Ruhkala Announcements & Schedule
Week of October 11th to October 15th
Ruhkala's 10th Annual Student Yearbook Cover Design Contest!
- Design must fit on an 8.5 by 11 piece of paper
- Design must include the name: Ruhkala and the years 2021-2022
- Must have correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
- Include your name and teacher's name on the back of your design in pencil
Due: Wednesday, October 20th
Please turn it in to your teacher or the front office.
Halloween 2021!
Halloween 2021!
Run Rocklin!
RUN ROCKLIN is a wonderful community event that is coming up on October 17th. If you have not participated it is a great morning to get some exercise and enjoy our city. You do not need to be a runner to participate. The 5K event has a lot of adults, kids, and even dogs that walk the course. There is also an option for a 12K or a Half Marathon.
The race director is gracious enough to let people sign up as a TEAM to raise money for our school. We have created the team Ruhkala Huskies. If you are registering for the event please register as part of the Ruhkala Huskies team. You can also encourage any other family or friends to register under our team as well. For each person that registers, the school gets $5 of your registration fee back. Ruhkala has been able to use this funding in years past for the needs of the students.
SIGN UP TODAY!!! If you have any questions you can email Leslie VandenAkker at
To Clear Absences:
Please contact Ms. Schrader (at in order to clear absences. It is very important that all absences are cleared before a student returns to campus.
This Week's Schedule:
Articulation Monday:
School dismissal is at 1:20 for Kindergarten through Sixth Grade students.
Tuesday through Friday:
Arrival: 7:40-7:50 (There is no recess before school. Students can not enter their classroom until 7:40.
Dismissal: 2:20
If your child needs to have ANY medication during the school day please do the following:
- Fill in an RUSD medical form signed by a doctor.
- Bring the medication and the form to our front office.
Please bring any immunization records that are required to the office as soon as possible.
COVID Protocol:
- Please click on this LINK to access important information about COVID protocols in Rocklin Unified School District as of 8/5/2021.
Weekly Schedule
- Articulation Monday: School dismissal is at 1:20 for Kindergarten through Sixth Grade students.
- Maroon Monday: Wear our Ruhkala school colors of maroon or grey.
- VAPA: Ms. Yamasaki
- PE with Coach Carter
- School Dismissal at 2:20
- VAPA: Ms. Salata
- School Dismissal at 2:20
- PE with Coach Carter
- School Dismissal at 2:20
- School Spirit Friday: Wear maroon and grey or Ruhkala gear.
- School Dismissal at 2:20