Otter Tail County Extension Update
Agriculture and Horticulture: August 2024
Notes from your Educator
Happy August!
It's been a busy and bountiful month of July with the county fairs, outdoor activities, and both weeds and crops growing quickly. August has a lot in store as well, including several on-farm events. It's the perfect time to enjoy local produce from a farmers market or roadside stand as we go through peak growing season. As always, if you have questions, please feel free to reach out.
Take care,
Olivia Olson
office: (218) 998-8308
cell: (218) 282-5963
In this Edition
OTC Extension Facebook Page
Summer resources of note
Dairy producer field day
EOT Breakfast on the Farm
Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture pilot program
Master Gardener volunteer application
Small Farm Startup School
Farm transition and estate planning webinars
Deep Roots Festival
OTC Extension is now on Facebook!
Follow the OTC Extension page for more regular agriculture and horticulture event updates and resources.
Information of Note
Maximizing your Cover Crop Benefits by Selecting the Right Species
If you're considering putting in a late summer or fall cover crop but are looking for some guidance, this resource from UMN Extension educators discusses common cover crops, their benefits, and best practices for getting a healthy stand of the crop. Additionally, the cover crop selection tool from the Midwest Cover Crop Council enables you to get more specific recommendations for your farm based on your goals for having a cover crop and your main crop harvest dates.
Tomato Foliar Disease Refresher
Tomato might be the spottiest vegetable we grow – there are many diseases that can cause leaf spots, and they can all look very similar. Some of the diseases are caused by bacteria, some are caused by fungi. This means that some of the same cultural practices may work, but if you are thinking about chemical controls and longer term management, knowing which pathogen you have will be important.
From Marissa Schuh, IPM Extension Educator
Bumps on Plants, What Gall!
Have you noticed odd bumps on your plants' leaves or stems? They might be galls! Galls are abnormal growths caused by bacteria, fungi, nematodes, mites, or insects. While they may disfigure twigs and foliage, they usually don't harm the plant's health.
From Robin Trott, Douglas County Extension Educator
Otter Tail County Events and Opportunities
Dairy Lunch & Learn
Join University of Minnesota Extension Dairy Team for a Dairy Lunch & Learn in Otter Tail County. A free lunch will be provided, as well as the opportunity to gather with other local dairy farmers and learn more about calf care, biosecurity, beef on dairy, technology, and more. The whole family is invited to join in the fun!
When: Wednesday, August 7th, 11:00 - 1:30 pm
Where: Amor Park, 38002 Eldorado Beach Rd, Battle Lake, MN
Cost: Free to attend, registration is not required
EOT Breakfast on the Farm
With summer in Lakes Country comes a variety of community events that celebrate our towns
and communities. One of those events is the EOT Breakfast on the Farm. The local agriculture
community and a host of volunteers are all geared up for this year’s EOT Breakfast on the Farm
event. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, August 3rd, on the Mike and Sandy Dombeck
Farm located northwest of Perham at 44734 410th Ave, Perham. (follow the signs).
This family friendly event is a great opportunity for non-farming families to connect with our
local farming families and ag professionals to learn about modern farming operations and how
our local agricultural community works together to produce our food. In addition to getting an
old-fashioned breakfast, those that attend will have the chance to ask those burning questions
they have always had about agricultural production in the area. Attendees will be able to get an
up-close look at the machinery and technology used in farming today. Our local 4H youth will
have their animals on display and members of our local FFA’s will have activities for the kids,
and yes, the ever-popular barrel train will be there too.
Alliance to Advance Climate Smart Agriculture - Funding Opportunity
Sign ups for participation in the Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture are open through August 16th, with the possibility of receiving $100 per acre or animal unit for adopting a new climate smart (conservation) practice on your farm. The list of approved practices can be found here.
Any questions concerning this pilot-program can be directed toward either the East Otter Tail or Wadena SWCDs. EOT SWCD phone number: 218-346-9105; Wadena SWCD phone number: 218-632-4201. Staff are available at both locations for assistance in applying for the program.
Become a Master Gardener
Are you interested in horticulture and sharing that knowledge with others? Consider becoming a Master Gardener volunteer with the East or West Otter Tail Master Gardener volunteer program! Applications for 2025 are open from August 1 through October 1. More information can be found here.
Other Extension Events
Small Farm Startup School
Extension Educators in Wright, McLeod, and Meeker Counties will be offering a Small Farm Startup School this fall. This program consists of a seven week course that runs on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. from September 11 to October 30, with no class held on September 25. Classes will be held at the Dassel History Center and Ergot Museum. There will also be two Saturday farm tours on September 28 and October 19, located in the Wright, McLeod, and Meeker County area.
The Small Farm Startup School is for small-scale landowners or renters interested in learning how to use land for agricultural purposes. You will develop an agricultural business plan you can take to a loan office. This course will provide new and beginning farmers with a solid background in small farm operations, management, and business planning. Topics are tailored to the tri-county area.
Farm Transition and Estate Planning Webinars
The University of Minnesota Extension is presenting four webinars on introductory Farm Transition and Estate Planning. Webinars will be held on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. starting August 14th. There is no cost to attendees. Attend one or attend all four!
Topics for each session are as follows:
- August 14: Developing your farm transition goals and assembling your “team”
- August 21: All things tax: gifting, selling, and transferring
- August 28: Wills, trusts, ownership titling—what does it all mean?
- September 4: Putting the basics together: estate, retirement, healthcare, and business transfer planning
Participants can register at:
Future Events
Deep Roots Festival
Deep Roots Festival is a community celebration that increases our connection to local foods and the farmers and growers who make them in the Lake Agassiz Region. This event is planned and hosted by the local chapter of the Sustainable Farming Association.
It includes local food tours, music, vendors, food, and a range of classes with the price of admission. More information can be found here.
When: Saturday, September 14
Where: Maple Hills Orchard, Frazee
Farm Resources
North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center
Farm Aid Hotline: 1-800-FARM AID (1-800-327-6243)
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Iowa Concern Hotline: 1-800-447-1985
- (Financial, legal, and stress support available to residents in MN, not just IA)
Farmland Clearinghouse
Are you a beginning farmer looking to rent or purchase working farmland in the Midwest? Or are you an established farmer/landowner in the Midwest who is seeking a beginning farmer to purchase or rent your working farmland, or to work with in a partnership situation? The Land Stewardship Project's Farm Beginnings project has simple application forms available for people seeking farmland or farmers. More information and the forms can be found at this link.
Contact Your Educator
Phone: office (218) 998-8303 cell (218) 282-5963
Location: 118 N Main Ave, New York Mills, MN 56567
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