Southside Elementary News
🏈September 6, 2024🏈
📓2024-2025 School Supply Information📏
📌K-3 ATLAS Screener Testing Parent Information📌
Our Kindergarten - 3rd grade students will begin participating in the ATLAS Screener tests next week. To find out more information - check this out!
👋Start with Hello Day!👋
We will celebrate Start with Hello day on Friday, September 20th!
Start with Hello day is a national call-to-action week dedicated to making new social connections and creating a sense of belonging among our kids.
What Does that Mean? Wear a shirt that represents something about YOU! That way, you have an easy way to start a conversation with someone you may not know!
It may be sports related, Harry Potter, maybe even unicorns, or an outfit of your favorite color? We can't wait to see what you wear!
📸Picture Day📸
👂Hearing & Vision Screening👀
Hearing & vision screenings will take place for Kindergarten, 1st grade. 2nd grade & 4th grade students on Thursday, October 3rd & Friday, October 4th.
*3rd grade students do NOT participate*
👨🏻🚀We Love Our "Grandfriends" to Infinity & Beyond!🌌
Mark your calendar for this fun event! *more info soon*
👩🏻🚀🚀Fall Book Fair🛸🪐
Our fall book fair will be the week of October 7th - October 11th!
It's going to be out of this world!
*more info soon*
🧡Unity Day🧡
We will celebrate Unity Day on Wednesday, October 16th by wearing ORANGE!
We wear orange and share orange in order to show unity for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion and to send a visible message that no child should ever experience bullying.
🏈Cabot Homecoming - Early Dismissal👑
Cabot will celebrate Homecoming on Friday, October 18th!
We will dismiss early this day, 1:30pm, so student cans join their family & community at the Homecoming Parade!
📅Dates to Remember: September & October📅
September 20th: Start with Hello Day!
October 2nd: Fall Picture Day
October 3rd & October 4th: Hearing & Vision Screenings (K, 1st, 2nd, 4th)
October 7th: Grandfriend Evening (5pm - 7pm) - *more info to come*
October 7th - October 11th: Book Fair
October 14th: No School
October 16th: Unity Day - Wear Orange!
October 18th: Early Dismissal @ 1:30 (Homecoming)
October 22nd: Early Dismissal & P/T Conferences
October 24th: Early Dismissal & P/T Conferences
October 25th: No School
October 28th - November 1st: Red Ribbon Week
🐾Southside Behavior Matrix🐾
In an effort to ensure that Southside is a safe, consistent, & informed place for learning - our school will be utilizing a behavior matrix. This behavior matrix will be used by all Southside staff to communicate to students what behaviors are appropriate in all areas of the school.