Southwest Elementary Newsletter
May 2024
A Note from Mr. Hofer
As the school year wraps up, I want to say a big thank you to all the parents! You've been awesome partners in making this year amazing. Whether you helped out in class, came to meetings, or cheered us on at events, your support has meant a lot.
We've had so much fun learning and growing together this year. Your trust in us to teach and guide your kids has made a big difference. We've shared lots of cool moments and faced challenges too, but with your help, we've made it through. Thanks for believing in us and letting us be a part of your child's journey!
Brian Hofer
Southwest Principal
Southwest Spring Program DATE CHANGE!!!
The Southwest Spring Music Program will now take place on Friday, May 31st. They will still take place in the Southwest gym.
K-1: 8:30 a.m.
4-5: 9:30 a.m.
2-3: 1:30 p.m.
PTA Information
We have a busy month ahead of us! Here are a few things to look forward to.
May 6-10: Teacher appreciation week. Please help us celebrate our teachers and thank them for all they do! Below is a sign up to help with teacher lunches.
May 9: Last PTA meeting of the year at 6:30pm. Childcare will be provided. Please join us!
June 1: End of School Bash at Southwest Elementary School from 4-7! Come join us for food, obstacle course, emergency vehicle tours and more! We are excited about this event and hope it is a huge success!
***If you or someone you know is interested in donating a basket for our raffle items please contact Erin Schumacher 309-721-1519***
We have a new Facebook page! Please join Southwest Elementary PTA - Geneseo, Illinois to catch up on all things Southwest!
May Calendar Items
May 2nd: Grade Field Trip to Nahant Marsh
May 3rd: School Store 7:30-8:00 (Final One of the Year!), Ag in the Classroom (K-2), Code Red/Lockdown Intruder Drills
May 6th: All Unit Choral Festival (4-12) 7:00 p.m. at the HS Concert Hall
May 6th-10th: Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7th: Erin’s Law Presentations During Specials
May 9th: Board of Education Meeting @6:30, PTA Meeting @6:30, 3rd Grade Walking Field Trip to Museum, Theatre; City Park
May 10th: Kindergarten Registration Ends
May 13th-10th: Map Testing
May 21st: 4th Grade Field Trip -Celebration Belle River Cruise
May 23rd: Field Day (3-5) from 9-11, 5th Grade Transition Day
May 27th: Memorial Day/No School
May 29th: K-2 Field Day (12:15-2:00)
May 30th: Kindergarten Hawaii Day
May 31st: SW Spring Programs
June 1st: PTA End of School Bash
June 4th: Last Day of School/11:35 Dismissal
Pick Up & Drop Off
Southwest Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Health & Wellness
Spring Weather Reminders
Southwest Elementary School
Email: bhofer@geneseoschools.org
Website: https://geneseoschools.org/southwest/
Location: 715 South Center Street, Geneseo, IL, United States
Phone: (309) 945-0699
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/geneseoschools