Anglo European School
Bulletin w/c 18th November 2024 - Week 1
Enterprise Day
This week we held our annual Enterprise Day for our Year 9 students. This day is designed to introduce pupils to the world of business and entrepreneurship, challenging students to create an app that will have a positive impact on the world. Our IBCP students did a brilliant job in orchestrating this day, developing materials and leading lessons. The day was finished with a presentation for our Director of Sixth Form, Mr Knights, and an outreach advisor from Chelmsford college who spoke to our students about the possible pathways available to them at the end of their GCSEs. In a year when our Year 9 students are asked to make some big decisions about their future education, it is important that they are as informed as they can be on possible routes after GCSE.
Lest We Forget
Mrs Gee represented the school at the recent Remembrance Service held at the local St Edmund and St Mary's Church on 10th November. She was invited to read Matthew 5:1-12 from the new Testament and then laid the wreath at the Memorial.
At 11am on 11th November both staff and students at the Anglo paid tribute to those who have served and continue to serve in the British Military today with a peaceful two minute silence.
Special thanks to Adam in Year 9 for his music and Jess and Anika for their participation in delivering the readings under the flags.
Peter Jones National Tycoon Enterprise Competition
We are very proud of Upper Sixth student, Noelle for recently pitching her business, NOË, to entrepreneur Peter Jones in the final of the national Tycoon enterprise competition!
Noelle's business gained funding from the Peter Jones Foundation to grow and she successfully made her way to the final. This week teachers and students travelled to the Awards ceremony and we are extremely proud to share that Noelle came 2nd receiving a huge contribution to her already thriving business of £2,000.
Mrs Gee said that "The relationship between the Peter Jones Foundation and Anglo European Enterprise Academy is critical to the outstanding vocational insight received by our Business Studies, Economics and Finance students. This work inspires amazing, innovative enterprise work and Noelle's business acumen, determination to develop a unique business plan and follow her ambition to nurture her product's development is truly inspiring. We are very proud of her achievements and wish her well with her future business."
Language of the Month: Punjabi
This November, we are celebrating Punjabi. In school we have 19 students and a member of staff who speak Punjabi. Here are Maya, Aman, Tejvir, Arun and Mrs Nandhra sharing what is special about their language and culture. Thanks to Lower Sixth student, Adam, for supporting the Languages department by making all these great videos.
Oxbridge Applicants
We were delighted to welcome back Tony Finn from the University of Cambridge to work with our Oxbridge applicants. Tony has held mock interviews for fifteen students over the course of two weeks. His meticulous planning and engaging manner has made these sessions invaluable. One student said that it 'demystified' the process for her and she can't wait for the real thing.
At the end of his last visit, Mrs Gee met with Tony to discuss how best to support students to apply to Oxbridge - writing effective personal statements, interview conduct and wider reading necessary to speak with autonomy on their chosen subject. Mrs Gee said, "What a pleasure it was to have an hour with Tony Finn. He is committed to helping young people achieve ambitious university destinations, to ignite wider academic passions, broadening horizons and encourage young people to think differently and develop their own deeper interests in their subject. We are hoping to secure a bit more of Tony's time to work with Year 10 and the Sixth Form in the coming year to encourage our students to be ambitious about their futures.
A date for your diary: Christmas Dinner - Thursday 5th December
Please note: Wednesday 4th December will now be chilli con carne and vegetable chilli meal deal, not a roast dinner and on Thursday 5th December there will be pizza and pasta available in the canopy café and G4 will also be selling Christmas treats.
Book Buzz
This week students have received their brand new Book Buzz books in their Library lessons which they chose earlier this term from an amazing selection of 16 books covering all genres. Book Buzz is an exciting reading programme developed by Book Trust, the UK's largest children's reading charity, that aims to develop a love of reading and to get children excited about books, rhymes and stories. If you need any Christmas ideas for books to buy for your Year 7 student, do check out the Year 7 Recommended Reading List .
Senior Citizens' Christmas Tea Party
Students are busy organising this annual event for our senior residents but need your support.
We would be grateful for any donations towards this event, such as cakes, scones, biscuits, mince pies etc. We would also like any items for our raffle prizes. All donations will be gratefully received and we thank you in advance for helping to make this event a very special memory for all those who attend.
If you know of any senior citizen who would like to attend this event, please contact us to secure a place at enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
The children and young people of today have been socialised within the confines of the internet age. Pornography has been an important element in the online space since the beginning. Its ubiquity has coloured the boundaries of acceptable behaviour among those approaching adolescence. Whilst the meeting of one's first 'intimate' partner may still occur within the scholastic state, much of the relationship will take place in the e-space. Cycling to a girlfriend or boyfriend's house, has been usurped by a constant exchange of texts and images across telephonic networks. The erosion of the aforementioned boundaries of acceptability in cross-gender conduct, may lead to individuals engaging in a trade of explicit images without thinking forward to the potential consequences. This is exacerbated among school aged individuals, as their under-developed decisional matrix leads them to be particularly vulnerable to 'heat of the moment' actions. This has led to a swathe of cases across the smart phone era, in which concepts such as 'revenge porn' have entered the safeguarding and legal lexicon. Childline has built a new tool designed to aid subjects of this format of harassment, gain back control of their images and their internet life. If interested please click on the link below:
As the weather gets colder and students pick up more coughs, colds and infections, please be aware that we do not allow students to carry their own medication and self-administer throughout the school day. All medication including antibiotics and painkillers should be handed in to the medical room at the start of the school day, they should be clearly labelled, in their original packaging and accompanied with a completed and signed consent form for the administration of medication in school (below).
Advance Warning: Road Closure
Please see below from Essex Streetworks Team:
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order of New Road, Ingatestone. Please click on the following link https://one.network/?tm=140623483 to find details of the intended closure of New Road, due to commence on 2nd December 2024 for 3 days. The closure is required for the safety of the public and workforce while UK Power Networks undertakes pole replacement works.
Admissions Policy - Consultation
Reminder: Please send any comments regarding the consultation of our Sixth Form Admissions Policy by email to enquiries@aesessex.co.uk or post to Anglo European School, Willow Green, Ingatestone Essex CM4 0DJ before 5th December 2024. https://www.aesessex.co.uk/home/admissions/admissions-policy-2026-consultation/
We look forward to seeing as many students and parents from Year 9 upwards at our next annual Careers Convention, where companies, educational institutions and industry experts will be on hand to provide information and advice for students to explore different career pathways. Put this date in your diary as this is one not to be missed!
Rotary Shoebox Campaign
Once again we are participating in the Rotary Shoebox Campaign. Boxes can be collected from the Citizenship Office or B1. Students can either bring in a filled box or individual items that can be boxed in school. Individual items can be deposited in B1 or B2.
Any donations will be greatly appreciated to cover the transportation cost for the boxes. Donations of money should be given to Student Services in an enveloped clearly labelled. £2 can also be stuck to the shoebox.
Type of boxes or individual items suggested:
- Babies aged up to 12 months: baby wipes, baby shampoo, baby oil, bonnets, bootees, mitts, baby blankets, soft toys, rattles
- Young children: Cars, trucks, balls, complete jigsaws, pencils, pencil case, drawing books, cards
- Teenagers for up to 18: Sportswear, scarves, gloves, playing cards, tennis ball, jewellery, toiletries, sketch pad
- Household goods: soap, toothbrush, disposable razors, cosmetics
All donations must be brought to school by 6th December and given to the International Campaign CAS group in B1/B2. Any donations would be gratefully received.
Don't miss out on the fun! Come along and join one of our extra-curricular clubs. Jump into the world of technology, find your singing voice, learn to debate with confidence or perfect your netball skills - there is something for everyone. Year 11 and Upper Sixth students please ensure you are making the most of the extra revision classes and support available to you in each subject.
Jack Petchey Winner
Congratulations to Year 9 student, Adam for recently receiving a Jack Petchey award for his musicianship as well as his test licence for his RC planes. Well done Adam!
We are aware that several of our budding actors appeared in a recent performance of Cats the Musical at the Civic Theatre in Chelmsford. A member of staff was fortunate enough to watch this performance and said that she was "blown away by the performance. The cast, set and music were all of West End standard." The cast included 4 of our students, Sophie, Hugo, Gingerlily and Finley. These students ought to be so proud of themselves as the outcome of this show was F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!
Christmas Present Donations
Tickets are selling fast, grab your team members and join in the fun!
This event is for adults and children who are 16 years and above. All monies raised on the evening will be used to support the school. Last year's Quiz Night raised over £1400!
Friday 22nd November at 7pm - to book your place use this link https://forms.office.com/e/E9BkFQGTZy
Year 8 Girls' Futsal Team
The Year 8 girls came 3rd in the recent Brentwood district tournament. The tournament created fast, fun and energetic games with all schools showing off real talent and technique with the ball. Everyone enjoyed a great evening!
Mid Essex Cross Country Championships
Congratulations to all our students for competing in the recent cross country championship. The overall team results are below.
Year 10 and 11 boys finished 3rd
Year 8 and 9 boys finished 12th
Year 7 boys finished 5th
Year 10 and 11 girls finished 5th with a stand out performance from Dorka
Year 8 and 9 girls finished 10th with a stand out performance from Beatrix who finished 6th
Year 7 girls finished 6th
Year 8 Netball
The Year 8b Netball team took part in their first tournament of the year coming 4th overall. All of the girls worked hard as a team and are looking forward to their next tournament in a few weeks.
Year 8 Girls' Cricket
Year 8 girls enjoyed their indoor cricket tournament this week at Essex County Ground. They were lucky enough to see the women’s county cricket team training (the first professional ladies county team) when we arrived. Priyana and Orlaith showed some particularly great batting and bowling skills.
Year 10 Boys' Football
Our Year 10 boys won 2-1 in the quarter final of the Mid-Essex Cup to take them into the last 4 of the competition. It was an outstanding game of football from both teams but Sean and Daniel scored to seal the victory. Arun and George were exceptional in defence. Well done boys!
Year 7 Boys' Rugby
Year 7’s enjoyed their first tournament of the year and were unbeaten. All 15 players showed courage and commitment with stand out performances from Mattia, Emir and Kia.
Brentwood District Swimming Gala
Boys from across all year groups took part in the Brentwood district swimming gala this week. The Year 8 boys won 4 of their 6 races and came 1st overall. Well done boys!
Future Max Whitlock?
Congratulations to Year 8 student, Will who competed in the national finals recently, placing 9th overall in the UK for his age group. Will has been practising his gymnastics since he was aged 5. He currently trains with South Essex Gymnastics Club in Basildon and usually trains for 14 hours per week. He trains on 7 apparatus, but his favourite is the rings and vault, which he scored 9.8 nationally at the weekend in Telford at the National men’s artistic finals.
Will's goal is to get stronger and of course get better and who knows where it may lead - he would love to compete internationally one day! Well done Will! We look forward to following your gymnastics career.
Measles in Essex
Please see the attached letter from the UK Health Security Agency and Public Health colleagues at Essex County Council.
Key Dates
Monday 18th November - L6 Visit to ARU
Monday 18th November - Brentwood Girls' Swimming Gala
Tuesday 19th November - Year 11 and Upper Sixth Form and Panoramic Photographs
Tuesday 19th November - ESU Debate Mace, The Campion School
Wednesday 20th November - L6 Geography Fieldwork
Monday 25th November - Flu Vaccinations
Wednesday 27th November - Year 7 MESSSA Netball Rally
Wednesday 27th November at 4pm - Careers Convention for Years 9-Upper Sixth
Thursday 28th November - Year 8 MESSSA Netball Rally
Thursday 28th November from 5pm - Upper Sixth Parents' Evening (virtual)
Key Dates for each Year Group can be found https://www.aesessex.co.uk/home/parents/key-dates-and-term-dates/ and here for Sixth Form https://www.aesessex.co.uk/sixth-form/student-and-parents-information/key-dates-and-term-dates/
Term Dates 2024-2026 - https://www.aesessex.co.uk/assets/Documents/Attachments/Term-dates-2024-2026-1.pdf
Anglo Communication
Finance - finance@aesessex.co.uk
Admissions - admissions@aesessex.co.uk
Visits - visits@aesessex.co.uk
Attendance - use Edulink
Email: enquiries@aesessex.co.uk
Website: aesessex.co.uk
Location: Anglo European School, CM4 0DJ, Willow Green, Ingatestone, UK
Phone: 01277 354018
Anglo European School is a distinctive, comprehensive school which seeks to develop ambitious, resilient and principled young people through inter-cultural understanding and a broad balanced, inclusive curriculum enriched by a strong international dimension informed by the philosophy of the International Baccalaureate.