McAuliffe Elementary
Continue the Love for Learning - The Week of February 2nd
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Important Dates
February 6th - Leadership Assembly Habit 4 Think Win Win - 1:50pm
February 7th - 5th Grade Growth and Development Presentation - see info below
February 7th and 8th - Dental Clinic at Expo Square - see flyer below
February 13th - Valentine Parties - 2pm
February 14th - No School - Professional Development Day
February 17th - No School - President's Day
February 25th and 27th - Parent Teacher Conferences - 3:30-6:00pm
March 4th - Field Trip for 5th Grade - Moving Up Event to 6th Grade Center
Leadership Assembly - Habit 4 - Think Win Win - February 6th - 1:50pm
Families - We will recognize our leaders of the month at our next Leadership assembly on February 6th. First grade students will be presenting at this assembly.
A Note from Nurse Tina
5th grade parents:
You should have received a bright orange permission form to be completed for your 5th grade student. It is that time of year where we will be discussing growth and development which is part of the health curriculum. A Nurse will present a lesson on hygiene which will include basic anatomy, physiology and healthy habits such as nutrition, grooming and hygiene. The boys and girls will be separated for this discussion. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Nurse Tina at 918-357-6540 or through talking points.
Emergency Epinepherine at School:
With the increase in allergies, we have been allowed to stock an Emergency use only “Epi-Pen” at our school. We can ONLY use this if we have a current permission form on file. These permission forms will be going home within the next few weeks. IF you have not seen one in your child’s Thursday folder, or your student did not give you one to complete, please reach out to Nurse Tina by talking points, email roach.tina@unionps.org or call her at 918-357-6540. If your child has been prescribed an Epi-Pen, please make sure the school has one for your child to ensure we have an emergency one on hand for your child. Thank you!
Dental Clinic Sponsored by OKMOM - February 7th and 8th
Families - Check out the resource below for free dental supports on February 7th and 8th.
Focus on Attendance
Families - This year our school wide focus has been on attendance. Each student has a goal of a minimum of 95% attendance rate. Too many absences causes children to fall behind in school, especially in the area of reading. We continue to ask for your support in this area. Unless a student is running a fever OR vomiting within the last 24 hours they should attend school. If you ever have questions feel free to contact Nurse Tina at 918-357-6540.
Valentine Parties and Hug O'Grams
Families - We will have our Valentine Parties on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th at 2pm since we do NOT have school on Friday, February 14th. Please make sure that if your student is giving out Valentines that they bring one for each member of the class. Teachers will be sending out sign up genius links at the end of the month for items that will be needed for the Valentine Party. Also, the PTA will be selling Hug O' Grams from January 16th - February 11th. You may purchase one for $1 or a class set for $20. The Hug O ' Grams will be delivered on February 13th. See order form below.
Union Basketball Elementary Spirit Night for McAuliffe - Friday, February 7th
Families - Are you looking for a fun evening? Join our basketball teams for spirit night on February 7th. Games start at 4pm. The below flyer gives each McAuliffe Elementary student a free ticket to go to the game.
Spring Book Fair Information
Check out the information below for the upcoming book fair.
Spotlight on Students - #BESTDAYEVER - 100th Day
We celebrated the Best Day Ever today with 100 day activities throughout the building. Activities included, reading, writing, STEM, Math, and art. Check out some of the activities below, and on our FACEBOOK page.
Congratulations to our First Two Redhawk Challenge Readers
Congratulations to our first two students who have completed the Redhawks challenge.
Introduce a Girl to Engineering at the Discovery Lab - February 20th
I just wanted to share this wonderful opportunity from Discovery Lab. Space is minimal, but registration is free, and it is required. Details are listed below. Registration Link:
School Calendar for 2024-2025 School Year
Below is our school calendar with all holidays, professional development days, virtual days and early release dates. Please mark your calendar.
Early Release Fridays - Start Friday, September 6th
Families - Just a reminder that Friday, September 6th is our first early release day. School is dismissed 40 minutes earlier. Elementary dismissal will be at 2:17pm. Please be sure to make arrangements to come early on Fridays from September 6th - April 11th.
McAuliffe Elementary Birthday Wishes for the Week
Families - Our PTA is doing a fundraiser to wish students a "Happy Birthday" on the school Marquee on the day of their birthday. A $5 donation gets your name on the Marquee on you birthday, and a $10 donation gets your name on the Marquee and a birthday photo card sent home. Please support our PTA with this fundraiser. The form to sign up is attached below.
Update Your Contact Information
Ways to stay connected with your child's teacher or school
- Talking Points - Text
- Email - see staff directory above
- McAuliffe Newsletters - created through Smores
- Flyers will be sent home with students or information will be shared through text
- McAuliffe Facebook Page – McAuliffe a Community School
Union Public Schools Handbook Notification Form
The handbooks can be found under "Schools" in the "Enrollment" section under "Handbooks" or on each individual school's site.
Additional information concerning the school calendar, club descriptions, sponsors, sports, and announcements may be found at each school's website.
McAuliffe Elementary
Email: mcknight.jennifer@unionps.org
Website: https://www.unionps.org/426689_3
Location: 6515 South Garnett Road, Broken Arrow, OK, USA
Phone: 9183576590
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McauliffeCommunitySchool/