Onekawa School Newsletter
Week 1 Term 4, Friday 13 October
Principal's Comment
Kia ora e te Whanau
Welcome to term four!
Our children have settled into school quickly, as per usual. I've been visiting classes and I'm delighted with the progress our children are making in their learning. The playground has also been a lovely place to be in with happy and caring children having lots of fun. Congratulations on the excellent start children!
In other good news, we are planning to start construction of the long-awaited playscape in the Christmas holidays. A massive thanks to Team Pipi for all of their efforts fundraising. We have been successful with some grant applications to date and are waiting on the outcome of a few more applications.
Have a wonderful weekend Whanau!
Nga mihi,
Hats for term four
Hot Lunches
I have spoken with them and they are able to provide us with a menu for the week. We will send this out on Hero so parents know what the children are going to be eating each day.
Today's lunch was yummy meatballs with noodles, cheese/crackers, and an apple.
Room 10 and 14 Fun Morning
Teacher only day - Tuesday 24 October
We will be having our only teacher only day for the year on Tuesday 24 October. This coincides with Hawkes Bay Anniversary Day and Labour Weekend.
Congratulations to this week's class certificate winners!
Player of the day - Week 1!
Important Dates
Wednesday 18 October Disco
Friday 20 October Hawkes Bay Anniversary Day
Monday 23 October Labour Day
Tuesday 24 October Teacher Only DayContact Us
Location: 235 Kennedy Road, Onekawa, Napier, New Zealand
Phone: 06 843 8297