Wattles Park Parent Connection
March 7, 2025
Wattles Park Elementary Read-A-Thon
Read-a-thon is off to the great start! We are already over 26,000 minutes of reading with 213 students having reader accounts. We have 387 students at our school, so we still have mant students that still could log minutes to help reach our goal. Use the link below to set-up the reader account. It only takes a few minutes.
We have set a school-wide goal of 40,000 minutes of reading during Read-a-thon. If we achieve this goal, the top reader in each classroom will get to silly string Mr. Swan during an assembly on March 27th. Minutes will be tracked only using the Read-a-thon website, so it is important that every parent sets up an account for their child(ren) as soon as possible. The instructions are straightforward, making it quick and hassle-free, and it should take less than 5 minutes of your time.
Watch a short video to see how to signup your reader:
This account will serve as a hub for recording and monitoring your child's progress as a Reader in the event, and for you to share their Read-A-Thon message with friends and family. Use the link below to activate your student's Reader account:
Thank you so much for your participation and support. Together, we can make this Read-A-Thon an amazing experience for our young readers!
Walt Disney World Give Away
Would you like to win an all-expense paid trip to Walt Disney Theme Park for your family? We'd love to make that dream come true!
Our school is holding a Read-A-Thon Fundraiser, and it's a fantastic opportunity for your child to raise money while enjoying their favorite books.
As a special bonus, any child who sends 10 text messages through their dashboard to promote our fundraiser will automatically be entered into a nationwide drawing for a magical trip for four to Walt Disney Theme Park.
We'll select one lucky winner each season from all the Read-A-Thons held during that season.
To create your student account, click on the link below (less than 5 minutes):
March is Reading Month
We have many exciting activities planned for students for the month of March. Here is a list of activities:
Every Wednesday-Drop Everything And Read 2:15pm
Every Thursday-Read My Hat Day
Every Friday-Read My Shirt Day
Family Reading BINGO
Mystery Readers-Please contact your child's teacher if you can read to their classroom.
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports Parent Survey
Please take a few minutes to give our PBIS Leadership team some feedback on behavior related topics.
Countdown to Kindergarten
We will be welcoming next year's Kindergarten families on March 20th and April 15th to our Countdown to Kindergarten events. Please share this information with family, friends and co-workers that have children turning 5 years old by September 1st. We will begin both nights at 6:00pm in the cafeteria. Please see the flyer linked below. Countdown to Kindergarten 2025
Spring Pictures
Craft photograph will be at WPE on March 18 & 19 to take spring pictures. Developmental Kindergarten, Kindergarten and 1st grade will be on 3/18, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades will be on 3/19. Please see the flyer for additional details. Please see the flyer coming home in the next few days.
Wattles Park 2025 Career Day
We are planning a career day on Friday, May 23th from 12:00-3:00 p.m. We are looking for presenters to come to Wattles Park Elementary and teach or demonstrate for our students. Do you have a career that you'd like to share with our students? Please click here or scan the QR code to volunteer. We would love for the activity to be interactive. Please reach out to Mrs. Selinger with questions or concerns, selingerl@harpercreek.net.
Girls On The Run
Practice begins Monday, March 3rd. Students should report to the Spanish classroom immediately after school. Practices will be every Monday and Thursday after school until 5:15pm. Parents will pick-up in the back parking lot.
Popcorn Volunteers Needed
Our Friday popcorn team needs more help. Popping starts at 7:30 am on Friday mornings and usually wraps up by mid-morning. If you are available for any length of time on Friday mornings, please call Corenna in the office and she will connect you with the popcorn team. 269-441-5850
Trails at WPE
Our teachers in all grades use the Trails curriculum to teach kids important social and emotional skills. In Unit 5 students will be learning about the following skills:
- Problem-solving: Students are introduced to a simple problem-solving model: 1. Pause 2. Breathe 3. Think. When we make decisions, especially if strong thoughts and feelings are involved, we often get stuck seeing only two options and make decisions quickly and impulsively. Using a problem-solving model can help your student take time to think through their options, weigh the consequences, and make decisions that are helpful to them and others.
- Values: Values reflect what is most important to us and act as a compass to guide our behavior. Our values stem from many places, including our family and support system. Our school also works to instill common values in our students, such as lead by example, encourage kindness, act respectfully, and demonstrate safety. Awareness of values can help students tune into what is most important to them when they navigate problems and big decisions.
- Goals: At this age, students often have goals related to specific interests (e.g., reading, sports, writing, etc.). Remembering our strengths and previous achievements can help keep us motivated as we work toward new goals.
March 18 & 19 Spring Pictures
March 20-Countdown to Kindergarten 6:00pm
March 28-Spring Break Begins
April 7-School Resumes
School Attendance
Family Literacy Night 2025
Contact Information
Email: swanb@harpercreek.net
Website: wpe.harpercreek.net
Location: 132 S Wattles Rd, Battle Creek, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 441-5850