Rāmere Friday 25th of Piriri June (Term 2: Week 8 of 10)
Our Tumuaki Principal
Kia ora koutou.
From the Principal's desk:
- Creatives: This year we received funding to support all of our classrooms with growing our Maori knowledge and skill with a particular focus on Maori arts. Thank you to Miss Kim Nicol for overseeing this for us.
- Jump Jam Competition: All the best to the competitors in their Jump Jam competition on Saturday. Thank you to the teachers and parents who have helped with this.
- Poetry Anthology Book: Orders close today for our bespoke poetry book so get in quick. Here's the link to put your order in. The book looks really cool. The children have done so well.
- Vests: All children have been provided with vests and this time of the year is exactly why they have them because it is still dark as they are waiting for the bus or walking to school. Children do not always understand that they can not be seen. The vest helps drivers to see them and act in a precautionary manner.
- Mid Year Reporting: Our mid-year interviews, where you will receive and talk about your child's report, are coming up in Week Nine (28th June - 2nd July), which is next week. We encourage all children to attend with you and this year you are welcome to bring along a whanau support person. This person will be another significant adult (e.g. grandma, grandad, aunty, uncle, older brother, older sister) who has a positive and loving support based relationship with your child. Learning is a whanau experience.
- Student Council - Edendale's Got Talent: Next week the Student Council are running Edendale's Got Talent. I'm looking forward to seeing this year's contestants and what they do. Thank you Student Council for adding value to our school like this. All the best to every one of the contestants.
- Email Addresses - Newsletter: Our newsletter can be sent directly to your inbox via an email link. We do this for all our parents and are keen to do this for wider whanau and friends of the school (grandparents, aunties and uncles, relatives even overseas, past students). We know that a connected whanau and community is a strong foundation that helps grow great children.
Thank Yous - Team Edendale
- Kim Nicol: Kim has taken on a leadership role within our school this year supporting us with our Maori culture, language and arts. There is a lot happening in this area. We have Sharne Parkinson working with all our classes. Sharne is also working with our senior Kapa Haka group. We have Polyfest coming up in Term Three. We have a marae visit to plan for our seniors and then a hangi as well at the end of the year. We also have the Te Hurihanganui programme working with the teaching staff to build our knowledge and understandings. Thank you Kim for advancing this area in our school.
Ka kite
David McKenzie
Our Events Coming Up
Week Nine (of 10)
- Monday 28th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Tuesday 29th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Wednesday 30th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Thursday 1st July - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Friday 2nd July - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
Week Ten (of 10)
- Tuesday 6th July - Sports Activator
- Wednesday 7th July - BOT Strategic Planning Day
- Friday 9th July - Senior Remarkables Ski Trip
- Friday 9th July - Last day of Term Two
Our Kaitiaki Board of Trustees
Out of Zone Enrolments - Term Two and Term Three
Enrolment at Edendale Primary School is governed by an enrolment scheme.
The Board has 20 places available for out of zone students for the 2021 school year. The exact number of places is subject to the number of eligible in-zone enrolments received.
We have two advertised enrolment periods.
The second half of Term Two 2021 from June 9th to July 9th 2021: Out of zone students seeking enrolment within this enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 28th June.
Term Three Monday 26th July to Friday 1st October: Out of zone students seeking enrolment within this enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 26th July.
Information and application forms can be picked up at the school office and are also available on our website
If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on the following Monday from the deadline dates.
Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot as early as possible (and within three school days of the ballot being held).
General Meeting Report - Meeting 4 of 8 for 2021
The Board of Trustees met for their fourth meeting of eight for 2021. Here is a summary of the meeting.
- Mrs Coyle tabled and spoke to a comprehensive Maths Student Achievement Report.
- Mrs Coyle and Miss Collett presented their classrooms and programmes to the BOT.
- The Principal presented the Progress Against the Annual Goals, and Compliance Report.
- Solutions and Services, the school's accountancy firm, tabled the financial position for the month of May.
- The tender for the administration modifications was reported to the BOT. There is some trimming needed to bring it within the financial parameters provided.
- There has been a delay in being able to start the pool roof replacement planning and tendering process. Planning for this is expected to start later this year which means the replacement won't be in place until 2022.
Our Home and School
Home and School Fundraiser - Winter Wood
The Home and School has cut 50 cubic metres of old man pine. This is $70 per cubic metre.
If you want to put an order in please contact Hamish Blackmore 027 636 0421.
Our Kura News and Information
Matariki - 2021 Celebrations
On Thursday we held a whanau barbecue and then moved into Whanau Groups for Matariki activities.
Thank you to Miss Kim Nicol for organising this.
Thank you to the parents who helped with the barbecue and those that came along to be part of the classroom activities.
Senior Whanau Clubs - Can You Help?
We'd love to have some interested community members join us for Senior Whanau Clubs.
Are you crafty and can work with children, spanning eight lunchtimes (two lots of four weeks one in Term Two and one in Term Three) in the winter months, 30 minutes each time?
Please contact the office
Interviews and Reports - Week Nine of Term Two
From Monday 28th June to Friday 2nd July we are holding our Mid Year Interviews.
At these interviews, you receive and discuss your child's first half of the year report.
The interviews are for 15 minutes and we encourage the children to attend as the learning is a three-way partnership - school, home, child / kura, whanau, tamariki.
You are also welcome to bring a whanau support person with you as there may be people in your child's life who have a lot of input that would be valuable partners in the formal learning from school.
The link is: School Interview with Report Link
The Event Code is: hyqsg
Edendale’s Got Talent
The Student Council are excited to present this event next week.
Fourteen acts, comprising of twenty-six students, have entered EGT for 2021.
They will perform in two heats, being held in Rooms 5-6 at lunchtime on Monday and Tuesday next week.
The top five acts will then perform again in the final on Friday 2nd July to find a champion for 2021.
Our guest judge for the final will be previous winner, ex-pupil Hudson Roy.
Our Team for this Week - Team Pukeko
Kia ora!
Our team of Year Threes has been busy, busy, busy this term - we love learning and we enjoy a wonderful variety of activities that help us learn.
Our PR1ME Maths is ticking along nicely, with all of us learning to do addition and subtraction, with regrouping, either with numbers to 100 or numbers to 1000.
Mrs Whitson-Morris has also been working with us for learning about telling the time, so test us out at home and see how good we are!
We are all making great progress with our reading and writing skills. One of our latest writing projects was to craft our speeches; we are now busy practising our delivery of those speeches and will present them to the class in the last week of the term.
Our DRIVE inquiry focus has been about early Maori and how they made use of the forest. We learnt to use Venn diagrams to compare lifestyle aspects such as heating, houses, clothing and games.
Now we are looking closer into the games that were played by early Maori (many of which we can still play today) and we are currently practising a rakau (stick) routine that we hope to share with our whanau before the end of the term.
Mrs Whitson-Morris has continued with sharing some Maori legends with us for reading, writing and art - we learnt about Maui and the sun, as well as how that story links with one of the Matariki legends:
A long time ago Maui and his brothers hurt the sun and the sun hid from everyone. Maui had no light so the 6 sisters and their mother went searching for the sun. The 6 sisters and their mother sang to the sun. The sun came back and everyone had sunlight again. Plants grew and they could hunt for food again. Matariki means Maori New Year.
By Hudson Howe
In May we farewelled Charlz, but we then had the pleasure of welcoming Georgia and Emma into Team Pukeko. This week we also farewell Kairavi as she transfers to another school; we will miss her friendship and wish her all the best.
All the best for the end of the term.
Mrs Jenny Coyle Team Pukeko Kaiako / Teacher
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) - Term Two Haepapa Responsibility
When we come from so many different families our values draw us together as one big school whanau.
We show haepapa responsibility when we...
Are ready for our learning
Work right through from start to finish.
Care for people, property and places.
Look after our belongings.
Involve ourselves in our school whanau community.
Every time these are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Manaakitanga Respect
Term Three - Tohungatanga Excellence
Term Four - Ponotanga Integrity
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Brock Gorton for being a contributor of values to our school.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Weka
Team Weka’s MVP for Haepapa - Responsibility is Emily-Rose Hall.
Everyday Emily enters our room with a big smile on her face. She then, without prompting, gets herself ready for the school day by unpacking her bag, getting a chair, her pencil case and makes sure she has a sharp pencil.
Emily shows great persistence and perseverance when working on a task. She always tries her best and works on a task from start to finish.
Emily is a young lady who is caring towards all. She is a great friend and classmate and is respectful at all times.
She helps keep Team Weka tidy by carrying out her duty each day.
Emily, we are so proud of the progress you are making at school. This is because you are taking responsibility for your learning and working super hard.
Keep up the fantastic work Emily!
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr Seuss
You rock!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Tui
Team Tui’s MVP for Haepapa- Responsibility is Ida Jukes
Ida comes to school with a smile on her face, greets her classmates and myself and she is ready for learning with her home partnership work completed.
She completes every task from start to finish and always ensures her work is finished to a high standard.
If Ida is not sure how to do something she asks a friend, or myself, for help.
Ida cares for her classmates by being the first to ask if they are okay and quickly going to get an ice pack if they need it.
She takes care of her belongings by making sure she always has stationery that has been named and by putting her shoes or jersey in the correct spot. Ida also takes responsibility by picking up after herself after completing an activity and helps others to pack up or do their end of the day job.
Ida takes responsibility for her learning by actively listening and following instructions. She offers great ideas to the class and ensures she makes sure she does not get distracted so she can focus on getting the task done.
You are a pleasure to have in Team Tui, Ida. Ka Pai!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kahu
Team Kahu’s MVP for the value of Haepapa – Responsibility is Lila Cabrera.
Lila is a kind and caring member of Team Kahu and she is always a great friend to others.
Lila shows responsibility by getting herself organised each morning, putting her partnership book and pencil case out on her desk ready for her learning.
Lila displays a growth mindset by recognising her next learning steps and by responding to the feedback she has been given. She stays focused and on-task in her learning and is always willing to help others when they need it. Lila listens well to all instructions and is showing confidence in her learning by asking questions. She shares her ideas and opinions during discussions, which helps to improve her understanding.
Lila is always polite and considerate to others in the class and she looks after our classroom by tidying up after herself.
Writer of the Week - Fillan Bajo
Fillan wrote this after Team Weka went outside to see the crane working at Fonterra
I saw the crane’s big hook inside the chimney.
I heard cars going past.
I felt excited.
I smelt the cold air.
I wonder if the crane has wheels.
By Fillan
Community Notices
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally are this Friday 25th June 7:00 - 9:00 pm.
Meet at Edendale Christian Activity Centre on George Street, Edendale.
Children 9-years old and up are most welcome.
- Boys: Challenges
- Girls: Dress Up - come in Dress Up
- Johno Ferguson 206 6878
- Liz Pask 206 6135
Youth Group - Saturday
Youth Group is this Saturday 25th June. It is open to anyone Year 9 and up.
- Going to the "Sharks" Basketball game in Invercargill.
- Meet at Edendale Christian Activity Centre 6.30 pm.
- Cost $10.
- Becs Ferguson 027 412 4941
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool