Garfield 16 Gazette
August 2024

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Superintendent Corner
New Administrators
I am filled with excitement and optimism about the great things ahead for our students and community in the 2024-2025 school year.
This year, we are thrilled to welcome three new administrators to our leadership team, bringing fresh perspectives and a wealth of experience to our schools. Amber Clark, former BUE Principal has begun her new role as Assistant Superintendent. Amber Scott, former BUE Assistant Principal is now the BUE Principal and Ioana Costas is the new BUE Assistant Principal. We also welcome Kim Davis as the GVMS Principal. See the press release below for more information.
In addition, we have several new teachers who are eager to inspire and support our students on their educational journeys. Their enthusiasm and dedication are sure to make a positive impact in every classroom.
Improved Attendance
As we begin the 2024-25 school year, we want to thank our students and families for working with the schools to decrease chronic absenteeism by 20.7% across the school district. This is a wonderful accomplishment, and we look forward to greater increases in student attendance this school year.
Why is regular school attendance important for your child's learning? We have found that as we met with parents and guardians whose children were at or approaching 10 days of absences, their children's grades were suffering. Teachers do take the time to get students caught up on the learning after an absence. However, those few minutes of catch up time could never equal the many minutes of instructional time and practice in the classroom. When students feel behind or lost in class, they are less likely to want to come to school. This is when we see students act out in class to get out of that uncomfortable situation where they feel lost and unprepared.
For a majority of our students, school is where they get two basic meals a day. Colorado's Healthy School Meals for All program provides every student with access to a nutritious breakfast and lunch. Parents and guardians can always provide meals for their students, but for some families, knowing that meals are available at school allows them to further stretch their own meal resources. Beyond the learning, we want our students to be healthy and well-nourished as they grow.
Students are safe in school. Parents and guardians know where they are, and they can rest assured that they are well cared for while in school. Besides academic learning, there is so much that students learn about working together, making friends, controlling their impulses, and being good citizens. Teachers reinforce the lessons that students get at home in school where there are many more peers to interact with on a daily basis.
Missing school because of an illness or family reason will always be OK. We ask that parents and guardians keep track of how many days their children miss school and make it as few as possible. Remember- coming to school is cool.
Before and After-School Childcare
Cardinal Club!
G16 is happy to announce before/after-school childcare with Cardinal Club for the 2024-2025 School Year! Cardinal Club at the Grand Valley Center for Family Learning (CFL) and Bea Underwood Elementary (BUE) is childcare for school-aged children in grades kindergarten through 5th grade. Students must be enrolled in Garfield 16 schools.
Cardinal Club hours at CFL and BUE are:
Tuesday- Friday 6:30 a.m. to 7:20 a.m. AND 3:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
The fees for the CFL and BUE Cardinal Club are per child, and reduced rates are available for eligible families. Parent/guardians may choose to pay monthly or bi-monthly. Please visit https://www.garfield16.org/parents/pagecardinal-club for the fee schedule and for more information.
Download our App!
Attendance Matters!
Top 10 Reasons To Come to School Every Day 🏆
1. Reading on Grade Level📖
Studies show that consistent attendance from Pre-K gives the best start for early literacy development. Students who aren't reading on grade level by 3rd grade have a lower chance of graduating. It starts that early!
2. Joining Classmates on Exciting Field Trips🚌
Don't miss out on hands-on learning experiences outside the classroom, like visits to museums, nature centers, science centers, parks, and performances of all kinds. These enriching experiences help students figure out their passions.
3. Forming Lasting Friendships😍
Attending daily allows students to foster strong social bonds and an inclusive peer network. Even if not all friendships work out, developing the skills is only possible with ongoing interaction. Students who develop their social skills through school attendance have more positive relationships, overall.
4. Developing Effective Study Habits Early⏰
Good attendance instills vital skills like punctuality, time management and self-discipline. A big part of succeeding is learning how to learn. Daily attendance from elementary onwards helps students build their toolbox of strategies for success.
5. Demonstrating Responsibility and Commitment🙌
Employers value established patterns of dedication and follow-through. Whether students are getting after school jobs in high school, or securing employment after graduation, good work habits are formed by consistent school attendance. It's also how students get teachers to serve as references!
6. Maximizing Instructional Time with Teachers✍🏽
Fewer disruptions means more personalized learning and academic support. Sometimes, students don't come to school because they're struggling with the material in class and staying home is a way to avoid it. But the better choice is to come to school -- that's where the support is. The more time students have with their teachers, the more successful they will be.
7. Greater Self-Esteem and Confidence😁
Not having to play catch-up reduces stress and boosts self-assurance. This is exactly what will carry students successfully through graduation and beyond.
8. Higher Grade Point Averages🚀
Abundant research links stellar attendance to higher GPAs and test scores. In fact, one study shows that the #1 reason students fail a course is from being absent.
9. More Scholarship and College Opportunities🎓
Colleges want applicants with strong attendance showing perseverance. And it's not just colleges! If you're choosing a new school for middle school or high school, students must demonstrate good attendance above all.
10. Increased Lifetime Earnings and Success💰
Excellent attendance correlates to higher career achievement and earnings potential. And not just that! It correlates to better physical and mental health, healthier relationships, and a happier quality of life. Something we want for every child!
School Happenings
Save the Dates!
Important Upcoming Events:
- August 26: GVHS Fall Sports Picture Day 3:00 pm
- August 30: CFL Fall Picture Day
- September 6: GVMS & GVHS Fall Picture Day
- September 10: Board of Education Meeting 5:00 pm 460 Stone Quarry Road, Battlement Mesa, CO 81635
- September 11: CFL Scavenger Hunt
- September 27: BUE Picture Day
- September 27-29: Rockmageddon https://rockmageddon.com/. The Grand Valley Educational Foundation will host another Cornhole Tournament on September 28th at 1:00 pm. More details coming soon!
- October 9: GVMS Fall Sports Picture Day 4:15 pm
- October 8-12: Homecoming Week
- October 9: Studman Volleyball, Chili Cookoff, Powderpuff Football, Bonfire, Car Smash 6-9 PM
- October 10: Homecoming Volleyball Game vs Olathe 4,5,6PM.
- October 11: EARLY RELEASE for Homecoming Parade:
- AM Preschool- normal release 10:40 am. PM Preschool Cancelled
- CFL K/1 & BUE- released at 11:30 am
- GVMS & GVHS- released at 12:30 pm
- Homecoming Parade on Cardinal Way
- Community Pep Rally and Tailgate following parade.
- Homecoming Football Game vs Olathe 7pm
- October 12: Homecoming Dance
- GVHS Fall Sports- Find schedules by following this link: https://gvhs.garfield16.org/athletics
- GVMS Fall Sports- Find schedules by following this link: https://gvms.garfield16.org/athletics
News from the Schools
Outdoor Education News & Highlights
Happy New School Year!
At Garfield 16, we had an exciting summer outdoors and are looking forward to a year of adventure.
On Saturday, June 1st, we held our first annual Parachute Pond Fishing Derby, and you could say, we are hooked! We had over 75 participants come and try their hand at the biggest catch of the day at various age categories. We were thrilled to have partners come and support including, the Town of Parachute, CPW, Grand Valley Anglers, Parachute Library, and Alpine Bank. This summer kick-off event not only donated 20 plus fishing rods from CPW and free lunch from Alpine Bank, but also provided fishing prizes, fly tying lessons and fly cast practice for all ages. Lucky CPW Game Warden, Scott Hoyer, was on site for some action packed wildlife rescue. Every first weekend of June is the free fishing weekend throughout Colorado, so keep an eye out for next year's derby on the first Saturday in June.
This past summer, G16 opened up a new summer program experience where students from 1st-6th grades participated in various week-long camps. Options included fishing, arts, cooking, self defence, STEM, and hiking. The Parachute/Battlement Mesa Parks and Recreation District participated in sports programming to offer a rounded collaborative summer option for kids in the area. Thank you to all our participants, teachers, assistants, and the Grand Valley Recreation Center for a great summer program!
We kicked off the end of summer with a Level 1 Facilitator training at the Grand Valley Challenge Course. Eight facilitators joined us for a week of hands-on learning around the Assert and Empower experiential model. Facilitators learned to guide groups on team building initiatives, low element challenges, high ropes safety, and developing an empowering experience for all ages.
Please check out the video to learn more about the Grand Valley Challenge Course HERE. If you are interested in bringing a school group or organization to the challenge course please contact Ari at aphilipson@garfield16.org.
Now that students are back in the classroom, what better time to start getting outside! We have groups scheduled for some low element team building initiatives at BUE with 4th and 5th graders. We are also excited to bring back a high school favorite elective class, Outdoor Science. Led by Lee Rindlisbacher, this class will focus on topics like wilderness survival, wildlife biology, hunter's education, first aid, and more. We will also take part in a River Watch pilot program to monitor water quality of the Parachute Creek.
We have also been busy planning out some opportunities for families to get outside together. Here are some upcoming events to keep an eye out for:
- Join us at Lion's Pond in Rifle on Saturday August 24th for our Rifle Water Day celebration. This is a family event to learn and enjoy all things water, including fishing, obstacle courses, STEM/craft stations, and more. Come chat with GCO and local area partners to learn more about water conservation, recreation safety, and watershed impacts.
- On September 28th, we will be setting up a 3D archery shoot as part of the annual Rockmageddon weekend event.
We will make sure to keep you posted about future outdoor expeditions and events next month. See you outside!
School-Based Family Resource Center
Little Library
On July 17, 2024, the School-Based Family Resource Center (SBFRC) received a new "Little Library!" The Little Library is located outside the front doors of the SBFRC and filled with books available for the community to take, for free! The public is welcome to visit the Little Library any time, any day, to take books or leave books.
According to Garfield County Public Library District Director Jamie LaRue: "This is an attempt to put as many books into as many hands as possible. This is a free opportunity for anybody in the community to take one, leave one. If you find one that you love, keep it. We just care that you are reading, and that you are reading to your children. We are delighted to be partnering with the school district."
The Parachute Branch Library will be stocking the Little Library on a monthly basis from donations the Library receives. The Little Library at the SBFRC is not the only location in the Parachute/Battlement Mesa community. According to Amaranda Fregoso, Parachute Branch Library Branch Manager, in order to achieve their goal of "getting as many books into people's hands as we can," there will also be Little Libraries located at Clark's Market and the RV Park in Battlement Mesa. The three Little Libraries in Parachute/Battlement Mesa were made possible by the Love's Grant Fund.
The SBFRC is excited for this new feature and the benefits it will provide to SBFRC families. According to SBFRC Coordinator, Claudia Flores Cruz, "The benefit is exposing our families to literature and the ability to access free books. I think that there's still people that think there is a charge for library cards, so they don't go to the library, but they know that the resource center has free resources and services, so it will be a nice way for people to access free books."
The Garfield County Public Library District does not charge for library cards. Anyone can go to the library, present any form of identification (i.e. driver's license, Colorado ID cards, matriculas, passports, essentially anything with your name and photo) and get a free library card to access all the books, activities and services the library provides. According to Fregoso, anyone can access the library, "No questions asked. We don't care if you're undocumented, unemployed, or if you live elsewhere." For more information about Garfield County Libraries, visit https://gcpld.org/or call the Parachute Branch Library at 970-285-9870.
Shoe & School Supply Distributions
Thank you to the Grand Valley Methodist Church, Laurel, her donors and volunteers, and all the families that make this event possible each year.
Thanks to generous contributions from the Elks Lodge, Lighthouse Assembly of God, Mary Watson, and various community members, the SBFRC was also able to distribute 123 backpacks stuffed with supplies before the start of school. Thank you to our community for supporting families in need!
The Funky Bear Bistro is also hosting a Shoe & School Supply Donation Drive. If you can donate, please see the flyer below. Thank you to the Funky Bear for supporting the SBFRC!
Meow Wolf Field Trip
The School-Based Family Resource Center cohort and interns visited Meow Wolf in Denver on August 05, 2024. According to their website, "Meow Wolf is an immersive art playground that transports guests of all ages into new dimensions of exploration throughout the four worlds of 'The Convergence.' As part of our Stronger Connections grant funding, the SBFRC has been organizing four Family Cultural Trips per year. The family cultural trips aim to break down the traditional barriers experienced by parents and students who are English language learners by developing activities where school employees, students and families can share in an experience that is unrelated to the typical school-based communications, events, and activities. For more information, please call the SBFRC at 970-285-5701 Ext. 5190.
SBFRC Intern
We would like to introduce the community to our new SBFRC Intern, Melanie De La Rosa! Melanie, a senior at GVHS started her internship at the SBFRC in June. Melanie's office hours will be Tuesday - Friday from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm. Melanie has already gotten her hands dirty and helped the SBFRC with many different projects. According to Melanie, "I never knew how much the staff at the SBFRC impacts our community. I am very lucky to be surrounded by loving and caring people who enjoy helping others."
Melanie's main job with the support of the SBFRC's Family Liaison, Tiffany Aragon, will consist of keeping the food and clothing pantry clean, organized, and stocked up with supplies and donations. Additionally, she will help support and greet clients when our Building Secretary/Newcomer Liaison, Melissa De La Cruz Rodriguez, is not available. Melanie will also attend community events and meetings with the SBFRC Coordinator, Claudia Flores Cruz, when appropriate.
We would like to welcome Melanie and thank her for all her hard work thus far, and sincere thank you to the Aspen Community Foundation for providing a Youth Empowerment Alliance grant to our District, which funds internships like Melanie's.
Aspen Community Foundation
Students Paint 1st Street
The Town of Parachute has almost completed their "parklets" project in Downtown Parachute, on 1st Street. Along with the "parklets," which are outdoor seating/stages set throughout 1st Street, the Town is planting flowers, and GVHS student artists are making a lot of progress painting the areas around the parklets. Thank you to GVHS Senior Lucas Cotto for taking charge of the project, along with about 11 other student volunteers, and the Town of Parachute for their efforts in beautifying 1st Street!
Healthy Beverage Policy Fun Facts
1 Monday Market Left! LAST MONDAY = AUGUST 26TH!
The School-Based Family Resource Center (SBFRC) staff and volunteers have been working hard every Monday at the 2nd Annual Monday Market. Thank you to the Town of Parachute for organizing the event and donating extra produce to the Resource Center and our amazing students, staff, and volunteers for running the produce stand. Only a two more Monday's left, we hope to see you there!
Resource Center Contact Info:
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our School Based Family Resource Center for more information.
Claudia Flores Cruz
Center Coordinator
District Operations
Garfield County Sheriff's Office Offender Search
As part of our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our students, we would like to inform you about the resources available for accessing information on registered offenders. At the beginning of each school year, we provide written details on where and how you can obtain this information from local law enforcement agencies. This information is also posted on the district’s website for your convenience.
We believe it is crucial for parents and guardians to have access to this information to stay informed about their community and to take any necessary precautions to protect their children. By keeping you informed, we hope to foster a safer environment for all our students.
You can find the Garfield County Sheriff's Office Offender Search here: https://www.garcosheriff.com/sex-offender-search/
How to Contact Your School Counselor
Garfield 16 provides all students with counseling services through the school counselors. School counselors work with students to support their academic growth and success as well as their social and emotional development. School counselors work closely with teachers, principals, and parents to support students experiencing issues that impact their learning. These issues can be, but are not limited to, declining grades, poor work habits, organizational skills, distracting behaviors, school avoidance, anxiety, trauma, and transient personal or family issues, such as the loss of a loved one or change in family dynamic. A school counselor may work with a student on an individual basis or as part of a group. In addition, school counselors work with the administration to assess at-risk students.
At the elementary level, school counselors provide direct instruction to all students in social and emotional growth and wellbeing. Topics include social skills, recognizing emotions, problem-solving, and conflict resolution. For students who may be experiencing difficulty with social skills, regulating behaviors, or school counselors provide individual and group coaching.
At the secondary level, school counselors begin to support students with college and career planning and decision making. School counselors work with students on their Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) requirements. School counselors facilitate college and post-secondary career and workforce exploration. At the high school level, school counselors work with students to ensure they are on pace for graduation.
How to contact your school counselor:
- Referral Form
- Call 970-285-5702
- Referral Form
- Email Mrs. Sherraden
- Call 970-285-5703
- Parent Referral Form
- Student Referral Form
- Email Mrs. Hoyt
- Call 970-285-5707
- Email Mrs. Paine
- Call 970-285-5705
- All students and their families.
- Fill out the referral form, found by clicking this link.
Health Happenings
How Sick is Too Sick
Please review the attached guidance from Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment regarding when to keep your child at home due to an illness.
Health Needs Before School
Find information about G16's Health Services by clicking the link below. Information includes: recommended immunizations, what to do if your student needs medication at school or has a severe allergy, and vision and hearing screenings by grade.
Monthly Vaccine & Immunization Clinic at the School-Based Family Resource Center
Garfield County Public Health and Garfield 16 have teamed up to offer a Vaccine and Immunization Clinic in Parachute! The clinic will be offered on the first Monday of every month, as long as appointments are scheduled. Garfield County Public Health will be stationed at the School-Based Family Resource Center from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, by appointment only. Please call 970-625-5200 to schedule an appointment, stating that you would like to schedule for the Parachute clinic.
Nutritional News
Menus can be found by following this link: https://www.garfield16.org/departments/nutritional-services
Free Breakfast and Lunch for all G16 Students!
Our free breakfast and lunch program is a yearly grant process. Our district has qualified again for a free breakfast and lunch program for SY 2024-2025.
Breakfast Program: All students can receive breakfast free of charge. It is important that your child arrives at school on time in order to have time to enjoy a meal before a long day of learning!
Lunch Program: All students can receive lunch free of charge. If your child brings lunch from home, please make sure it does NOT need to be heated in a microwave as there are no microwaves available.
Please do not send soda pop in your child’s school lunch. We ask that you send a healthier choice such as juice, water, or milk.
Parents wishing to eat lunch with their child may do so, please call the school office by 9:00am if you would like to order a hot lunch. The charge for an adult lunch is $4.25 and for a visiting child it is $2.75. Please remember that the school only accepts cash or a check for payment.
Menus are on our District's Nutrition Department webpage: https://www.garfield16.org/departments/nutritional-services
Meal Prices for Visitors:
Student Lunch $2.75
Milk $0.70
Adult Lunch $4.25
Transportation News
All Things Transportation
Here are the updated bus routes.
For the 2024-2025 School Year, we will be using a software called School BusHub. This technology will allow real-time tracking. Which means parents/guardians can track their child's school bus in real-time using the School Bus Hub app. This feature provides peace of mind by allowing parents to know exactly where their child's bus is along its route. See the attached PDF for instructions on how to download the new app.
With this in mind, for the 24/25 School Year, EVERY CHILD WHO MAY RIDE THE BUS MUST FILL OUT THE BUS REGISTRATION FORM (and return it to your child's school).
Please also note that bus routes may change based on student need. Check the website for updated routes: https://www.garfield16.org/departments/transportation
Revised Bus Expectations
Our expectations for riding the school bus were revised.
Elementary students should have brought home a hard copy of these expectations last week. Please review this form, sign it, and return it to your student's school.
Middle school and high school parents, a copy is attached. Please review these updated expectations with your student(s). To confirm receipt and the review of these updated expectations, please fill out this google form.
Years of Service Recognition
Thank You for Your Service!
G16 would like to recognize the following individuals for their years of service to our school district.
The following individuals retired from our district after the 2023-2024 school year:
- Jeanne Miles, BUE Building Administrative Assistant, 26 years of service;
- Scott Carpenter, GVMS Teacher, 20 years of service; and
- Thomas Godfrey, GVMS Principal, 4 years of service.
The following individuals received a plaque recognizing their years of service to our district and relocated to serve students elsewhere:
- Jeremy Tanner, IT Systems Administrator, 22 years of service; and
- Erinn Tanner, CFL Teacher, 22 years of service.
The following individuals received a certificate for their years of service and we are fortunate to have them back this year:
- Dana Speakman, GVMS Assistant Principal, 25 years of service;
- Stephanie Hart, Operations Secretary, 20 years of service;
- Jennifer Jablonsky, CFL Teacher, 20 years of service;
- Alberto Melendrez, GVMS Custodian, 20 years of service;
- Mark Jansen, GVHS Teacher, 15 years of service;
- Brenda Bowen, BUE Food Service, 15 years of service;
- Susan Janssen, Preschool Teacher, 10 years of service;
- Jennifer Hoyt, GVMS Counselor, 10 years of service;
- Micah Amborn, GVMS Teacher, 10 years of service; and
- Daryl Snaza, GVHS Custodian, 10 years of service.
Community Corner
Home Improvement Loan Program
*Garfield County School District #16 is not responsible for, and does not endorse, any statement, sentiment, or opinion published or expressed in this document. This document is not part of, and has not been distributed as part of the District's curricular or extracurricular programs.
Town of Parachute
Parachute Library
Parachute/Battlement Mesa Parks & Recreation
Educational Pathways to Innovative Careers
EPIC Tiny Home For Sale!
EPIC has a beautiful Tiny Home for sale! The Price starts at $95,000. All offers must be sent to Scott Cooper at scooper@crboces.org. Tours of the home, including virtual tours, are available.
For more information, please contact Scott Cooper at scooper@crboces.org.
For a full list of features, visit: https://drive.google.com/…/1uEsRNtYrDYXW…/view…