Mustang Tales
Parent Monthly Newsletter, Manitou Springs Elementary School
January 2025
Welcome Back to 2025: New Year, New Learning
Happy New Year! We’re excited to welcome everyone back after the winter break and dive into a new year of learning and growth.
Before we left for break, we experienced the unexpected disruption of evacuations. Thank you for your patience and understanding during that time. For your reference, Sean Dorsey’s letter regarding the powdery substance can be found at the end of this newsletter.
I also want to assure you that during the break, significant efforts were made to prepare the school for a clean and safe return. Our custodial staff, district team, and vendors worked tirelessly to complete a deep cleaning of the entire building. Their efforts included:
- Cleaning all hallway carpets in the north building.
- Deep-cleaning all classroom and room carpets on the first floor of the north building.
- Thoroughly mopping the Arts Atrium and cafeteria.
- Spraying the entire building with disinfectant.
We’re grateful for their hard work to ensure our school is safe, fresh, and ready to welcome students back for the second half of the year.
January Events
We have lots going on this month, so be sure to mark your calendars!
- Choice Open House Night: Tuesday, January 21st, from 5–6:30 PM.
- District and MSES SAC Meetings: Wednesday, January 22nd, from 5:30–7:30 PM at MSES. Everyone is welcome, and dinner will be served!
- Winter Concert: Our 3rd–5th grade Winter Concert has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 23rd.
We look forward to seeing you at these events and kicking off 2025 together!
Carolyn Leyes, Principal
Jenny Sueppel, Assistant Principal
Kindergartners had an exciting December!! They continued working on comparing items and numbers in math, using their math vocabulary: height, length, weight, greater than and less than. In literacy we practiced writing opinions, using correct uppercase letters, spacing, and punctuation. Kindergartners are showing off their new skills and their teachers are so impressed.
It has not been all work. We fit in plenty of play. Mrs. Hammel’s and Ms. Shoemaker’s classes joined together to listen to a snowman story and created their own paper snowmen. Additionally, kindergartners met their 3rd grade buddies for the first time and did a “getting to know you” activity. We cannot wait to see them again!
1st Grade
First grade has begun a new unit with the focus: Stories have narrators. We have been reading stories that are realistic and imaginative. As we listen to key details, we figure out if the events in the story could really happen, or are they something that could only happen in our imaginations. We are looking for adjectives, nouns and verbs in stories. We are also continuing to write about ways that we can be responsible citizens in our homes, classrooms, and community.
In math, we have been learning ways to make addition sentences easier by breaking apart one part to help us make partners to 10. For example: 9+6=15. We can break apart the 6 into two parts, 5 and 1. We know that 9 and 1 are partners to 10. 10+5 is 15. This sentence is simpler than 9+6=15.
We also got a chance to meet our 4th grade buddies! Ms. Carley's class is paired with the incredible Ms. Marquardt's class and Mrs. Thomson's class is paired with the incredible Ms. Goldman's class. We started a Venn diagram to get to know each other (pictured).
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
In Benchmark, we are strengthening our reading and writing skills. We are focusing on point of view of the narrator, a character or our point of view. We read a narrative journal entry from Cinderella’s point of view and a play from her stepsisters’ point of view. We have, also, distinguished literal from non literal language, specifically hyperboles and idioms. We have planned our own narrative journal entry from the point of view of Coyote from another story.
In Math, we finished up place value and measurement and begun a unit on geometry. We are classifying polygons based on their attributes. Attributes are number of sides, right angles, parallel sides, and names. We are moving towards finding areas of polygons using multiplication. Please support your student with skip-counting by 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s; there are many great videos on Youtube. Hope everyone had a safe, relaxing, and happy holiday season!
4th Grade
In ELA, we have begun our current Benchmark Advance unit, Understanding Different Points of View! Students are reading primarily fictional excerpts and practicing the reading skills of asking questions, creating mental images, drawing inferences, summarizing, and are now learning about first- and third-person point of view! Ask your expert fourth grader which point of view is this sentence written in, and how do they know? I was so excited to celebrate the upcoming holidays with my class. (First Person, the pronouns "I" and "my" make the narrator a character).
In Math, we are still learning about Long Multiplication and Division! Recently, we have reviewed and learned several strategies for both operations, including use of the Place Value Chart, drawing Area Models, and most recently, Partial Quotients and Partial Products! Students are advancing this knowledge into solving 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication problems.
In Social Studies, we have learned about the three historic tribes of Colorado: the Ute, Cheyenne, and Arapaho. Students designed a collage in which they demonstrated their understanding of their chosen tribe's traditions, food, clothing, shelter, location, and any changes in their tribe in Colorado today. In Science, we are learning all about Energy! We have explored the differences between kinetic and potential energy, energy types, and what happens when energy transfers from one form or object to another.
5th Grade
In literacy, our students wrapped up a social studies-rich unit on 'The US Constitution' and how voting rights have expanded over the years. They shared in constructive conversations, analyzed and synthesized texts! They produced some very worthwhile essays to show their understanding. Super job 5th grade! We look forward to sharing their progress as evident in their mid-year iReady assessments.
Principals from our two amazing middle schools visited to share what their schools have to offer for 6th grade.
On Beyond
Kindergarten Thinking Skills - Students just finished two big activities, Venn Views and Attribute Walks (see photo). Both learning tasks required deductive thinking, or coming to the one correct final answer. However, we spent time discussing our reasoning about a choice and how we can check if it makes sense or can be proven wrong.
2nd Mustang Language Arts - These students have been reading about different endangered mammals, recording notes about habitat, diet, appearance, what has led to them being endangered, and what steps we can take to prevent losing them. Now partners are identifying how their researched animals are alike and different in three ways. After Winter Break, we will continue to develop our animal comparisons into a group project to share in the homeroom classes.
3rd Mustang Language Arts - Our group has been learning about the Parts of Speech, and discovering how sentences are made up of different ones in varying amounts. First, we used a Scholastic News article to hunt for specific examples of each Part of Speech to add to our graphic organizer. Then, we learned how to use a dictionary to answer questions about different words. Now, we are competing to build meaningful sentences with as many Parts of Speech as possible (see photo).
4th Mustang Language Arts - Students have been doing internet research on Indigenous Peoples from the seven main regions of North America: Southwest, Pacific, Alaska, Great Plains, Great Lakes, Southeast, and Northeast (see photo). After learning about key details for the two main tribes from their region, the kids will develop a visual compare and contrast bulletin board for the hallway.
4th Mustang Math - We have been discussing two-dimensional shape attributes and how we can sort shapes based on the "rules" of our categories. It has been interesting to see how differently students sort the same shapes based on what they think is important (see photo).
5th Mustang Math - We have been practicing READ, DRAW, WRITE with fraction operations. Students ask themselves: Did I read the story problem, underlining and circling important information? Did I select a model (like a tape diagram or number line) to help me put the problem parts together to start solving it? Did I work carefully through my computation steps (like using several algorithms or partial products) to come up with a reasonable answer? Did I check to see if my answer works? Did I put my answer in a complete sentence using the correct label?
5th grade worked on the unit "Do you want to go with me". Vocabulary: contigo/with you, conmigo/with me, chico, chica. Understanding places and activities, for example, movies, shopping, fishing. Students learned about the celebration of Christmas holidays in some Latin American countries, such as "Posadas". Students are working on the pronunciation of words with the correct use of vowels and the use of question marks in Spanish.
4th grade practiced addition in Spanish, as well as clothing. Vocabulary: ropa/clothes, mano/hand, helado/ice cream, gorro/hat. Students learned about the celebration of Christmas holidays in some Latin American countries, such as "Posadas" traditions and foods. Students are working on the pronunciation of words with the correct use of vowels and the use of question marks in Spanish.
3rd grade learned about clothing and colors, with Spanish writing, illustrations and dialogues. Students learned about the celebration of Christmas holidays in some Latin American countries, such as "Posadas". Students are working on the pronunciation of words with the correct use of vowels.
2nd grade studied the clothing unit. Vocabulary examples: zapatos/shoes, chaqueta/jacket, bufanda/scarf, sombrero-hat. Students learned about the celebration of Christmas holidays in some Latin American countries, such as "Posadas" traditions and foods.
Kindergarten and 1st grade are working on the writing and pronunciation of the vowels, and continuing to work on greetings. Students learned about the celebration of Holidays in some Latin American countries, such as "Posadas", "Reyes Magos" and foods.
Counselor Corner
Incredible Years Parent Program
Hello Families,
Parenting is a tough job, and we all feel from time to time that we could use a little support or some new ideas for handling behaviors with our children. The Incredible Years Parent Group does that! This evidence-based group is facilitated by Julie Lavigne and Kym Ferguson. It covers topics such as:
- How can I support my child’s learning through play
- How can I deal with challenging behavior
- How to create routines and set limits at home
- Supporting your child’s self-esteem and problem solving
- Much more
This is a cooperative group of dedicated parents who work together to learn new skills, practice, and problem solve throughout the 14-week program. Here’s what you need to know:
- Starts on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 from 4-6:30pm
- 14 weeks, 1 evening a week
Where: Manitou Springs Elementary School
How: Space is limited so,
- Contact Angela Gieck or Julie Lavigne to let them know you are interested
- agieck@mssd14.org or 719-339-6058
- Free childcare and family dinner
- Great incentives and prizes
- Because we could all use some support sometimes
- Add some new tools to your toolbox and form some close relationships
MSES Yearbooks
Time to order your 2024-2025 Yearbook. This year, the yearbook will be in color. The price is $25.00. For more information, please see the order form below.
Tech Corner: Screen Time & Sleep Time
We’ve all been there. It’s time to get ready for bed but for one reason or another, family member(s) are glued to their device(s) and we don’t get a good night’s sleep.
Why is this important? We need a full night of sleep for optimal health and function. The CDC states, “Children and adolescents who do not get enough sleep have a higher risk for many health and behavior problems.” Using devices near bedtime makes it harder to wind down for the night and can interrupt our natural sleep cycles.
What can we do to make sure screen time doesn’t interrupt our sleep? Here are some recommendations from Common Sense Media:
Limit using screens before bed. Whenever possible, shut everything off—including phones and tablets—at least an hour before bedtime. Set a screen-free routine with your child, like reading, to help them settle in for the night.
Block the blue light. Make sure kids are using "night mode" on their devices after sunset. Many devices have options to adjust display color based on time of day.
Turn off notifications. Make sure your kids turn off their notifications at night. You can use built-in features like Apple's Screen Time or Google's Family Link to set limits.
Keep devices out of the bedroom or sleeping area at night. Some families find it helpful to create a charging station and/or device box in a central place in their homes.
Talk about tech expectations. Make a family plan with rules for how everyone uses devices. This will give kids a say and develop a shared understanding of how they can make the most out of entertainment and tech time.
Walk the walk. Of course, adults can also have a hard time putting down their devices. Whenever you can, model healthy tech habits that you want your kids to pick up.
Parent Connection Workshop
Upcoming Dates...
1/15: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
1/17: Fitness Friday
1/20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
1/21: Choice Night @ MSES 5-6:00
1/23: Winter Concert Grades 3-5
1/31: Coffee with the Principal
2/5: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
2/7: Fitness Friday
2/13: Valentines Day Class Parties
2/14: Staff Work Day - NO SCHOOL for students
2/17: Presidents Day - NO SCHOOL
2/28: Family Movie Night
3/3-3/7: Read Across America Week
3/3: Read Across Manitou Kickoff
3/5 Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
3/7: Fitness Friday
3/14: Staff Work Day - NO SCHOOL for students
3/17-3/21: Book Fair
3/19: Picture Day
3/20-3/21: Conferences
3/24-3/28: Spring Break
4/2: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
4/4: Fitness Friday
4/18: Coffee with the Principal
4/23: 5th Grade Science Fair
4/23: Night of Excellence
4/25: Staff Work Day - NO SCHOOL for students
5/2: Fitness Friday
5/7: Late Start Wednesday, students arrive at 9:55 am
5/13: Coffee with the Principal
5/15-5/16: Spring Concerts
5/19-5/20: Field Day
5/22: 5th Grade Promotion
5/22: 4th Grade Pool Party
5/22: Last Day of School, Early Release at 12:00
School and District calendars are available at https://mse.mssd14.org/calendars
Community Bulletin Board
Letter from the Superintendent
Dear Manitou Springs Elementary School Families and Staff,
I want to provide you with an update regarding the powder substance found in the MSES auditorium. Our School Resource Officer, Mandy Strider, has informed us that the substance was likely packed in a Pepper Ball, based on remnants of casing discovered at the scene. Pepper Balls are commercially available through various retailers, including Amazon.
The Colorado Bureau of Investigations (CBI) tested the substance and the vacuum used during the cleanup. The results indicated a weak presence of capsaicinoid, the active ingredient in pepper spray, though the data was insufficient for a definitive identification.
During the course of the investigation, school officials extensively reviewed available video footage from the auditorium, but unfortunately, the footage was inconclusive.
Officer Strider shared the following:
"I think at this point, we can safely say that a Pepper Ball was activated in the auditorium. Without knowing when or where it came from, it will be difficult to determine if it was deployed intentionally. It could have fallen out of someone's pocket that day, the night before, or at another time."
Since this discovery, multiple deep cleanings of MSES have taken place, and I want to reassure you that the building is safe.
The safety and well-being of our students and staff remain our highest priority. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to ensure a secure environment at MSES. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Sean Dorsey
Manitou Springs School District
Manitou Springs Elementary School
110 Pawnee Ave. Manitou Springs, CO 80829
(719) 685-2195