Hilhi Happenings
Boletín informativo para familias de la Preparatoria: Hilhi.

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October 21, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Hilhi Families,
With just two weeks left in the first quarter, it's a good time to check in with your student on their grades. Teachers will be emailing grade reports out this Wednesday and after school tutoring is open each Tuesday and Thursday until 5:00pm. Students can also seek support during Spartan Academy on Thursdays and Fridays. There is no school on Friday, November 1st so teachers can prepare and post Quarter 1 grades.
On Thursday, October 24, we will host our monthly Virtual Coffee with the Principal, with a new English session (6:00-6:45) added to our regular Spanish session (7:00-8:00). This month we will share information and a survey on the school year start dates for the next two school years. The Virtual Coffee link will be emailed to families with a reminder on Thursday.
Finally, Friday is picture retake day, so please send your Spartan picture-ready if they have yet to take a school photo or would like a retake (details below).
Go Sparts!
Cary Meier
Calendar Survey
Since the spring, a cross-functional team of staff members, students, and Board members has been digging into the history of U.S. school calendars and looking at national and local trends in an effort to build calendars for the 2025-26 and 2026-27 school years. Committee members and school administrators have been providing background information and soliciting feedback from focus groups of staff, students, and families, and now the opportunity for input is being offered to all HSD families via this survey. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts by Friday, November 1st.
IB Exam Registration
IB Exam Registrations are open now until November 1st, 2024. Please join our Google Classroom using the code: 4wulzq5 to access the IB Exam Registration Form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Stacey Pelayo Roberts pelayors@hsd.k12.or.us.
After School Tutoring
In an effort to support all students with their academic needs, Hillsboro High School supplies after-school tutoring for all students on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:45-5:00pm. During this time, they will receive help from a variety of staff and teachers on campus who specialize in many different areas. A snack and activity bus are provided. For activity bus services, please fill out the listed form 2 weeks in advance. [Activity Bus Form]
Click Image for Tickets
Grade 9
HHS 9th Grade Level Team meets weekly to focus primarily on attendance and students’ individual barriers to improve their attendance to school and their classes. We follow the guidelines and research from the Chicago University to support our students to stay On Track for their High School Graduation from the beginning in grade 9. Here is an interesting article on this topic: Why does attendance matter in High School?
If your student will be absent due to illness, a medical appointment, or any other reason, please call Mrs. Nuria Pence our attendance secretary or leave a message in our attendance line 503.844.1990.
Our 9th Grade Level Team is here to serve you and your students. If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to reach out to us!
MariaEugenia Olivar, 9th grade Administrator | olivarm@hsd.k12.or.us
Anita Siller, School Counselor | sillera@hsd.k12.or.us
Alejandra Lopez Sanchez, Graduation Coach | lopezsaa@hsd.k12.or.us
- Nuria Pence, Attendance Secretary | pencen@hsd.k12.or.us
Family Engagement
Technology Support
ParentVue and Remind
November 7th 6-7:30pm in English
Soporte Tecnologia
ParentVue y Remind
5 de noviembre 6-7:30pm en español
Health & Wellness
College & Career
Paying for College Webinar
Attending college in the next few years? Do you need help understating your option when it comes to paying for and attending college? Join the experts from ECMC’s The College Place Oregon, the Oregon Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators and colleges actress Oregon as we explaining the financial aid process
Paying for College - FAFSA/ORSAA Information Night (English/Spanish - Online) 10/23/24 6:00 PM
NCAC National College Fair | Portland
Want to learn more about colleges and universities?
The National College Fair is coming to Portland in October. Hundreds of colleges/universities will be represented and have information about their school.
All schools in Oregon and hundreds from outside of the state will be represented. Sunday October 27 & Monday October 28 at the Oregon Convention Center
College Rep Visits
There will be many college and university presentations this fall at Hilhi throughout the school day. Dates will be published once they are confirmed. You will receive a pass on the day of the presentation to attend. Please sign up for any that you are interested in attending. Use this link to sign up. Google form sign up is also available in the Class of 2025 Google Classroom.
Currently Scheduled (More to be added when confirmed):
10/1 - Oregon State University
10/2 - Portland Community College
10/3 - Portland State University
10/4 - University of Oregon
10/14 - Linfield University
10/18 - Pacific University
10/21 - George Fox University
10/24 - Western Oregon University
11/12 - Portland Community College
11/21 - Oregon Institute of Technology
Class of 2025 Grad Party
Committee Announcement
Dates to Know
- Thursday, October 24 - Virtual Principal Chat 6:00-6:45 in English, 7:00-8:00 in Spanish
- Thursday, October 31 - Last day of Quarter 1
- Friday, November 1 - No School, Grading Day
- Tuesday, November 5 - Spanish Family Tech Support Night 6:00-7:30 in the Library
- Thursday, November 7 - English Family Tech Support Night 6:00-7:30 in the Library
- Monday, November 11 - No School, Veterans Day
- Friday, November 15 - Clue on Stage Opening Night 7pm
- Monday, November 18 - Winter Sports begin
- Thursday, November 21 - Virtual Principal Chat 6:00-6:45 in English, 7:00-8:00 in Spanish
- Monday-Friday, November 25-29 - No School, Conferences & Thanksgiving holiday
- Tuesday, December 10 - PreACT testing for all 10th graders
- Thursday, December 19 - Virtual Principal Chat 6:00-6:45 in English, 7:00-8:00 in Spanish
- Monday, December 23-Friday, January 3, 2025 - Winter Break
4 cheerleaders participate in the preliminary OCCA All-State cheer competition, which awards talent scholarships and placement to the All-State team for the top finishers.
The 4 that qualified for and competed in prelims were:
- Amarah Parker
- Charlotte Aguilar
- Elora Green
- Solomon Ransom
Reoccurring Events
Virtual Coffee with the Principal
Last Thursdays of the Month
Cafe Virtual Con Los Directores
últimos jueves del mes
Comite Consultivo De Padres (PAC)
Cada Primer Viernes Del Mes
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Important Information Archive
Quick Links
Bus Information - Log in to see your bus stop or request a change in transportation.
Back to School Information - Bilingual
Hilhi Webstore - Purchase a yearbook, buy a parking pass, pay fees.
Counselor Contact Information
9th grade - Anita Siller - sillera@hsd.k12.or.us
10th grade - Carl Almquist - almquisc@hsd.k12.or.us
11th grade - Ralph Medina - medinar@hsd.k12.or.us
12th grade - Stephanie Anderson - andersos@hsd.k12.or.us
College & Career Specialist - Tim Kasper - kaspert@hsd.k12.or.us
Support & Wellness - Aleja GrahamUbadoPaz - grahamua@hsd.k12.or.us
New Students, CCPs & Volunteering - Marla Lyle - lylem@hsd.k12.or.us
Reporting an Absence through ParentVue
Parents can now report full day absences via ParentVue. We are working on ways to enter partial day absences, but that is not yet available. With full day absence reporting, you can easily let us know when your child is absent for a full day.
Directions for Parents | English
Directions for Parents | Spanish
Student Clothing Update:
We need your help! If a student’s clothing does not align with HSD’s Standards of Student Conduct (English, Spanish), the student will be asked to change their clothes.
For your reference, students may not wear anything advertising controlled or illegal substances.
- Students are not allowed to wear clothing advertising cannibus dispensaries (ex: "Cookies"), cannibus brands, marijuana leaves or paraphernalia.
- Clothing with the Playboy brand name or bunny logo are not allowed.
- Students may not wear clothing advertising brands of alcohol (for example Coors, Budweiser, etc).
Students are not allowed to wear clothing depicting weapons. This would include the brand SDL as they have a gun depicted in their logo design.
Students must wear shirts with straps to school.
Please refer to HSD’s Student Code of Conduct (English, Spanish) for more information. Specifically, “Students cannot wear violent language or images, images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity), paraphernalia, or use of the same, or hate speech, profanity, pornography” (pg. 28).