Heights Happenings
August 26 - 30, 2024
Dear Madison Heights Families,
This week we started our RULER social emotional program where students learned about classroom community circles. RULER stands for Recognize emotions, Understand motions, Label emotions, Express emotions, and Regulate emotions. Classroom community circles are a quick process in the classroom that gives students a chance to answer a community building question, such as "What was something fun you did this summer?" The community circle teaches students to listen, show respect to each other, and build common connections.
We also had our PBIS student assemblies this week where students learned about Eddie the Eagle awards, class dojo points, and reviewed the Keys to Success. Our Keys to Success at Madison Heights are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. Specific expectations are taught in each area of the school that show how students can be respectful, responsible, and safe and students are recognized positively for following those expectations. Mrs. Coughlin also talked about bullying and how to report bullying if it occurs. In the picture, Mrs. Coughlin is teaching the strategy of Stop, Walk, and Talk to help students manage conflicts.
Steve Lee
Parent Resource for Spanish home library
During Curriculum Night, one of my suggestions to help promote Spanish was to start building up a Spanish library. This is a free parent resource that was shared with me and I would like to pass it along. You can choose Spanish and narration is included for the stories. Click the link below to access this resource.
Thank you, Dad's Club!
Thank you to our Dad's Club for helping open doors, direct traffic, and welcome student in the morning!
If anyone is interested in joining the Dad's Club, please email madisonheightsdadsclub@gmail.com.
They put on an amazing Trunk or Treat event in October as well as organize events for dads at school.
4th Grade Spirit Shirt Design Contest
Congratulations to our four finalists for the 4th grade Spirit Shirt Design Contest. Our finalists are Addison Ama, Catherine Cushner, Daniel Orlando, and Lily Batalla. We had lots of entries this year and it was difficult to narrow down to just four designs. Classes are voting this week and we will announce the results next week as soon as they are counted. Thank you!
If you are new to the school this year, be sure to grab a Spirit Shirt, because students are permitted to wear Spirit Shirts every Friday. ALL ORDERS MUST BE PLACED BY 11:00 PM ON SEPTEMBER 2ND. All items will be distributed the week of September 23rd. The PTO historically only sells apparel at the beginning of the year, so this may be your only chance to snag one!
Spanish Immersion Bilingual Career Day 9/27/24 - Volunteers Needed
If you use Spanish in your job or know anyone who does, we could use your help! Each year we have a Spanish Career Day to highlight how being bilingual can be helpful and advantageous in careers. The provides student with purpose being learning here at Heights. We have set up a sign up genius below to sign up for times aligned to our Spanish classes at school.
Here are some ideas for a successful Spanish presentation:
15 minute presentation
5 minutes for question from students
Visuals and props are highly engaging for students
Consider showing the tools of your trade
During your time with students consider sharing:
Your language background/How you learned Spanish
Benefits of being bilingual
How Spanish helps you in your career
Giveaways are appreciated but not required
Achievement Tutoring Program at Arizona Department of Education
Madison is no longer participating in the Achievement Tutoring Program. The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) will be continuing the Achievement Tutoring Program, but will only use third party tutors for the program for this school year. Madison teachers will no longer be providing tutoring under the program. Parents can get information on the third party tutors from the ADE website. If you would like any information about the Achievement Tutoring Program, please see click on the following link: https://www.azed.gov/achievement-tutoring
Sign Up to have lunch with your student
Lunch Visit Procedures
Lunch visits are limited to two visitors per child and we can accommodate 10 adults per grade level in our visitor seating area. Siblings are not permitted during any lunch visits.
Please follow school rules and procedures for the cafeteria. This includes using designated wait areas, instructions for meeting your student, no photographs or social media postings of other children.
Upon arrival at the school, all visitors must report to the main office. Office personnel will facilitate the process for visitor registration/check in. Your student will meet you as their class enters the cafeteria. We ask that you sit at the designated tables marked "visitor seating" with your student.
After lunch, please come directly to the office, sign out, and return your visitor’s badge.
Thank you!
Birthday in Box Program
The Madison Food & Nutrition Services Department would love to help you celebrate your child's special day by offering birthday snacks for the entire class. Offerings and pricing are able in the attached link or in the front office. Please download the Birthday Celebration form, complete it in its entirety, and return it with cash or check payment to the school cafeteria no later than 7 days in advance for ordering. We can accept orders for the entire school year as early as the first day of school. The last day birthday treats will be served is Friday, May 16, 2025. Parents please don't forget! Outside birthday cupcakes, other birthday treats / snacks, balloons, or party favors are not allowed to be brought to school, as this interrupts your child, teacher, and classmate’s instructional time.