Lake Orion HS Newsletter
Week of October 28th
Week of November 18, 2024
LOHS Thunder,
As the old saying goes, “Time flies when you’re having fun!” Thank you to everyone who is doing your part resulting in our successful beginning of the 2024-2025 school year. Quarter one was filled with hard work resulting in great results in and out of the classroom. As we enter the second half of this semester, be aware that we have consistent concerns with cell phone use and vaping during the school day. To help in these areas LOHS is looking at our current cell phone policy and weighing potential changes to reduce the level of distraction and social issues created with cell phones. We are also currently updating additional restrooms with vape detecting technology to help deter students from using vapes at school. Please continue to support our efforts by having conversations with your children explaining the importance of handling their cell phones responsibly and the dangers of vaping. Together, we can help our Dragons become happy, healthy, confident young adults ready to take on the challenges and opportunities before them.
I wish everyone a happy holiday season. Please make sure to visit our website to see the great things going on at LOHS. Hopefully you can attend our production of “Little Women” later this week.
As always, Protect the Thunder!
Dr. Haas
Important Events
The 2024-25 Lake Orion Community Schools calendars are now available by visiting the calendar page. A single sheet of the important dates is also listed on that page.
Nov 21, 22, 23 - Fall Play "Little Women"
Nov 26 - Club/Org Group Photo Day
Nov 26 - Student Blood Drive
Nov 27, 28, 29 - No School Thanksgiving Break
Dec 3 - Winter Band Concert 7 p.m.
Dec 5 - Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
Dec 12 - Winter Choir Concert 7 p.m.
Parent Teacher Conferences, Thursday, December 5
Thursday, December 5 Lake Orion Community Schools will be holding Virtual Parent-Teacher conferences from 4 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Sign up through Power School will be available Monday, November 25th; please look out for an email from our School Messenger.
Fall Play - Little Women
Click Below to Purchase Tickets
Service Learning Spotlight
X2VOL is the database for service hours at LOHS. It enables students to view opportunities, contact local organizations and log service hours, all in one convenient location. To learn more about this website and how students use x2VOL to log in, look up opportunities, sign up for an event, add hours after they serve, or if they have denied hours, watch this brief x2VOL tutorial. If your student is looking for opportunities this holiday season, scroll to the bottom of the Service Learning - Lake Orion Community Schools website under “November & December Service Opportunities”.
Work Permits
Work Permits are signed during school hours, 7am-3pm in the Career Center when the school district is in session. If the district is closed, permits are not available to be signed. Please prepare for the holiday season and get work permits signed well in advance of school breaks.
As a reminder, students fill out the top portion of the permit, the employer fills out the middle section, and then, LOHS fills out the bottom portion. All portions must be original and done in blue or black ink as it is a legal document. Please also remember to include the last four digits of the student’s SSN in the top portion. Many students skip this portion and it causes a delay in the signature process as LOHS cannot sign the permit until the SSN is provided. More information on work permits can be found on the LOHS website at Work Permits and Jobs - Lake Orion Community Schools
Yearbook Club/Organization Group Photo Day
Student Blood Drive
Lake Orion High School Leadership Class and HOSA are hosting a student blood drive on Tuesday, November 26th. Any student ages 17 or older interested in donating blood can do so by signing up with the QR code below or the Versiti website. (Students who are taking group photos, should refer to their email this week for group photo time slots).
Students under 17 must have parent permission. According to the American Red Cross, anyone who got a tattoo or a piercing within the last three months may not be eligible. Please refer to the sign up.
Dragons Abroad Info Meeting - November 20
Pack your bags because we are headed to Italy & Germany on our upcoming Dragons Abroad trip in June 2026.
There is incredible growth that comes with seeing the world, exploring new places, helping local communities, and experiencing new cultures - and I’m excited to bring that opportunity to our community.
Please join my informational meeting to learn:
· What we’ll see and experience on our trip
· How this opportunity will benefit your child
· Why now is the right time to start planning
· How your investment will be protected
· How your child can earn academic credit
· How we’re keeping this safe and affordable
Our meeting will be held on November 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Kiva@ Lake Orion HS, don’t miss your opportunity to reserve your seat. At least one parent/guardian must be in attendance.
So that I can alert you of any changes to this meeting, please register using this link:
Can’t make the meeting but want more information? Register and select “No but send info.”
Can't wait to see you there!
Wendy Baeckeroot
OSTC Field Trip Opportunity
Looking for information about participating as a student athlete, the athletic schedule, or how to purchase tickets to sporting events, please visit the athletics website: Athletics Calendar - Lake Orion Community Schools (
Parking Passes and Unauthorized Vehicles
Please take a moment to remind your child that students at Lake Orion High School are required to obtain a parking pass to park legally on campus. Recently, we’ve put up signs indicating that any unauthorized vehicles will be towed by Buckhorn, and we appreciate your understanding in this matter.
To ensure a smooth parking experience, students can purchase their parking passes before school or during lunch. We’ve noticed an increase in vehicles parked in unauthorized areas, so please remind your student to park only in designated spots.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in keeping our campus organized and safe!
For more information please visit the LOHS Student Parking website.
LOHS Parent Group (Similar to PTO or PTA)
The LOHS staff is wonderful, and the holidays are one time of the year we can let them know how thankful we are for their dedication to our kids! They work long hours…coming in early, countless evenings spent grading, assessing and compiling lesson plans. This leaves them little time to plan for the holidays with their own family, so LOHS families will be providing them with Christmas cookies!
We are requesting homemade cookies from our families that would like to donate. Please deliver them to school Dec. 9 and 10 between 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. (there will be a table at the front doors to drop off) and for allergy purposes, also bring in a copy of the recipe. The staff will get to partake in a Christmas buffet of cookies, creating a platter to take home to share with their families this season!
Please see the sign-up genius link below and thank you in advance for sharing the joy of the season with all our teachers and staff! Any questions, contact Kristi Pavelich at
Looking for a simple way to help at LOHS!?!
Join the LOHS Parent Group (similar to PTO or PTA)
Ways we help:
* Plan meals for staff during conferences
* Organize cookie buffet for Holidays for staff
* Organize events for Staff Appreciation Week
* Decorate and set up staff lounge for meals
*Meetings are normally on Teams, with one in-person meeting at a local restaurant to socialize as we plan Staff Appreciation Week. We hope you will join us and share your ideas! If interested email
Digital Student ID Now Available
New this year, Digital School IDs are available for students that had their picture taken by HR Imaging during Walk-Through Days in August or on Re-Take Day in October! With the Digital ID LOHS students don’t have to worry about leaving their ID at home for a game / activity or having to pay $5 for a replacement ID, all they need to do is download the ID straight to their phone.
Just scan the QR code or use this link on your phone and follow the below steps:
- Type Lake Orion and pick Lake Orion High School from the drop-down menu and click Submit.
- Then type Student’s last name, Student ID Number and school address (note: you do not have to enter your mobile number that is optional) and click Submit.
- Follow the instructions on the “green bar” to save the picture on your phone.
Students can then show their phone at a Sporting Event or other activity.
Check out this week's live broadcast schedule!!
As always, tune in at (A subscription of $11.99 is required to view sports broadcasts, but nearly half of that money comes directly back to our broadcast program.)
School Dismissal Manager Reminder
You already have a School Dismissal Manager account. Use your email address as username and the current password or use the "forgot password" option to set a new password.
IMPORTANT: Returning parents need to ensure their app has the latest UPDATED version before the first day of school. If your phone is set to update automatically no action is required but those that don’t will need to update manually. The App is available in the app store should you need to reinstall it.
Click here to login.
Student Clubs and Extracurriculars
Guided After School (GAP) program that offers various clubs for our students at Lake Orion High School. Each club is led by our outstanding staff at LOHS. All After School clubs will abide by Lake Orion High School rules and current policies.
How to Sign up for GAP
- Fill out the GAP form and pay the GAP fee in order to participate in all GAP clubs.
- Students are eligible for all clubs after they pay for one. THIS IS ONLY FOR GAP CLUBS
- Register for GAP clubs with Mr. Kimball or online with the links below
Important Note: Senior updates and more information can be found on the Lake Orion High School website under the Senior Class of 2025 page or our new Class of 2025 Smore.
Monthly Senior Class of 2025 Bulletin Link Below
Nurse's Corner
Oakland Schools Technical Campus Information
OSTC Student Lunches
Starting Wednesday, October 9 students going to PM OSTC will have to pre-order lunches to take with them to campus or on the way out. Students may eat their lunches on the bus.
Transcript Request
It is college application season! Lake Orion High School has partnered with Parchment to order and send your transcript and other credentials securely. *This is a FREE account to you and can work with two different e-mails.
** Note: If a college/university site requires a fee please stop in to see your counselor BEFORE making any payments.
Parchment Instructions are located on the Lake Orion High School website under the Counseling tab.
MI Achievement Scholarship Information Sessions
High school students and families interested in learning more about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship are encouraged to attend an informational webinar provided by MI Student Aid.
Participants will be able to gather the following information:
- Information about the NEW Community College Guarantee
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship eligibility requirements
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship award amounts
- Important action items for students and families
- Additional resources and program information
All sessions are free of charge and open to the public. Register for one session only, as space is limited.
Tardy Policy
Our tardy policy emphasizes the importance of punctuality and its role in student success. Arriving to class on time ensures that students are present for important instruction, minimizes disruptions to the learning environment, and fosters a sense of responsibility. Repeated tardiness can result in consequences such as detention or parent/student meeting with administration. By being on time, students develop habits that benefit them in school and future professional settings.
LOHS Pick Up and Drop Off Procedures
- LOHS drop off and pick up entrance for students is from Scripps Road only.
- The arrows indicate the direction of flow during student drop off and pick up.
- Green Arrows indicate drop off/pick up zone. Please pull forward as far as you can before having your student exit/enter the vehicle.
- DO NOT pull up to the main building.
- DO NOT use the Staff Lot or Bus Loop for picking up or dropping off students.
Distinguished Dragon Award
Thank you for taking the time to recognize one of Lake Orion Community Schools' staff members for their excellence.
The intent of the Distinguished Dragon program is to ensure that staff members who go above and beyond their regular duties are appreciated. The additional effort or support can range from helping an individual to helping a group or any effort that seems worthy of praise.
The staff member can be nominated by a student, parent, community member or even their own colleague. We ask for the submitter's name and contact information to follow up with specific questions if necessary.
Please complete the form entirely so the individual can be appropriately honored for their contributions.
Important Contacts
Admin Team
Principal's Secretary
Anthony Kiner - 11th grade
Danielle Bredemus - 9th grade
Brad Bailey - 10th grade
Rosa Everitt -12th grade
CTE & K-12 Career Readiness Coordinator
Athletic Director
Athletic Secretary
Counseling Center
Have questions about your schedule?
If you find an error in your student's schedule, please ask them to reach out to their counselor or visit the counseling center before the start of the school day or during passing time.
Secretary Greta Bailey
Phone: 248-693-5640
A-Cot Christy Bell
Cou-Grz Melissa Bruno
Gu-Led Natalie Parraghi
Lee- Pep Michele Novak
Peq-Sta Alicia Conner
Ste-Z Scott Boeneman
HS Special Education Teaching Consultant
Resources for Families
School Calendar
The 2024-25 Lake Orion Community Schools calendars are now available by visiting the calendar page. A single sheet of the important dates is also listed on that page.
OK2SAY is available state-wide for public and private schools in Michigan; anybody can submit a confidential tip. Specially trained technicians receive the tips and filter the information to the appropriate agency to provide a timely and effective response
Check out LOCS' Flickr albums for pictures of all our events, Homecoming Game, Pep Assemblies, Invitationals, Graduations, first day of school pics and more.
Care Solace
It's ok to ask for help
Care Solace connects students, staff, and their families to care.
At no cost to you, Care Solace will quickly and confidentially find available mental health and substance use providers matched to your needs.
Find the right help at the right time.
Social Media
Location: 495 East Scripps Road, Orion Township, MI, USA
Phone: (248)693-5420
Twitter: @LkOrionHS
Instagram: lkorionhs