Stanwood High School
Family Newsletter — Sunday, February 4, 2024

Family Newsletter — Sunday, March 24th, 2024
Hello Spartan Families and Guardians,
Due to Spring Conferences, students will have half-days this week on Wednesday, March 27th, Thursday, March 28th, and Friday, March 29th. Please don't hesitate to contact your student(s) teachers if there are concerns that need to be addressed. We also have spring break from April 1st through the 5th. I recommend students connect with teachers now to see if they have work that can be made up over spring break.
I hope everyone has an excellent break. The next newsletter will be released on April 7th.
Mike Washington, Principal
District Promise
Every student in the Stanwood-Camano School District is empowered to learn in an inclusive setting and is prepared for the future of their choice.
Stanwood High School Vision Statement
Stanwood Spartans are united in cultivating character, modeling respect, teaching leadership and connecting to community.
Updates and Reminders
Non-Parent/Guardian Pick Ups
Dear Parents and Guardians -
If someone other than the listed Parent or Guardian needs to pick up your student during school hours, "Day Of" permission is needed. Please make sure that you call the Office at 360-629-1300, send an email to Attendance, or send in a note that morning.
"Day Of" permission is needed for those designated as Emergency Contacts as well.
We cannot release a student without "Day Of" permission to anyone other than a listed Parent or Guardian. Thank you for your assistance in keeping our students safe!
Bus Guidelines
To keep everyone safe on school buses and to abide by state law, please follow these guidelines while on a bus:
All items — such as sports equipment, instruments, and metal water bottles — must be completely secured inside of a closed bag or instrument case.
The bus is considered an extension of the school day, and students are expected to behave in a way that is consistent with school/classroom expectations.
For example, items such as bats, lacrosse sticks, tennis rackets, and Stanley water bottles must be secured inside a closed bag while on a school bus.
There are no exceptions to these rules and regulations, per WAC 392-145-021 (Washington State Administrative Code) and School Board policy.
We appreciate your help in making sure that our students continue to stay safe on the bus and following state law so our school buses remain in service.
Please contact our Transportation Department with any questions.
Spring Conferences
We are scheduling Spring Conferences! Please call Wendy Fox to schedule: 360-629-1300 x. 5229
March 27th - 4 pm to 6:40 pm
March 28th - 11:40 am to 2:40 pm
March 29th -11:40 am to 2:40 pm
Bell Schedules for the Week of March 25th
Monday, March 25th:
- Regular Schedule
Tuesday, March 26th:
- Regular Schedule
Wednesday, March 27th:
- NO Late Start Wednesday
Early Release/Conferences
0 Period 7:10 – 7:35
1st 7:40 – 8:05
2nd 8:10 – 8:40
3rd 8:45 – 9:10
4th 9:15 – 9:40
5th 9:45 – 10:10
6th 10:15 – 10:40 (Students dismissed at 10:40)
Thursday, March 28th:
- Early Release/Conferences
0 Period 6:40 – 7:35
1st 7:40 – 8:37
2nd 8:42 – 9:39
3rd 9:44 – 10:40 (Students dismissed at 10:40)
Friday, March 29th:
- Early Release/Conferences
4th 7:40 – 8:37
5th 8:42 – 9:39
6th 9:44 – 10:40 (Students dismissed at 10:40)
Important Dates
March 27th-29th: Spring Conferences and Early Release Bell Schedule
Spring Conference Bell Schedule 2023-2024
Wednesday (3/27): (25 - Minute classes)
0 Period 7:10 – 7:35
1st 7:40 – 8:05
2nd 8:10 – 8:40
3rd 8:45 – 9:10
4th 9:15 – 9:40
5th 9:45 – 10:10
6th 10:15 – 10:40 (Students dismissed at 10:40)
Thursday (3/28): (57- minute Classes)
0 Period 6:40 – 7:35
1st 7:40 – 8:37
2nd 8:42 – 9:39
3rd 9:44 – 10:40 (Students dismissed at 10:40)
Friday (3/29): (57- minute Classes)
4th 7:40 – 8:37
5th 8:42 – 9:39
6th 9:44 – 10:40 (Students dismissed at 10:40)
***for information to schedule a conference, please see flier below***
April 10th: 8:30 am to 2:30 pm Cap and Gown Pick up with Jostens in the upper PAC lobby
April 24-27 and May 1-4: Hold the dates for the 3rd Annual Bloom'n Plant Sale
TSA State Conference
Congratulations to Stanwood TSA. Last week 15 students and their advisor, Tristan Hanson, traveled to the Washington Technology Student Association State Conference where they competed in a variety of Technology, Engineering, and leadership competitions. Please join us in congratulating the following students on their state placings:
1st Place in Manufacturing Prototype: Colin M., Soren A., and Oscar C.
1st Place in Transportation Modeling: Poppy H.
2nd Place in Manufacturing Prototype: Natalie L. and Thomas M.
3rd Place in Infographics: Gracie B.
4th Place in Manufacturing Prototype: Olivia F., Poppy H., Brenden M., and Scott M.
The Technology Student Association is one of 8 recognized Career & Technical Student Organizations in the State of Washington, and is focused on the development of STEM Careers. These organizations allow students to take what they have learned in the Career & Technical Education Classroom and apply this knowledge outside of the school walls. They allow students to demonstrate and develop their technical, leadership, and employability skills through hands-on application and various learning opportunities.
Stanwood Ag. Mechanics District Contest
Stanwood High School held the District 1 Contest in Ag Mechanics on 3/18/24. The contest covered: welding, chemical calibration, pesticide label identification, stair jack layout, concrete calculation, small gas engines, and residential house wiring. We had nine teams competed, 89 individual students. The teams are gearing up for state held at Perry Tech in Yakima on 4/12/24. We would like to thank all the community members that helped put the contest on and who also donated the many individual prizes last night with a value of over $3000. A special thanks to the people who came and took part in the contest Evan Caldwell, and Ryan Ovenell.
Stanwood placed 2nd last night being edged out by Mount Baker high school by 7 points.
Standings: Top 4
1st Mount Baker
2nd Stanwood
3rd Ferndale
4th Meridian
Class OF 2024 Information - Updated!
****Our Senior information page has been updated with lots of end of the year dates and events! Make sure you check it out and click HERE****
Save the Date for Cap and Gown Pick up!
Cap and Gown pick up of all ordered packages from Jostens will be on April 10th, 8:30 am to 2:30 pm in the upper PAC Lobby.
NHS Rapid Rabbit Run - 5k Fundraiser
Saturday March 30th at 10:00 AM
Choose a 10k, 5k, or 1k Hop distance. Please register using THIS LINK by March 20th!
All participants will receive a T-Shirt!
**This event is through the SHS National Honors Society and all funds will benefit SHS NHS**
SHS Talent Show
SHS is hosting its own talent show on 4/9 in the PAC.
Doors open at 6:00 pm and is open to the public.
Students interested in performing should fill out the below form to secure an entry.
Spartan Athletics
Spartan Athletic Awards
Seniors, please mark your calendars for Thursday, May 30th! We will gather to celebrate the accomplishments of the Class of 2024. More info to follow.
Spartan Sports Report
Keep up with Stanwood Athletics by subscribing to the Spartan Sports Report!
Click Here to sign up to receive weekly scores, news, photos, and more.
SHS Athletics Helpful Links
Please visit our linktree for access to a variety of Spartan information! Rosters, schedules, tickets and more: https://linktr.ee/go_shsspartans
WESCO Spectator Guidelines & Sportsmanship Code
The essential elements of character-building and ethics in interscholastic athletics are embodied in the concept of seven core principles: sportsmanship, discipline, leadership, teamwork, responsibility, dedication, and respect. To demonstrate sportsmanship in the stands, we ask all spectators to adhere to these 5 basic guidelines:
- I will appreciate all good plays and players, whether they compete for my team or my opponent.
- I will remember that school athletics are an extension of the classroom and that learning is taking place.
- I will be positive and use respectful language towards players, coaches, officials, and other spectators.
- I will respect the abilities and sensitivities of our opponents and officials, regardless of the outcome of the contest.
- I will remember that my actions reflect on others, including students, school, and the community.
What's New in the SHS Library?
The America Library of Poetry is holding their 28th Annual National Student Poetry contest. There are lots of prizes available, plus a $500 grand prize! All grades can enter. Deadline to enter is April 30, 2024.
Complete details in the March Library Newsletter or stop by the library to pick up a flier.
Check all the library events and literary news in the March Library Newsletter.
Save the Dates! The 8th Annual Bloom'n Plant Sale!
April 24-27 and May 1-4
Stanwood High School Greenhouse Production and Horticultural Science classes have
been working hard this year to produce an excellent opportunity for the Stanwood
community by producing a fantastic plant sale for this year.
Our Bloom’n Plant Sale is back for the 3rd Year at the New High School!
The hours will be Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. and
Saturdays 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
The sale starts the last week of April and continues the first week of May.
We are growing annuals, perennials,
vegetable starts, herbs, and many baskets.
Like us on Facebook: Stanwood High School
Greenhouse – for updates on products and work
being completed for our sales.
District news
Time is running out to take our community survey!
We're still hoping more community members take our annual Community Survey.
Your voice truly helps us plan for and prioritize for the years ahead as we adjust our practices in several ways to meet the needs of our students, staff, families, and community!
Friday Family Message
Find the most recent Friday Family Message from the Stanwood-Camano School District online HERE
Staff By Department
The Stanwood-Camano School District does not discriminate in employment, programs, or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District's Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer and Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Christine Del Pozo (cdelpozo@stanwood.wednet.edu), or the Section 504/American Disabilities Act Coordinator, Robert Hascall (rhascall@stanwood.wednet.edu) Stanwood-Camano School District, 26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292. Telephone: (360) 629-1200.
Parents/Guardians have the right to request their students' teachers' professional qualifications. For this specific information, please contact Mrs. Christine Del Pozo at cdelpozo@stanwood.wednet.edu or call 360-629-1200
7400 272nd Street Northwest
Stanwood, WA 98292
Main Office: (360) 629-1300