Gator Bites 10/18/24

October 18th Edition
Hello Gateway Families!
It certainly feels like fall now with the weather cooling down and the leaves changing colors!
As we progress into the school year, I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of regular school attendance. Attendance is a key factor in your child's academic success. We can only teach them if they are here! Consistent attendance is vital to develop positive habits, support taking responsibility and persevere, and continue to develop the skills and knowledge to learn grade level material. When students are in school, they are learning, building relationships with peers, participating in the school community, and receiving support from teachers that can't be replicated outside of the classroom.
I also want to share that there are several Massachusetts General Laws that relate to school attendance notification that the district must comply with.
- Massachusetts law (G.L. c. 76, §1B) requires that each school notifies a parent or guardian of the child’s absence if the school has not received notification of the absence from the parent or guardian.
- The school must also have a policy of notifying the parent or guardian of a student who has at least 5 days in which the student has missed 2 or more periods unexcused in a school year or who has missed 5 or more school days unexcused in a school year.
- Massachusetts law (G.L. c. 76, §1B) requires that the school principal make a reasonable effort to meet with the parent or guardian of a student who has 5 or more unexcused absences to develop action steps for student attendance.
Therefore, if a student is absent, the school will be following up with families to check in and make a plan for strong attendance moving forward.
Please let me or your child's principal know if you have any questions or concerns about school attendance.
Kristen Smidy, Superintendent
Thank you for the feedback!
At each of the school open houses, families were given the opportunity to give feedback on our new instructional vision. We welcome in person meetings or emails if you have additional feedback you would like to share!
Please Mark Your Calendars!
Tuesday, November 5: Half Day for students. Staff have professional development!
Monday, November 11: No School, Veterans Day
Wednesday, November 13: School Committee at 7pm
Wednesday, November 27: Half Day of School
Thursday, November 28-Friday, November 29: No School-Thanksgiving Break
Because Gateway Regional School District receives Title I funding, our district is required to inform you of information that you, according to the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (Public Law 114-95), have the right to know.
Upon your request, our district is required to provide to you in a timely manner, the following information:
Whether your student’s teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
Whether your student’s teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
Whether your student’s teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
The college degree and major of your child’s teacher;
Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
In addition to the information that parents may request, a building receiving Title I.A funds must provide to each individual parent:
Information on the level of achievement and academic growth of your student, if applicable and available, on each of the State academic assessments required under Title I.A.
Timely notice that your student has been assigned, or has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who has not met applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.
Families are invited to contact principals or me to set up an appointment to discuss the contents of this letter by calling 413-685-1011 or by emailing sstewart@grsd.org.
Thank you for your continued support.
Every Gator Bites, we will share a safety tip for our community as a reminder of our protocols. Our protocols are analyzed each year with the new guidance that is published and vetted by our local and state police partners.
This newsletter, we would like to bring your attention to threats on social media and the impact they can have. Across the nation, there has been an increase in school threats as noted in this article.
When an incident about an online concern is reported, it is our top priority to investigate and pull in our police partners. We will take every report seriously and will also investigate each matter. We have our incredible local police departments that we work closely with, and we also have assigned troopers from the State Police and an assigned point person at the District Attorney's office that we connect with often. We investigate any report using a variety of research-based methods that administrators have learned in multiple trainings that we refresh each year. Police may conduct the interviews if the report is provided after hours, while reports that occur during school hours are conducted by administrators. Home visits are typically a part of this process to assess the situation. We also have a battery of threat assessments that we utilize in different situations to determine how to proceed with incidents.
Once we have a clear picture of the level of safety concern, we will send a communication out to families to inform them of the situation to the best of our ability. This may take a couple of hours from the time the initial report was made in order to give us time to conduct the initial assessment. It is best when we can provide an update of that matter and clear next steps. This communication will be done both via phone call and a more detailed account of the situation will be provided via email whenever possible.
Obviously, as we have experienced together just last month, these situations can be stressful, traumatic, and scary even if the threat doesn't end up being viable.
Therefore, we are requesting your partnership to speak to your child about being mindful about what they post online. Jokes or sarcasm may not come across that way in a social media post. Individuals who make threats or attempt to intimidate online are being prosecuted more often because of the major disruption that it causes within a community. There are parental control softwares that can be used with devices, and frequent conversations and reminders about expectations for social media use are impactful for student understanding. Also, what may be intended for one person or a small group can be viewed by a much larger audience on social media quite easily. Because of this, we are hoping that families and our school community can work together to model and impress upon our students the importance of being responsible social media users.
Finally, we continue to remind all of our community members to make reports of any concerning or questionable behavior. We have been able to address matters thoroughly because of reports, and we are so appreciative of our students and families who reach out to us to share what they see and hear for the safety of our community.
See this link for updates.
Massachusetts State Mandated Screenings in October
In October the nurses of Gateway will begin doing health screenings. These screenings are not diagnostic, but serve to identify students who may need further medical evaluation. We will only contact parents with results if they are outside of normal limits and need follow up for further evaluation. If you would prefer to have your child screened by their primary care provider please contact your school nurse to make arrangements to gather required documentation.
Gateway Regional School: Theresa Brownlee tbrownlee@grsd.org
Chester Elementary: Amanda Dean adean@grsd.org
Littleville Elementary: Heather Fortier hfortier@grsd.org
District Nurse Leader: Kelly Sudnick ksudnick@grsd.org
Postural Screening
In preparation for scoliosis screening, it is suggested to watch the video below with your child about scoliosis and the screening process.
Catch the Curve Scoliosis Education Video
Postural screening is not diagnostic, but a program to identify students who should have further medical evaluation. In Massachusetts, postural screenings are performed in school for children in grades 5 through 9 because this is a time of rapid growth and the most likely time period in which children can develop problems of the spine or scoliosis. For a proper and more accurate visualization during postural screening, female students are encouraged to bring a two-piece bathing suit or halter-top to school. This type of clothing permits a more accurate observation of the child’s back. Please be assured that privacy will be maintained at all times. Parents will be contacted with results only if there is a need to follow up with a physician or licensed practitioner for further evaluation.
If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to opt out of this screening, please contact your school nurse.
BMI Screening
BMI is a measure that is used to show a person’s weight for height for age. It is calculated using an individual’s height and weight. Just like a blood pressure reading or an eye screening test, BMI can be a useful tool in identifying possible health risks, but it does not provide a diagnosis. Massachusetts schools have taken students’ heights and weights each year since the 1950s. According to the state’s new BMI screening regulations (approved in 2013), schools must now collect the heights and weights of students in grades 1, 4, 7 and 10. BMI data collected for all children in these grades will be gathered and reported to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health as a combined number. No individual student’s BMI results will be shared with anyone other than you. The school nurse will supervise your child’s screening and will make sure your child’s privacy is respected at all times. Your child’s height, weight, and BMI measurements are strictly confidential – results will be kept in your child’s school health record and will not be shared with anyone without your written permission.
The Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
The SBIRT program screening process will be incorporated into our annual state mandates screenings; and be done once in middle school and once in high school. All screenings will be conducted by our school nurses confidentially in private one-on-one sessions. We will utilize the CRAFFT-N screening tool, the most commonly used substance use screening tool for adolescents in Massachusetts. This year SBIRT will be done with grades 7 & 11.
Students who are not using substances will have their healthy choices reinforced by the screener. The screener will provide brief feedback to any student who reports using substances, or who is at risk for future substance use. If needed, we will refer students to our counseling staff for further evaluation. This program focuses on harm prevention and does not generate disciplinary action. Results of the screening will not be included in your student’s school record. As with any school screening, you have the right to opt your child out of this screening. Please contact the Health Office at (413) 685-1240 if you have any questions about this program or if you wish to opt out. Additionally, screening is voluntary and students may choose not to answer any or all of the screening questions. We encourage all parents/guardians to talk with their child about substance use. Together, schools and parent/guardians CAN make a difference for our youth.
“7 Ways to Protect Your Teen From Alcohol and Other Drugs”
Underage Drinking Prevention Parent Resources from SAMHSA
Marijuana Talk Kit
Are you Interested in Joining our District Wellness Committee?
Our District Wellness Advisory Committee is looking for community and student members!
Our team has members from District leadership, the Nutrition department, the School Based Health Center, and interested staff. We meet quarterly to discuss wellness both in policy and initiatives. This committee will meet to recommend, review and help implement school district policies addressing school nutrition, nutrition education, physical activity and related issues that affect student health and wellness. If you are interested in joining, please contact Kelly Sudnick via email @ ksudnick@grsd.org.
Middle School After School Program
Later Gators
Sign-ups for the new after school program for students in grades 6-8 are ongoing. The program will be Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 4:30. If interested, please sign up using this link.
Final Fall Sports!
Come cheer on our final fall sporting events of the year!
Boys Soccer:
10/23 against Hopkins Academy at Hopkins. Both JV and Varsity play at 4pm.
Girls Soccer:
10/21 against Renaissance at Marshal Roy field. Varsity play at 4pm.
Cross Country:
10/21 against Pope Francis at Whiting Reservoir at 3:45pm
10/24 is the Western Mass MS Invitational at Dufresne Park in Granby at 4:10 (girls) and 4:30 (boys).
10/27 is the Western Mass Championship all day-location is Stanley Park in Westfield.
On October 3, there we had many generations of coaches on site at the girls soccer game!
Steve Estelle-Head Coach 1990-2019
Jaidon Plant-Class of 2025
Sophia Dobosz-Present Head Coach (2024)
Erica Madru-Class of 2026
Matt Bonenfant-JV Coach 2008-2019, Head Coach 2020-2023
Events at the Porter Memorial Library!
Throughout October: Spooky Potions Scavenger Hunt!
Visit the library to look for spooky potions in this fun Halloween game.
Sensory Story time: Every Tuesday @ 4:30pm
Kids of all ages visit the library every Tuesday for a story, crafts and sensory play.
Book Squirms: Every Wednesday @ 10:30am
Littles and their caregivers are welcome to join us for stories, songs, sensory play and crafts.
Library Closed: Monday Oct. 14th
The library will be closed on Monday, October 14th in observance of Columbus Day.
A Very Scarry Party!: Tuesday Oct. 29th and Wednesday Oct. 30th
Kids, wear your costumes to the library and listen to a Richard Scarry story!
Just in time for cold weather, the Hilltown Community Coat Drive
Isabella LeBarron, a parishioner of Holy Family Parish in Russell and a Senior at Hampshire Regional School District, will coordinate the eleventh year of the Hilltown Community Coat Drive. This will continue the community effort that her sisters initiated eleven years ago. If you would like to donate, please bring washed, gently used, or new coats, boots, mittens, and hats for local hilltown adults and children to collection boxes at the following locations beginning on October 9th:
Gateway Regional H.S. lobby (during normal school hours 7:30-3:00)
Hilltown Community Health Center - Huntington (Route 20, Mon - Fri 8:00-5:00)
Holy Family Church (Route 20 Russell Center, during Mass times)
Hilltown Community Health Center - Worthington (58 Old North Road, Mon - Fri
Littleville Elementary Lobby (during normal school hours 9:00-3:00)
Hampshire Regional High School (during normal school hours 7:30-2:15)
Norris Elementary School (during normal school hours 9:00-3:00)
Coats and winter items will be available for hilltown families at the beginning of November through It Takes a Village in Huntington and some through the Hilltown Family Center. For questions please email Bella LeBarron. @bella.lebarron44@gmail.com
Russell Public Library October 2024 News
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3-7pm, Tuesday & Thursday 10am-2pm Saturday 10:00am -1:00pm
The library will be closed on Saturdays of 3 day holiday weekends.
Please join our updated Facebook page and connect with our other resources there.
Russell Public Library Facebook Page
Russell Public Library Website
Check out StoryWalks® Sponsored by the Hilltown Family Center at Noble View Outdoor Center”s All Person’s Trail: and behind the Russell Public Library around our Community fruit trees and play area.
Kids: (ages 3-9) Saturday, October 26, from 11:00-12:00 Join Ms. Jennifer for “The Strangest
Fish,” a fishy tale about Daisy’s fish from the fair. Games fun and snacks provided. Register by
email rpldirector@townofrussell.us, call 413-862-6221 and leave a message, or come in and sign up at the library by October 22th.
Adults: Saturday, November 2nd, from 2:00-4:00. In keeping with the season of Mysteries and
Monsters join the Vogel Brothers as they lead us on their search for BIG FOOT. Register by email
rpldirector@townofrussell.us, call 413-862-6221 and leave a message, or come in and signup at the library by October 31th.
Adults: Tuesday, October 22th, from 6-7:15 pm learn to use an AED and do hands only CPR
with Cate from the Hilltown Community Ambulance. The Russell Public Library purchased an
AED to have on site. Register by email rpldirector@townofrussell.us, call 413-862-6221 and leave a message, or come in and sign up at the library by October 18th.
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at the library by checking out a book by a Hispanic author.
See our displays throughout the library.
District Contact Information:
Please reach out if you have questions or concerns!
Chester Elementary School:
Principal Vanna Maffuccio vmaffuccio@grsd.org
Littleville Elementary School:
Principal Melissa McCaul mmccaul@grsd.org
Assistant Principal Martha Gendron mgendron@grsd.org
Principal Dr. Will Sullivan wsullivan@grsd.org
Assistant Principal Valerie Zeh vzeh@grsd.org
Athletic Director Matt Bonenfant mbonenfant@grsd.org
Superintendent Kristen Smidy ksmidy@grsd.org
Gateway Regional School District
Website: grsd.org
Location: 12 Littleville Road, Huntington, MA, USA
Phone: 413-685-1100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GatewayRegionalMA?mibextid=LQQJ4d