Bonny Slope Elementary
December 19, 2024
Dates To Remember
12/20 Assembly/sing along/PJ day
12/20 *Winter Parties in Classrooms (1 hr)
12/23-1/3 NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
1/6 Staff and students back from Winter Break
1/14 OBOB Round Robin Battles Begin
1/14-1/6 OBOB Round Robin Battles
1/17 NO SCHOOL- Staff Development/Workday
1/20 NO SCHOOL- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
1/21-1/23 OBOB Round Robin Battles
1/22 GEO Club - Africa Part 1
1/24 January Birthday Lunch
1/24 End of Semester
1/27 NO SCHOOL-Grading Day
1/29 BSCO Winter Community Meeting 7-9 (zoom)
1/31 Kids Heart Challenge Assembly
Winter After School Classes are Enrolling Now!
Pajama/ Spirit Day Tomorrow (Friday, December 20)
Wear pajamas or Bonny Slope T-shirt!
Culture Night - Save the Date!
Culture Night is back this year! This family-friendly BSCO event will be on Friday, April 4, 2025 at the school. It will be a fun-filled evening for students and families to share, learn and celebrate the diverse cultures of our community. The event will showcase countries representing different aspects of their cultures, traditions, clothes, festivals, languages, art, game and food. Please visit our Culture Night Website for more information and sign up to participate by performing or hosting a cultural booth!
For any questions please email cultural@bonnyslopebsco.org.
2024-2025 Yearbooks
The 2024-2025 Yearbook is officially on sale now, for the price of $17! The book will feature portraits from picture day and photos from all of the exciting activities throughout the school year; not to mention the book cover has been chosen by our own students this year! You can easily reserve your copy online or by paying with check or cash with the order form found in your childs’ Friday Folders last week. Please visit our Yearbook website for more order details and to submit photos of your students’ favorite moments throughout the year!
For any questions please email us directly at yearbook@bonnyslopebsco.org.
After School Classes starting in January
Winter After School Classes are Enrolling Now!
Safe Routes to School Art Contest
All Beaverton elementary school students are invited to participate in the 6th annual Safe Routes to School January Art Contest, “Move Together”. On Monday, January 6th, we will send a packet of fliers with contest information to each elementary school office and ask that you distribute a flier to each teacher’s mailbox. We will include a cover sheet with these instructions. Teachers may choose to have their class create artwork entries at school or send the project home. Teachers are directed to collect student entries and submit them by Jan. 31st to the school office. Please collect these entries and send them via district mail to Leah Biado at TSC. A winner will be chosen from each grade across the district (K-8) and two grand prize winners (one elementary and one middle school) will be selected.
Please use the article below and attached graphics to promote the contest via newsletters, social media, and parent square during the month of January. Please contact us with any questions. Thank you so much for your assistance and we wish you a wonderful winter break!
6th Annual Walk + Roll Art Contest
Beaverton Safe Routes to School is accepting submissions from students in grades K-8! Our theme this year is “Move Together.” We can’t wait to see your art!
Contest directions:
Draw, paint, or design a picture showing a School Bus, Bike Bus or Walking School Bus.
Submission deadline is 1/31/25 to your teacher.
Please use 8 ½ x 11 paper.
Use colored pencils and/or markers.
Use lots of colors to catch everyone’s attention.
Limit the number of words on the page.
Bonny Slope Elementary
Principal: Betty Skundrick
Assistant Principal: Anh Nguyen-Johnson
11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503.356.2040
Fax: 503.356.2045
Attendance: 503.356.2040 Press 1 for attendance
Attendance email: