Redwood Reader
October 4, 2024

Book Fair October 7-9th
Sign up now for e-wallet the cash free, worry free way to pay for book fair. Book fair is next week, students will have the opportunity to shop for books during the school day. E-wallet and cash or card will be accepted. We are not able to take checks.
Book Fair Volunteers
The Redwood Fall Book Fair is coming the Week of October 7th. We are looking for volunteers to assist our students in shopping. Please use the attached link to sign up if you are able.
Picture Day is Thursday, October 17th at Redwood Elementary
Save time and preorder your photographs on the Ripcho Studio webpage before your Picture Day, by clicking on the "Order Online" button below.
Your Personalized Password is: 1001175487
Please Note: The Online Password will expire 48 hours after the Photo Date
You can also choose to print the flyer by clicking the "Download Flyer" button below. Fill it out and return it to the school on Picture Day with your payments in an enclosed envelope.
Please bring the money, along with the form on picture day to give to the photographer !
Parents who have multiple children will need to place a separate prepay order per child.
We look forward to seeing your child's smile this upcoming Picture Day!
We Are Collecting Donations!
SOUPer Bowl Drive and Contest Versus Avon to Collect Food for Those in Need
As a fun and competitive contest that ultimately helps raise awareness and resources for those in our community who are most in need, a SOUPer Bowl Drive is underway in Avon Lake and Avon, to help collect non-perishable food items for our local pantries. The competition with Avon culminates on Friday, October 25, 2024, during our home football game, with a trophy awarded to the community with the heaviest truck stuffed full of goods. Peanut butter, cereal, canned fruits, and other non-perishable items are needed, and there will be drop off locations at all Avon Lake Schools. Let’s help those in need, and win that trophy, too!
Calling all Recyclers!
Calling all recyclers! The Redwood art room is always in need of the following: plastic grocery bags, newspaper, and egg cartons (plastic or styrofoam only). If you have any of these items, please drop them off in the art room. Thank you!
PTA Looking for Room Parents
Room Parent Sign Up
If you are interested in being a head room parent please see the link below.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Redwood fall conferences are being held on Wednesday, October 9th, and Thursday, October 10th. Please use the link below to schedule a conference with your student's teacher. As a reminder there is no school for students on October 10th or 11th.
Charleston Wrap
Our very important Fall fundraiser kicks off soon! Look out for our Charleston Wrap fundraising info coming home in your child's folder this week. Get ready to check off your holiday gift list! You’re going to LOVE what you see, and your support will help us reach our fundraising goal! Not to mention the fun prizes including the Coop Crew collectibles.
Calling Parents of all Redwood Artists! Don't forget to sign up for Artsonia, the online tool to view your student's artwork and purchase gifts made with their creations! Artsonia produces quality items such as mugs, t-shirts, canvas prints, jewelry and more- all adorned with your little artist's masterpiece! 20% of all sales come back to benefit the Redwood art program. Simply visit this link https://www.artsonia.com/connect/FZ3SDSC2 and enter the Redwood code of FZ3SDSC2. If you have already signed up for Artsonia, your information is saved and you don't need to do anything!
Fall Costume Parade
On Thursday, October 31st, Redwood will host their annual costume parade. The parade will take place outside of the building at 10:00 for all full day students and AM LEAPS students. We will have a smaller parade for PM Leaps and PM Kindergarten at 1:30.
Upcoming Important Dates
7-10 Book Fair
9- Evening Conferences
10-NO School Conference Day
11- NO School NEOEA Day
15-16- 3rd grade OST Reading
17- School Pictures
24 PTA Meeting (10AM Redwood)
25 End of 1st Quarter
31-Costume Parade 10Am and 1:30
Redwood Spring Kalahari Night
Redwood Elementary School Family & Friends Night March 6th
A dedicated website is now available for your attendees to book their hotel rooms online. Reservations can be made starting Sep 11, 2024 at this web address:
Booking Website:
Redwood PTA 2024-2025 School Year
The new school year has arrived and we invite all Redwood families to join the Redwood PTA! Attending meetings is not a requirement to be a part of this great organization. Click on the image below to sign up today.
Spirit Wear
Purchase your Redwood and Avon Lake gear & have it shipped directly to your home
A percentage of all sales goes to Redwood PTA
Store link for Redwood: https://1stplace.sale/72840
Store link for Avon Lake: https://1stplace.sale/7283
Safer Ohio School Tip Line
Redwood Elementary School
Website: https://www.avonlakecityschools.org/redwood
Location: 32967 Redwood Blvd, Avon Lake, OH 44012, USA
Phone: (440)933-5145
Twitter: @RedwoodAvonLake