Winter health reminders
A message from Mounds View Public Schools

January 20, 2025
What to do if your student is feeling ill
Cold and flu season is officially upon us. Before returning to school tomorrow, see below for some reminders about when students should stay home from school when they have symptoms of illness or are recovering.
If your student:
- Has a fever of 100° degrees or more, they should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever reducing medication.
- Has vomited or has had diarrhea, the student should stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
If norovirus is suspected or confirmed, soap and water hand washing is essential as hand sanitizer alone doesn't work well against noroviruses.
If your student is ill before coming to school, please keep them home and report the symptoms or illness using the attendance line for their school each day your student is sick. If your child has a confirmed contagious illness such as chicken pox, strep throat, pertussis, influenza, or COVID-19, please indicate that in your message.
To help prevent the spread of illness, we follow the guidelines of St Paul Ramsey County Public Health to determine when a student may return to school.
Prevention behaviors include:
- Frequent and thorough hand washing
- Sneezing and coughing into sleeve
- Keeping hands, pencils etc. away from eyes, nose, and mouth
- Staying home when sick.
Thank you for your partnership to help reduce the spread of illness within our school communities.