for the Homecoming dance are available for seniors only. The guest pass must be completed and returned to the main office by Thursday, September 19th at noon. No exceptions! RHS Guest Pass Form
HOCO 2024 Events
HOCO 2024 Spirit Week
We’re going to Madrid, Cordoba, and Seville in Summer 2025, and you’re invited! We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours. Please be sure to register for the informational meeting on September 17th at 7:00 pm using this link: https://bit.ly/4dNZxLd. When students travel, they expand their knowledge of the world around them, discover more about themselves, and grow more confident. These skills are critical for creating the global citizens of tomorrow, and we would love to have your student join us on this adventure.
Romeo Restored
The free thrift store for students, will re-open at RHS the week of September 9. The store will be available during all RHS lunches most Tuesdays and Fridays. We have many dresses and suits for the Homecoming Dance and would love to help students find that special outfit! If you need an after school shopping time please email pamela.gedert@romeok12.org
NHS & NTHS (Juniors and Seniors only)
Please review the information below as to the eligibility for joining National Honor Society and National Technical Honor Society. These are 2 different groups with different requirements and advisors. Current members DO NOT need to reapply. If you have questions, please contact the appropriate faculty advisor. Applications for both groups are due by 2:15 pm on Friday, September 27.
National Honor Society (NHS):
Minimum GPA of 3.5 needed to apply
Faculty Advisor: Pam Gedert - pamela.gedert@romeok12.org
2024 NHS Eligibility Letter - the application and faculty recommendation links are in the letter and can only be accessed through student emails
Please note that all new members will need to complete the required 50 service hours in order to graduate with NHS Honors, even if you apply as a senior
National Technical Honor Society (NTHS):
Minimum GPA of 3.0 needed to apply
Faculty Advisors: Shelly Bartolotta - shelly.bartolotta@romeok12.org Monica McDougall - monica.mcdougall@romeok12.org
National Technical Honor Society Candidate Letter - the application and faculty recommendation links are in the letter and can only be accessed through student emails
Counselors' Corner
High school students and families interested in learning more about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship are encouraged to attend an informational webinar provided by MI Student Aid.
Participants will learn about:
- The NEW Community College Guarantee
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship eligibility requirements
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship award amounts
- Important action items for students and families
- Additional resources and program information
All sessions are free of charge and open to the public. Space is limited so register ASAP. Register here."
Upcoming Events
9/16-20: Homecoming week
9/21: Homecoming dance
9/25: No school (teacher PD)
Class of 2025
Senior Parking Painting Refund
Senior painting deposit refunds were distributed this week during lunch. If you did not get yours, you must see Mrs. Schornack in the RHS main office by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20.
Senior Yearbook Pictures
Most of our seniors have gotten their senior yearbook pictures taken already by Michael Barton Studios (pictures were at RHS in early August and there was a make up day last week). If you have already done this, thank you. If you have not done this yet, there will be ONE FINAL opportunity on November 6th. Be on the look out for an email next week to get this scheduled. If this is not done, your picture will not be in your senior yearbook.
SANP 2025
Save the date! Please come to the first Senior All Night Party meeting. All parents and guardians of a class of 2025 Senior are welcome. (We welcome parents of, RVA and Traditional In person)
Wednesday, October 2, 6:30 pm. HHP commons (turn left down the first hall past the main office)
We will play a highlight video of a past Senior All Night Party, so everyone can get an idea what the evening entails. We will discuss the sub-committees, fundraising, tickets, entertainment, prizes, and much more! This event needs many volunteers to be successful, we hope you can join us!
2025 Lawn signs will be cash and carry at this meeting. $25. Additional opportunities for purchasing signs, coming soon.
Any questions please email romeo2025sanp@gmail.com