Keeping you informed on important dates and information.
October 28, 2024
Nipmuc Junior Internship Program
Attention Juniors!
Join us on Wednesday, October 30th during advisory to learn all about the Nipmuc Junior Internship Program from Mrs. Bennett, Nipmuc's Career, Community, and Innovations Coordinator. This presentation will cover the many benefits of an internship and how it can offer you a meaningful learning experience to help shape your future career decisions. You'll also hear from Nipmuc students who took part in the program in 2024, as well as educators with extensive experience in internships. For any questions, attend the internship office hours on Wednesday, October 30 during all lunches in the lobby. The deadline to submit the Junior Internship Interest Form is November 7th.
Voices of Nipmuc Student Feature
Last week we started a new series we will be running called the Nipmuc Principals' Student Feature. This is where we highlight Nipmuc students putting their leadership skills, dedication and commitment to authentic learning to work. This week we are highlighting the four students that make up the Voices of Nipmuc. These students bring the morning announcements to the Nipmuc students and faculty every morning and we want to thank them for their energy, attention to detail and daily commitment. Be sure to click on the above video to listen to their story.
Term 1 Ends Next Week
The first term ends a week from today on Monday, November 4. Students should be working with their teachers and checking PowerSchool to ensure all assignments are turned in and they are up to date to finish the first Term on a strong note.
Halloween at Nipmuc
On Thursday, students and staff are welcome to dress up in school-appropriate costumes if they wish. We look forward to seeing the creativity from students and staff alike.
This Week in Athletics
Fall Tournaments - Nipmuc fans, tournament season is upon us. We encourage fans to come out to Foley Stadium on Tuesday night at 7pm for the girls soccer Central Massachusetts Final vs. Northbridge.
MIAA tournament brackets will be released this week on the following days:
- Tuesday: Girls Volleyball and Field Hockey
- Friday: Boys and Girls Soccer
A detailed schedule will be sent out as soon as possible. Stay tuned!
Thanksgiving Day Football Game - The big football game is just around the corner where Nipmuc and BVT will battle it out on Thanksgiving day for the annual Battle of Pleasant Street game! Order your gear below to have it in time for the big game.
Winter Sports Registration - Winter sports registration is now open for the following sports:
- Alpine Ski
- Boys and Girls Basketball
- Boys and Girls Indoor Track
- Boys Ice Hockey (through Northbridge HS)
- Girls Ice Hockey (through Hopkinton HS) - Registration will be through Hopkinton HS
- Co-Ed Wrestling (through Northbridge HS)
- Boys and Girls Swimming (through Grafton HS)
Click on the link below to register. If you have any questions, please reach out to Athletic Director, Mr. Chris Schmidt.
The Nipmuc Drama Guild - Presents Sleepy Hollow
This is the big week for the Nipmuc Drama Guild as they countdown to opening night of their fall production of Sleepy Hollow. Opening night is Friday, November 1 with a performance at 7pm. You can find all the show times and purchase your tickets ahead of time online by clicking below. Tickets will also be on sale at the door $10 for students and $15 for adults.
Best of luck to the incredible cast and crew!
Holiday Help
Each year, the MURSD School Counseling Staff helps to connect MURSD families in need to community resources. St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish, MURSD staff, school groups, and other community programs offer assistance with holiday meals and gifts. If you would like to receive a holiday meal or need help with gifts, please let us know by clicking the link below. Be sure to complete the form by the appropriate deadline:
Thanksgiving: November 10, 2024
Winter Holidays: November 20, 2024
April basket: April 1, 2025
*Please note that any information collected in this form will remain confidential within the school counseling offices. We do not share names or other identifying information with any community resources.
Click here to access the form for holiday help.
Allison Towne, Kendra Swenson, Kerry Fagan, Meredith Hefez, Ryan Capuzziello, Jennifer O’Brien - Nipmuc School Counseling Team
No School - November 5
Picture Retake Day
O'Connor Studios will be back on Friday, November 8 for picture retakes. If you are having your picture retaken, return your original package with the photos to the photographer on retake day. No order form is necessary. Please note that retakes are only offered for students who paid for a portrait package or who were absent the first day pictures were taken.
There are paper order forms in the main office for those students that were absent and would like order for that day or you can order through O'Connor Studios directly by calling 978-640-6250 or emailing them at customerservice@oconnorstudio.com.
FAST 2024 - Faculty and Students Together
FAST T-shirts: Order Now
Nipmuc's FAST (Faculty and Students Together) is quickly approaching! For our freshmen class, this is a long standing tradition at Nipmuc that takes place the day before we are out for Thanksgiving break and is a day many students call "their favorite tradition at Nipmuc". It is an early release day jam packed with Nipmuc pride, games, team work and ends with large pep rally. What class will come out on top this year?
Don't miss out on ordering your grade level FAST shirt which will be worn on Wednesday, November 27th during FAST festivities! Grade level ordering information may be found in each grade level Google Classroom or ask the class officers or class advisors for information! Deadlines are approaching so don't wait!!
Order the 2024-2025 Yearbook
College Admissions Representatives Visit Nipmuc
This is the last week we will have College Admissions Representatives visiting Nipmuc. All students in grades 10 through 12 are welcome to attend these informative meetings by completing the Google form shared with students via email by Mrs. O’Brien, Administrative Assistant to the School Counselors.
This week's schedule is listed below:
10/29 Westfield State University
10/31 University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
The schedule is also available on the Nipmuc Google Calendar. Please contact Mrs. O’Brien at jobrien@mursd.org with any questions.
Families with Middle School Students - Save the Date
Warriors Booster Club to Host a Turkey Toss
On Saturday, November 23, from 1-4pm, the Warriors Booster Club will host the Turkey Toss Cornhole Fundraiser in the Nipmuc gymnasium. Registration fee is $50 per team payable upon registration via Venmo to @Steven-Aubut (Note: "cornhole" on your transaction).
All proceeds goes to the Warriors Booster Club the primary fundraising organization for the athletic department. Please visit the Nipmuc Warriors Facebook page for more details about this event.
The Annual Mendon Turkey Trot
The Mendon Turkey Trot is only 7 weeks away.
We loved these new additions last year so much, we're doing it again!
Team Registration! Grab a couple of family members, friends, even co-workers and come run together!
Chip Timing!
Thanksgiving Costume Contest! Come dressed in your favorite and most unique Thanksgiving Day costume. Selection process & prizes TBD. This contest is open to all registered participants with a race bib.