Cheetah Chatter
César E. Chávez Elementary School
November 2020
1510 W. 14th Street, Eugene, Or. 97402
School Office Hours 8:00 am-3:30 pm541-790-5300
A Message From Ms. Pearson
Dear Parents and Families,
The hallways are empty and the building is quiet, but learning is happening all over our Chávez neighborhood! Despite the challenges, our students, families, staff, and teachers are working hard and making growth. I cannot say enough to express my gratitude to be partnering with such a caring, supportive, and hard-working community. Parents and guardians, your strength amidst adversity is a model for your children. Thank you for all you are doing to make Distance Learning a success. Together, we can do hard things.
Recently, I emailed out a short video explaining the daily student schedule and clarifying which times students should be on live Zoom. If you missed it, here it is again: Principal's Message: School Day Schedule. Also, Ms. Terri and Ms. Nord have updated the Wednesday PE and Music class times; the latest PE and Music schedule is posted below.
Take care, and enjoy this crisp fall weather. Please check the "Dates To Know" below for upcoming Chávez events and No School days.
Ms. Deirdre Pearson, Principal
Staff Spotlight On...
Ms Nora Young
I have been at Chávez Elementary School for 16 years. My job is to support the classroom teachers that I work with. I do this by preparing materials to use in the classroom as well as small group teaching. I find my job very enjoyable. It does have its challenges that keeps me moving. However, it is the rewarding moments that bring excitement to my voice.
When we are learning in person, Ms. Nora can be seen outside rain or shine supervising the playground everyday! Thank you, Ms. Nora, for keeping our kids safe!
Give your child the gift of music
Eugene Youth String Orchestra is offering violin, viola, and cello group lessons twice a week for Chávez 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Students will learn together in a fun, live zoom lesson twice a week in the morning or afternoon, whichever works best for the family. Students will get their own instrument and a book.
For students attending Chavez we offer a much lower fee schedule because of our partnership with 4J’s BEST enrichment program.
For more information and to register please go 2020-21 STRING ACADEMY ONLINE
Spaces are limited so register before November 12th.
Grab 'N Go Breakfast & Lunch
Weekdays 10:45-2:00
@ ATA and McCornack Elementary
Barriers to Attendance?
Families and Caring Adults - we are so grateful for all that you are doing while we are not in the school building. Attendance is crucial for many reasons right now. Besides the academic benefits, attending class allows your student to interact socially with peers, as well as builds their relationship with their teacher.
If you are experiencing any barriers to attendance (housing, internet, child care, etc.), please call the front office at (541)790-5300 OR email/call Kara Whipple (from the Chávez Wraparound Team) at whipple@4j.lane.edu /(541)579-8976. You can also dial 211 to speak with someone who is extremely knowledgeable in all local resources (available in many languages).
November Dates to Remember
10 PACK meeting 5:30 - 6:30
11 Veteran's day / No school
17 Site Council 4:00 - 5:00
19 Supply Distribution
26-27 Thanksgiving Break / No school
Coming Soon ... Library Checkout!
Our focus on AVID continues, even during Distance Learning ... in fact, with its focus on organization and engagement, AVID is more important than ever! This year, all grade levels are incorporating AVID strategies, and we have two AVID Teacher Leaders to support and inspire our AVID work. Some AVID strategies you may have seen in the virtual classroom this year are goal-setting, using a planner or schedule to organize the day, and a focus on scholarly behavior. Examples of scholarly behavior during a Zoom class: sitting up and not moving around, paying attention, and listening and responding respectfully.
Cheetah Pack News
Have you signed up for the Parent Directory yet? Cheetah PACK is collecting contact info for those who choose to participate. If you want to be included, you can print out the form at the bottom of this newsletter, or fill out the Survey Monkey. Cheetah PACK is also putting together some parent networking events to help families connect and support each other outside of school. Click here for more info: Cheetah PACK Newsletter
Site Council News
Site Council held our first meeting of the 2020-21 school year on October 13. We reviewed the guiding documents and team roles.
We approved Title One documents that had been updated for Distance Learning.
We discussed the Eugene Education Foundation (EEF) grant submissions for this year. There are two deadlines: October and January. We decided to wait until January to submit a request for field trip funds, since we need more time to estimate costs for field trips this year. We decided we could go ahead with our request for Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB books) for the October deadline. There are no other grant submissions at this time.
We set November 17th our next meeting date, when we will review the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) school improvement plan. All original ESSA team members will be invited to attend.
- Parents and students, go to https://technologysupport.4j.lane.edu/ to view online materials and instructions for iPads, App Troubleshooting/Tutorials, and Internet/Hotspots.
- To get help with a technology issue, click HERE to submit a Help Request ticket to our 4J Tech Team. Someone will read your message and contact you.
- To leave a voicemail at our support line, call 541-790-7770 or 541-790-7531 for Spanish.