Message from Mr. Estrada
Dear Parents,
We are delighted to welcome your child back to a one day in person instruction beginning the week of May 10, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. I ask that you please take the time to review the attached documents.
Late Pick Ups will not be accepted.
After two late pick ups, your child will be transferred to Distance Learning.
It is very important that you complete the Covid 19 Agreement. Student who are missing the COVID Agreement on the first day will be asked to stay home and may return the following week if we receive the completed form.
In the event that you missed our parent informational meetings we are including a
student health and safety protocols that will be expected for all students to follow.
Please pay close attention to the entry and exit map for your
particular student based on their grade level.
We are also providing you with a link that has all the parent information we shared.
Parent Meeting Information Link
While there are still many protocols and restrictions that we need to follow we are very happy that you decided to send your child to school in which they will have the opportunity to
receive social emotional learning that will benefit them as we all transition into a more normal
lifestyle/ school routines.
Welcome Back Student Video: Directions
Car Traffic on Condon Ave
Dear Parents,
Condon Ave is a ONE WAY in the Morning and At Dismissal. Parking at the Student Drop Off will NOT be permitted. Please review the MAP ABOVE. Cars will be traveling following the YELLOW ARROWS ONLY. Please do NOT TRAVEL following the RED ARROWS. Cars that travel following the RED ARROWS will not be permitted on campus.
We ask that our parents please plan ahead. There is limited parking. The students will be allowed on campus starting at 8am. Before 8am the kids will be waiting on the blue dots located on the floor on Condon Ave. Parents may wait with their children, but may not pass after the main entrance.
We hope our parents understand that we are following these strict guidelines becuase we want each of our students and families to remain safe.
Thank You for your careful consideration.
Entrance : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th
EXIT: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th
Water Bottles: Please Bring One!
Water fountains will not be functional and we will have water stations, but they only fill up a bottle. Please make sure your child brings a water bottle to school.
In Person Schedule for Students
Mondays: TK and Kindergarten on Campus
Tuesdays: 1st Grade and Ms. Dillard
Thursday: 2nd and 3rd Grades and Mr. Johnson on campus.
Friday: 4th and 5th Grade on campus.
Parent Covid 19 Agreement- Please Complete ASAP!
Click Here Please:
Free Meals for Every Student
Jefferson School
At Jefferson School, we believe that every child in every classroom can and will achieve success!
Location: 10322 Condon Avenue, Inglewood, CA, USA
Phone: 310 680-5650
Message from the Principal: Mr. Estrada
As some of you already know, on Tuesday, our school board approved our schools to open on May 10th. At this time we are asking ALL OUR PARENTS to please complete a Parent Commitment Form for each of their children attending Jefferson Elementary.
The Parent Commitment Form is Due April 30th.
If you need help completing the Parent Commitment Form, the District and Jefferson will have parent meetings next week. The District and the School will share important information that all our parents will need to know regarding our safe return to the school.
Until then, please read this important newsletter regarding our school's reopening.
We have information on:
2. District Office Parent Meeting
We are excited and look forward to our students safe return on May 10th.
See You Real Soon!
Hola jaguares!Este es el Sr. Estrada, el director de su escuela!
Como algunos de ustedes ya saben, el martes, nuestra junta escolar aprobó la apertura de nuestras escuelas el 10 de mayo. En este momento les pedimos a TODOS NUESTROS PADRES que por favor completen un Formulario de Compromiso de Padres para cada uno de sus hijos que asisten a la escuela. El formulario de compromiso de los padres vence el 30 de abril.
Si necesita ayuda para completar el Formulario de compromiso de los padres, el Distrito y Jefferson tendrán reuniones de padres la próxima semana. El distrito y la escuela compartirán información importante que todos nuestros padres necesitarán saber con respecto a nuestro regreso seguro a la escuela. Hasta entonces, lea este importante boletín sobre la reapertura de nuestra escuela.
Tenemos información sobre:
1. Formulario de compromiso de los padres
2. Reunión de padres de la oficina del distrito
¡Gracias! Nos vemos muy pronto!
Please Complete!-¡Por favor complete!
1. All forms are due by April 30th.
2. Parents need to complete the form for each of their children attending the school.
3. Please review the schedule and questions carefully.
** After May 10th, we will not allow any changes in parent choices.
*** After April 30th, if parents did not complete the commitment form and request to come back to the school, if all the spots are occupied, students will be placed on a wait list.
Padres, por favor complete el formulario de compromiso de los padres:
1. Todos los formularios deben entregarse antes del 30 de abril.
2. Los padres deben completar el formulario para cada uno de sus hijos que asisten a la escuela.
3. Revise el programa y las preguntas detenidamente.
** Después del 10 de mayo, no permitiremos ningún cambio en las opciones de los padres.
** Después del 30 de abril, si los padres no completaron el formulario de compromiso y solicitaron regresar a la escuela, si todos los lugares están ocupados, los estudiantes serán colocados en una lista de espera.
Click Here to complete the Commitment Form: Click Here/Haga clic aquí
District Office Reopening Parent Meeting
Tuesday, Apr 27, 2021, 05:00 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Jefferson Parent Meeting
Time: Apr 28, 2021 10:30 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 512 7288
Wednesday, Apr 28, 2021, 10:30 AM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Jefferson Parent Meeting
Time: Apr 28, 2021 05:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 836 512 7288
Wednesday, Apr 28, 2021, 05:00 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Principal's Message:
Welcome back from Spring Break! We are excited to have each of our students back with us. At Jefferson we celebrate success because we know that it takes a lot for our families to continue to help and support our students at home.
On behalf of our Jaguar Staff, we want to thank all our AMAZING Parents for all your dedication and work that you are doing at home! We dedicate our success, our students success to our Parents!
Please take a minute and vote:
Thank You!
Jefferson Family Art Night!
Join Us for FREE Art Night!
This will be a Virtual Art Class for a Family of 4. We will provide supplies that the family can share. If you want each of the family members to have their own supplies, the family will need to provide these on your own.
Reminder: You will need Zoom and Technology to connect. You can use Technology that the School Provided.
ART CLASS DATES AND TIMES (Click on the Date to Sign Up)
All Classes Start at 5:30PM to 7:30PM
Zoom Link will be emailed to you after you sign up
Materials Pick Up will take place at the school office
Materials Pick Up: Monday, April 19th 8am to 3pm
Materials Pick Up: Monday, April 26th 8am to 3pm
Materials Pick Up: Monday, May 3rd 8am to 3pm
Materials Pick Up: Monday, May 10th 8am to 3pm
Here is a list of extra items that you will need to have a fun and memorable experience with your family
- Prepare your table with a disposable table cover or paper (magazines, newspaper, etc.)
- Have a plastic cup with tap water and plenty of paper towels
- Have a paper plate so that you may use to pour out your paint (do not over pour)
- Have your brushes set out in front of you
REGISTER TODAY for TK & Kindergarten
Parents, you have two options for enrollment:
1. You can register online and drop off the completed packet to the office.
2. You can come to the school to enroll.
3. You can call the office (310) 680-5650
We are practicing safe distance and we ask that you call the office for an appointment or come to the school leave us your phone number and wait in your car and we will call you when we are ready to help you.
We are excited to welcome our new TK and Kinder student to the most magical school in Lennox.
School WebSIte:
Online Enrollment:
Mr. Estrada Welcome Eng:
Mr. Estrada Welcome Span:
The Deadline was March 26th, but we still have limited spaces available. Please call the office for an appointment or come to the office for help in completing the enrollment packet.
We are OPEN for ALL Enrollment TK through 5th Grade!
Please ask our office how we can help you TRANSFER your child from another school district. We are here to help!
ENROLLMENT for Grades 1st through 5th Grade starts on June 18th!
2021-2022 Lennox Middle School Orientation Meeting
March Newsletter
Please come to our Principal's Parent Meeting & PTA Tonight at 5pm.
Thursday, Mar 4, 2021, 05:00 PM
We have 14 TK Spaces!
We have 20 Kinder spaces!
Jefferson Elementary School
March Material Pick Up Schedule:
MARCH 18th
9am TK
10am Kindergarten
10am to 12pm LUNCH PICK UP
1pm 1st Grade
2pm 2nd Grade
MARCH 19th
9am 3rd Grade
10am 4th Grade
10am to 12pm LUNCH PICK UP
12:15pm 5th Grade
Important March Dates:
4th: PTA Principal's Meeting with Parents at 5pm
5th: Early Dismissal-students will have independent work at 12:15pm
9th: School Board Meeting at 5pm
18th: Materials Pick Up for Grades: TK, Kinder and 1st Grade
19th: Materials Pick Up for Grades: 3rd, 4th and 5th
22nd-25th: Spring Parent Conferences
26th: Last Day of Classes
29th-April 9th SPRING BREAK
TK & K Parent Meeting
Dear Parents,
Please join us RIGHT NOW at 10:15AM to discuss our open enrollment for TK & Kindergarten for next year.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 836 512 7288
Parent Survey:
While guidance from state and local health officials continue to evolve, we maintain focus on our efforts to reopen safely for in-person instruction. We are grateful that school district employees will be eligible to be vaccinated sometime in February. Depending on further decreases in Covid-19 cases and feedback from the community, the district could start the reopening process with the youngest grades as early as March. When we are able to reopen, public health rules call for a reduced number of students in classrooms and we will need to employ a blended learning model. In a blended model some students are on campus, while others learn from home using distance education. The exact model will depend on how many parents are ready to send their children for in-person instruction when we begin reopening.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey questions below by Thursday February 11, 2021. The information we collect on this survey will help us better organize the reopening of schools.
We hope that the current improvements in COVID statistics and the increased number of vaccinations will continue to improve the health and safety of all.
Please Complete Survey Here:
Mientras la dirección de los oficiales de la salud del estado y locales continúa de evolucionar, nosotros mantenemos el enfoque en nuestros esfuerzos para reabrir con seguridad la instrucción presencial. Estamos agradecidos que los empleados del distrito escolar serán elegibles de ser vacunados en algún tiempo en febrero. Dependiendo de la disminución de los casos de Covid-19 y la realimentación de la comunidad, al distrito le gustaría empezar el proceso de reabrir con los grados más jóvenes tan temprano como marzo. Cuando seamos capaces de reabrir, las reglas de la salud pública solicitan una reducción del número de estudiantes en el aula y necesitaremos emplear modelos combinados de aprendizaje. En un modelo combinado algunos estudiantes estarán en las instalaciones, mientras otros aprenderán del hogar utilizando la educación a distancia. El modelo exacto dependerá en cuantos padres estén listos de enviar a sus niños para la instrucción en persona cuando empezáremos de reabrir.
Por favor tómese algunos minutos para completar las preguntas de la encuesta a continuación para el jueves 11 de febrero de 2021. La información compilada en esta encuesta nos ayudará a mejor organizar la reapertura de nuestras escuelas.
Deseamos que los mejoramientos actuales de las estadísticas de COVID y el número aumentado de vacunaciones continúe mejorando la salud y seguridad para todos.
Please Complete Survey Here:
Dear Jefferson Parents,
Dear Jaguar Parents,
Welcome to 2021! Our School website is now updated. Please use this website to keep up to date with activities, important information and 21-22 TK and Kinder Enrollment.
Click on this Link:
Parents, you have two options for enrollment:
1. You can register online and drop off the completed packet to the office.
2. You can come to the school to enroll.
We are practicing safe distance and we ask that you call the office for an appointment or come to the school leave us your phone number and wait in your car and we will call you when we are ready to help you.
We are excited to welcome our new TK and Kinder student to the most magical school in Lennox.
We are having a Parent Meeting on February 11th 5pm and 12th 10:15am. Flyers will be emailed to you soon! Please check our website for updates and information!
Zoom ID: 836-512-7288
Remember: Spaces are Limited!
Enrollment Deadline is March 19th.
Our Office Hours are: 8am to 4pm
School WebSIte:
Online Enrollment:
Mr. Estrada Welcome Eng:
Mr. Estrada Welcome Span:
Buy your Shirt Today:
La Escuela Jefferson ahora está inscribiendo estudiantes para TKAM y PM y Kindergarten TODO EL DÍA para el próximo año.
Padres, tienen dos opciones para inscribirse:
1. Puede registrarse en línea y entregar el paquete completo en la oficina.
2. Puedes venir a la escuela para matricularte.
Estamos practicando la distancia segura y te pedimos que llames a la oficina para concertar una cita o vengas a la escuela déjanos tu número de teléfono y espera en tu coche y te llamaremos cuando estemos listos para ayudarte.
Estamos emocionados de dar la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo estudiante de TK y Kinder a la escuela más mágica de Lennox.
Tendremos una reunión de padres el 11 de febrero a las 5 pm y el 12 de febrero a las 10:15 am. ¡Pronto le enviaremos folletos por correo electrónico! Consulte nuestro sitio web para obtener actualizaciones e información.
ID de zoom: 836-512-7288
Recuerde: ¡los espacios son limitados!
La fecha límite de inscripción es el 19 de marzo. Nuestro horario de atención es de 8 a.m. a 4 p.m.
Sitio web de la escuela:
Inscripción en línea:
Sr. Estrada Bienvenido Ing:
Espacio de bienvenida del Sr. Estrada:
Compre su camisa hoy:
Jefferson School Store is NOW OPEN!
Jefferson School has partnered with Cal Pro Sports to bring our families an opportunity to purchase Jaguar Clothing! Our staff and family can purchase these items directly from the company and they will mail you the items to your homes! We worked very hard to keep the prices low so that our families can participate! Go Jefferson!!!
Please Click to Visit Our Store:
The Last Day to Purchase is January 15th!
Deliveries will take place around January 29th.
¡La escuela Jefferson se ha asociado con Cal Pro Sports para brindarles a nuestras familias la oportunidad de comprar ropa Jaguar! ¡Nuestro personal y familia pueden comprar estos artículos directamente de la empresa y ellos le enviarán los artículos a sus hogares! ¡Trabajamos muy duro para mantener los precios bajos para que nuestras familias puedan participar! ¡¡¡Vamos Jefferson !!!
Haga clic para visitar nuestra tienda:
¡El último día para comprar es el 15 de enero!
Las entregas se realizarán alrededor del 29 de enero.
Please Click to Visit Our Store:
The Last Day to Purchase is January 15th!
Deliveries will take place around January 29th.
Haga clic para visitar nuestra tienda:
¡El último día para comprar es el 15 de enero!
Las entregas se realizarán alrededor del 29 de enero.
November Newsletter
Spanish Video Click Here: Spanish
Distance Learning Reminders for Our Parents:
As we continue to navigate new and challenging times, we would like to keep our lines of communication strong and open. Thus moving forward, you may be hearing from us more often, via our newsletter, emails, robo calls, and through teacher platforms. Today we would like to begin with some clarification on how best to support your student, the importance of daily attendance, and communication with teachers.
Distance learning has changed many aspects of education, most notable of course is that your HOME is now a classroom. We know, because we are parents too, just how tempting it can be to help your child find the right answers, or even to give your child answers when they are in “virtual learning” however, this truly works against the teacher who is trying to assess where they need more support. Please don’t help your children complete their class work.
In addition, homework really needs to be completed BY the student. Please support your child with good study habits by helping them stay focused, however, the work needs to be done by them alone. Our students will eventually come back to school when it’s safe and If they become dependent on you feeding them answers or doing work for them, it will backfire when they return and the teachers see a much different level of work.
These days, ATTENDANCE matters more than ever! Our minutes are less, and teachers are designing rich learning lessons that require students to be present every day and ALL day! We really need your help! Help your child with alarms, timers, zoom links handy and accessible, and reminders to log on for BOTH sessions, 9:00 - 10:15 and again from 12:15 - 1:45 every day! If your child is receiving additional services, please make sure your child is also attending their specialized support sessions.
Lastly, we love that you are reaching out to teachers, however, please keep in mind that teachers are not always available in the moment to answer your questions. Please give them 24 to 36 hours as a courtesy response time. Our teachers are navigating more challenges than ever.
Thank you for your understanding! Together as a TEAM we can make ALL our kids be successful and help them Celebrate Success!
If you need support with the classroom, please contact your teacher. If you need support from the school, please contact one of the administrators below or simply call the office.
Office Support: 8:00am to 3:00pm
(310) 680-5650
Please email us if you have any questions.
Mr. Estrada: Click Here!
Mrs. Romero: Click Here!
Mrs. Polk: Click Here!
(310) 680-5650
Step 1 Click on Translate Newsletter
Step 2 Select the language
Step 3 Click on the language
Read Our Newsletter in Spanish or other Languages:
If you would like to Read our Newsletter in Spanish or any other languages, please click on TRANSLATE Button located at the top or bottom of this newsletter. Please see the pictures below for directions.
Updating Contact Information:
Parents if you have a NEW address, phone number, email address.. PLEASE use the link located here Or you can call the office (310) 680-5650.
We use this information to make phone calls, send out emails and text to our parents. Please make sure that the school always has your updated contact information especially in case we need to contact you in an emergency.
Update Parent Contact Here:
Directions in the Video Below:
Clippers Reading Program
We are excited to have your school participate in this year’s LA Clippers Read to Achieve Minutes Challenge! Below is information for you and your students to track minutes read using either the online platform OR paper tracking sheets.
The program starts on Monday, November 2.
Tracking Starts: Monday, November 2, 2020
Tracking Ends: Friday, December 11, 2020
Program Results Due: Friday, December 18, 2020
Using Online Tracking
This year we are working with Beanstack, an online reading tracker, to track your student’s minutes at the website below:
LA Clippers Read to Achieve Minutes Challenge Website:
Parents/guardians can register their student(s) on the site and can easily track the minutes read throughout the 6-week program. On the site they will register under the school name, so that we can keep track of the total minutes read from your school at the end of the program and so every student’s minutes will count!
Registration Link:
October Lexia Rewards:
Please click on the links below to watch the Grade Level Lexia Videos!
Jefferson PE Schedule and Links
PE Schedule and Links can now be found at our Jefferson Elementary Web Site.
PE - TK-2nd Grades:
TUESDAY'S 10:45 AM – 11:30 AMZOOM LINK for PE:
PE - 3rd-5th Grades:
TUESDAY'S 2:15 PM – 3:00 PMZOOM LINK for PE:
Veteran's Day ~ No School
Wednesday, Nov 11, 2020, 09:00 AM
Jefferson Elementary School, Condon Avenue, Inglewood, CA, USA
PTA President: Mrs. Nava-Pineda
Spanish Video Link: Click Here
Cafecito with the Principal
Parent Meeting with the Principal
Friday- November 11th - 5PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 871 8311 2657
Passcode: jaguars
Friday, Nov 13, 2020, 05:00 PM
Jefferson November Calendar
October 4, 2020 NEWSLETTER
Our Parent Support Group will be starting up this Wednesday, November 4, 2020. There are 2 different sessions, one at 10:00am and one at 6:30pm. You can choose to join whichever session works best for you. Please feel free to join us by clicking on the link below it will direct you to the Zoom Meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Passcode : 284376
Saludos Padres de Jefferson,
Nuestro Grupo de Apoyo para Padres iniciara este miércoles, 4 de noviembre. Hay 2 diferentes sesiones, una a las 10:00am y otra a las 6:30pm. Puede escoger la sesión que mejor sea para usted. Haga clic en enlace abajo les llevara a la junta de zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Contraseña: 284376
Congratulations Jefferson
We would like to invite our parents to TWO exciting opportunities this week. Please join us for two parent meetings that will engage your parents on how to support their children at home and at school.
Nos gustaría invitar a nuestros padres a DOS emocionantes oportunidades esta semana. Únase a nosotros en dos reuniones de padres que involucrarán a sus padres sobre cómo apoyar a sus hijos en el hogar y en la escuela.
Meeting with The Principal (English and Spanish)
Reunión con el director (inglés y español)
THURSDAY at 5pm October 8th
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 836 512 7288
Passcode: 2c8QP0
Topics Include/Los temas incluyen:
Zoom Etiquette/Etiqueta de Zoom
Grading Policy/Política de calificación
Student Motivation/Motivación del estudiante
Student Concerns/Preocupaciones de los estudiantes
Cafecito Virtual/ Virtual Coffee Meeting
I want to invite you to our Virtual Cafecito this Friday October 9, 2020 at 8:00am. Come and meet our new Parent Liaison Mr. Kevin Menjivar. He will be working with all of our Lennox Schools and will be sharing some useful resources to our community. As always, there will be time for you to address any questions, comments or concerns. The meeting will be held via the Zoom platform. Thank You and Hope to see you there!!! ***Click on the flyer image or title to follow it the zoom link***
Saludos Familias de Jefferson,
Les quiero invitar a nuestro Cafecito Virtual este viernes 9 de octubre, 2020 a las 8:00am. Venga y conozca a nuestro nuevo enlace de padres Kevin Menjivar. El estará trabajando con todas las escuelas de Lennox y estará compartiendo algunos recursos de ayuda para la comunidad. Y como siempre, tendrán la oportunidad para expresar sus preguntas, opiniones o preocupaciones. La junta será a través de la plataforma de Zoom. Gracias y esperamos verles allí!!! ***Oprima sobre la imagen o el titulo para seguir el enlace a la junta.***
Meeting ID: 988 0921 5385
Password: jefferson5
JUNTOS- Parent Support Group Survey / Encuesta para Grupo de Apoyo para Padres
Please click on the title below or the flyer picture below to answer our survey about a new Parent Support Group.
Por favor opriman sobre el titulo abajo o la imagen del folleto abajo para responder una encuesta sobre un Grupo de Apoyo para Padres.
Parent Update Contact Information
Directions/Directiones Video: Click Here!
Update Your Information Here:Click Here!
(ENGLISH) Please complete the following information so that we can send you phone calls, emails, text and school information.
Update Your Information Here:Click Here !:
(ESPANOL) Complete la siguiente información para que podamos enviarle llamadas, correos electrónicos, mensajes de texto e información escolar.
Actualice su información aquí: Click Here!!:
LEXIA Every Day for 30 Minutes!
We are excited about how much our students are learning! We are also excited to share that we celebrated many students in the month of September for earning a growth certificate! Congratulations to the following students for the month of September!
¡Estamos emocionados de lo mucho que están aprendiendo nuestros estudiantes! ¡Estamos emocionados de compartir que celebramos a muchos estudiantes en el mes de septiembre por obtener un certificado de crecimiento! Felicitaciones a los siguientes estudiantes por el mes de septiembre!
Genesis Godoy, Khris Gomez, Genesis Guzman, Valentina Herrera(3), Marialuisa Lopez, Eve McFarland, Ricardo Mendoza(2), Brandon Morales(2), Byrone Murillo, Isabella Roblero (2), Aria Santiago(3), Fernanda, Vera(3), Leo Martinez Solano, Humnah Ahmed, Mathew Estrella
Benjamin Palacios, Kendra Corona, Giselle Acosta, Damian Ayala, Christopher Mendez, Aileen Murillo Figueroa, Dahlia A. Gutierrez, Adan Cabrera, Alex Guillen, Allison Santos, Aranza Galdamez, Juan Magallon, Thalia Villa, Genesis Solorzano, Pedro Arellano Reyes, Janealice Herrera, Yoselyne Ortega, Jimena Ruiz Salazar, Maximiliano Lopez, Isabella Vazquez, Alexander Pulido, Benjamin Barragan, Jesse Soltero, Jesus Solorzano, Isaac Gutierrez, Hailey Salguero, Maripaz Felix, Maripaz Felix, Isaac Rodriguez, Hailey Salguero, Jesus Solorzano, Guadalupe Gomez, Jazlene Rosales*, Leonardo Recoba*, Rocsi Sekona, Sofia Barcenes
Kiara Estefania Gonzalez Muñoz, Naevia Juarez Rodriguez, Jose Torres Graciano, Christopher Rodriguez, Natalia Piceno, Camila Escorsia, Samuel Lopez, Mario Sanchez, Johan Morales, Roberto Valenzuela, David Cortes, Jeremy Hernandez, Jaylin Atrian, Sofia Gonzalez
Jose Alcaraz, Angel Gonzalez, Saul Pulido, Julian Angulo, Melissa Garcia, Giselle Gonzalez, Javier Landeros, Angel Santos, Damian Vidales, Rigoberto Fonseca, Abraham Gonzalez, Nathan Nava, Anahi Ramos, Didier Rodriguez, Ian Tepanecatl, Ricardo Mendez, Iliana Reyes, Miguel Hernandez, Kaethlen Cortez, Kayla Marin, Iker Arroyo, Bianca. Gonzalez, Jocelyn Corey
Eduardo Velasques , Ricardo Mendez, Kaethlen Cortez, Miguel Hernandez, Iliana Reyes, Daniel Cortez (2 Levels, finished Lexia), Victoria Gonzalez, Allison Miranda, Bavly Gerges, Alatorre, Andy, Priscilla Orozco, Ashley Murillo, Isabella Torres, Saul Avendano, Jaylene Corey-Ochoa, Liat Maldonado, Jacob Torres, Mason Estrada, Carolina Santana, Kayla White, Adam Carbajal, Jaylene Corey-Ochoa, Alejandro Felix, Beloved Pasi, Brandon Tello, Carolina Barba, Dylan Franco, Isabella Garcia, Jose Rodriguez, Leonardo Vazquez, Matthew Lupercio, Oscar Castillo, Santiago Bañuelos, Yeila Muñoz, Yiovanna Gonzalez, Miranda Ayala, Camila Aguilar, Matteo Guzman, Manuel Abril III, Matthew Renteria, Melanie Bautista, Abigail Ventura, Kaithlyn Ruvalcaba, Joeceey Alcaraz, Erik Barba, Cristopher Castillo, Mason Castillo, Karla Castro, Mason Cordova, Adam Rocha, Mario Rodriguez, Laylani Serrano, Mario Rdriguez, Aria Santiago, Brandon Morales, Byrone Murillo, Eve McFarland, Fernanda Vera, Genesis Godoy, Genesis Guzman, Isabella Roblero, Khris Gomez, Marialuisa Lopez, Ricardo Mendoza, Valentina Herrera, Jazlyn Osorio, Amanda Llamas, Joseph Hernandez, Isabella Najera, Gustavo De Luis, Sebastian Gonzalez, Sophia Sanchez, Arturo Barragan, Ximena Valencia, Lucero Fabian, Emelee Martinez, Luis Villanueva, Joseph Castro, Rosalie Silva, Isabela Bedolla, Julian Porras, Ethan Davila, Emma Zamora, Sofia Zamora, Jose Gonzalez, Michaela Guzman, Ethan Jimenez.
September 2020
Back to School Night: September 3, 2020
Please join us for Back to School Night on September 3rd. This year your teachers will be sending home Zoom Links. There will be two sessions for each teacher.
JEFFERSON Back to School Night:
Session#1 5:30-6:15
Session #2 6:20-7:00
Únase con nosotros para la Noche de Regreso a la Escuela el 3 de septiembre. Este año, sus maestros enviarán enlaces de Zoom a casa. Habrá dos sesiones para cada profesor.
JEFFERSON Noche de regreso a clases:
Sesión # 1 5: 30-6: 15
Sesión # 2 6: 20-7: 00
Attendance at Jefferson School:
AVID Celebrate Success Assemblies:
Lexia Certificate
100% Zoom Attendance
Classroom Student of The Month
Mr. Estrada and Ms. Romero will have classroom meetings to discuss our AVID Celebrate Success Assemblies and the students will be Zooming in at their grade level Assemblies.
We hope to continue to Celebrate Success at Jefferson School!
A partir del mes de septiembre comenzaremos a celebrar a los estudiantes que hayan obtenido un certificado en Lexia. Celebraremos a nuestro estudiante que tiene una asistencia 100% perfecta de ZOOM y finalmente nuestros maestros celebrarán el estudiante del mes. El Sr. Estrada y la Sra. Romero tendrán reuniones de salón para discutir nuestras Asambleas de Celebración del Éxito de AVID y los estudiantes se acercarán a sus Asambleas de nivel de grado. ¡Esperamos continuar celebrando el éxito en la escuela Jefferson!
Family Technology Support:
El acceso a la instrucción diaria es muy importante para nuestras familias. Si tiene problemas con la tecnología, consulte los siguientes apoyos que nuestra escuela ofrece a nuestras familias:
1. Walk In Suppor/Apoyo en la escuela : Monday-Friday
10am to 11:30am
2. Technology Appointments:/ Citas (CALL OFFICE/LLAME LA OFICINA)
8am to 10am
Teacher Communication: 24hr Response
Queríamos informar a nuestros padres que nuestros maestros están teniendo dificultades para comunicarse con nuestros padres mientras brindan instrucción a nuestros estudiantes. Tenga paciencia con nuestro personal, ya que enseñan durante el día. Los maestros se comunicarán con los padres dentro de las 24 horas.
School Calendar September:
Back to School Night/Noche de Regresso
Thursday, Sep 3, 2020, 05:30 PM
Labor Day: No School
Monday, Sep 7, 2020, 12:00 AM
August 14, 2020
Welcome Back Mrs. Romero
20-21 Class List
On Tuesday of next week we will email our parents the name of the teacher and the Zoom Link for the first day of school. PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE (310) 680-5650 if we do not have your email on file. If you are receiving this newsletter, we have your email address.
First Day of School is August 19th!
Parents as we mentioned above we are excited to start the school year on August 19th at 9am. We need your help. Please make sure the school has your updated phone number and email address. This is the only way you will receive your child's teacher and zoom link for the first day of school. Please call the office to update your contact information. (310) 680-5650 8am to 3pm.
Distance Learning Schedule:
Student Materials Pick Up Schedule:
Dear Parents,
On August 20th and 21st we will need you to come to the school and pick up your child's school materials. School Materials will be packaged in a bag. Each student will have basic school supplies, School Reading, Math and other Learning Materials. It is VERY important that our students and families keep these materials in a safe place. We need to make sure they are not broken, lost or ruined. These materials will be used daily during instruction. Below is the schedule for our students to pick up Materials:
TK-2nd Grade: August 20th 9am to 3pm
TK: 9:00 to 10:00
K: 10:00 to 11:00
1st: 1:00 to 2:00
2nd: 2:00 to 3:00
3rd-5th Grade: August 21th 9am to 12pm
3rd: 9:00 to 10:00
4th: 10:00 to 11:00
5th: 11:00 to 12:00
2nd: August 6th 11am to 12pm
1st: August 7th 11am to 12pm
3rd: August 10th 10am to 11am
TK/K: August 11th 11am to 12pm
4th: August 17th 10am to 11am
5th: August 18th 11am to 12pm
August Jefferson Calendar
June 18, 2020
Dear Parents,
I pray that you are healthy and that you and your families are taking good care of your selves and are staying safe. These last four months have been a challenge for everyone. Our Teachers flipped their classrooms from a physical space on campus into an innovative, imaginative and most of all a caring environment from their very own home in order to educate their students. You also created a wonderful learning environment at home and invited us to your homes so that we can continue the learning. We know that this was not easy to juggle your jobs and support the education of your children at home! Our kids are very lucky to have amazing teachers and parents.
This year was filled with many surprises. We end the school year with some unknowns, but we do know this for sure. Our Teaching staff is the very best in the district; they love their students and continuously spent more time to ensure that the kids were still learning. We are grateful for their hard work, dedication and most of all love for their students. Thank You Teachers!
I also want to acknowledge Mr. Chavez. He has done an amazing job leading this wonderful school while I am on medical leave. My medical leave was sudden and unplanned and Mr. Chavez did an amazing job continuing our core values both at home and school by ensuring that every child in every home/classroom achieved success. We are excited to inform our parents that Mr. Chavez is leaving us this year as he has accepted a position as a Principal at another school district. We are so proud of his success and for his many dedicated years in Lennox and wish him continued success.
We also want to congratulate our amazing 5th graders who were promoted into 6th grade last week. We will miss the class of 2020 as they have left their mark at Jefferson and now it’s time for them to leave their mark in Middle School, High School and Beyond! Remember 5th graders- Once a Jaguar-Always a Jaguar!
Our next school year is set to start on August 19, 2020. As things continue to change over the summer, we will continue to send home information using your email. If we do not have your email, please call the office and ask the secretaries to update your email address so that you can receive information over the summer.
Our TK and Kindergarten Enrollment is still open. Please don’t wait to enroll your child to our school. Having our student’s enrolled means that we can keep the kids at Jefferson School, otherwise new enrollment will take place at other schools. Again, please call the office for help in enrolling your child. Don’t wait, enroll today! Office Phone (310) 680-5650 8am to 3pm.
Finally, I look forward to returning to Jefferson in July. I am grateful for all your prayers and support in my absence while on medical leave. If there is one thing I know for sure it’s this. Our future at Jefferson is great! With Great Teachers and Amazing Support Staff, Jefferson will continue be the Disneyland of the District.
Thanks for a great school year,
Principal Estrada
Mr. Chavez Message to our students on Protests in LA
Resources on Current Events/Protests - Talking to your Kids
TK and Kindergarten Enrollment is Now Open!
Click Here to Enroll Your Child Today!…
Spaces are limited! Please complete and email application to or Drop off at District Office!
You are invited: Parent Support Group
This free resource is available to families with children age 0-5.
Parents -Sign up for School Messenger Testing service
The Lennox School District utilizes the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages, straight to your mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more.*
You can participate in this free service* just by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school’s short code number, 67587. You can also opt out of these messages at
any time by simply replying to one of our
messages with “Stop”.
Jefferson Elementary School Staff Read Aloud Books!
We are happy to share with our families Read Aloud Books that our staff have recorded for our students. Please continue to click on this link as we continue to add stories EVERY WEEK for our kids to enjoy! We hope you enjoy these stories. Please email the staff member and share with them how much you liked their story.
Read Aloud Link: Click Here!
Click here to Thank our Staff! Click Here!
LEAP online Enrollment
If you have any questions about the LEAP program at Jefferson, please email Ms. Tercero at
Newsletter: May 17, 2020
Pandemic EBT Card
Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school will get extra food benefits. These food benefits are called Pandemic EBT or P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits help families in California buy food when schools are closed because of the coronavirus emergency.
Families will get up to $365 per eligible child on their P-EBT card to use on food and groceries.
Families with children who get CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits do not need to apply. Most will get their P-EBT card in the mail during the month of May. P-EBT cards will begin arriving around May 12, 2020.
Families with children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals and who do not get their P-EBT card in the mail by about May 22, 2020 must apply online before June 30, 2020. The online application will be available beginning May 22, 2020 at
COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance for Unincorporated Areas
The COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance program provides rental assistance funds to low- and moderate-income eligible households economically impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In order to be eligible, you must be a renter residing in the unincorporated communities in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, or 5th Supervisorial Districts of LA County.
Please use this list to determine if your neighborhood is in the unincorporated area, and what Supervisorial District you reside in:
Newsletter May 17, 2020
SUPER HERO JULIAN DAY - May 17th National DIPG Day
May 17th is the National Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Awareness Day. Julian was diagnosed with this rare brain cancer in June 2014. Since that day, he fought his cancer with the same strength and determination as his favorite superheroes, hence the nickname, SuperHero Julian. Julian passed away June 2, 2018.
Even on his last days, all he wanted to do was go to school and be with his kinder friends. We actually performed his kinder promotion in the hospital on his last day with us. School was life for him, and his friends all loved him. On May 17th through May 22nd, we ask all schools and district personnel to join us in honoring Julian and his legacy by wearing your favorite superhero shirt/ apparel during the week.
DIPG Facts:
Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glimoma (DIPG) is a brain tumor found in the pons, a part of the brainstem that controls essential bodily functions such as heartbeat, breathing, swallowing, eye movement, eyesight, and balance. DIPG affects children almost exclusively, typically between the ages 5 and 10.
- DIPG is the leading cause of death from pediatric brain cancer.
- Less than 1% of children diagnosed with DIPG survive 5 years.
- The median survival from time of diagnosis is 9 months.
- Only 4% of funding for cancer research is allotted to DIPG
SuperHero Julian Video Read Aloud
Technology Distribution and Support
With technology, we realize some of our families need support. Our district recognizes that and has created a support link for families. Below is the link.
Thank you for your understanding as we work together.
JES Admin
Newsletter: May 11, 2020
TK-5th Enrollment Process
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child Jefferson Elementary for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. Due to the Coronavirus (COVID19), we continue to remain closed, however, we look forward to helping you enroll your child. Below is the link to our enrollment process. If you are not able to download the application, you can pick-up a copy in front of the district office at 10319 S. Firmona Avenue between 7:30 AM – 3:00 PM.
We look forward to enrolling your student at our school! GO JAGUARS!
Census 2020- YOU COUNT! Please complete.
Dear Parents,
In mid-March you will be receiving an invitation by mail to respond via paper questionnaire or online to the 2020 Census. It’s important to complete the 2020 Census because our city’s population counts toward determining the amount of money California will receive for Education, healthcare and housing that will help our Lennox community.
In the past, Lennox has underreported it’s population in fear the data will be shared with other government agencies, such as immigration. As a district we asked these questions for you and can report the 2020 Census will NOT ask about immigration status or social security numbers. The Census data will NOT be shared with any other agencies. All answers are confidential and will be used for statistical purposes.
Please report actual household numbers to ensure we get as much funding as possible for our schools and community services. If you have any questions, please email an administrator or the parent liaison to answer all your concerns. Thank you for putting Lennox first.
Newsletter: May 4, 2020
Visit our Jefferson Facebook Page to leave a note for your teacher
Teacher Appreciation Week!! Our Teachers are AMAZING!!
This week is Teachers Appreciation Week. Although our current distance learning model does not allow for our traditional gestures of appreciation, we wanted to make sure we celebrated the greatness of our teachers. Our teachers truly are amazing.
Since closing the schools, our teachers have adapted their teaching strategies to meet the needs of your children at home. Most of you can testify to the late night responses and phone calls to try and help your son or daughter with online assignments. Our teachers are working harder than ever, because they truly care about your children's education.
To show them our appreciation this week, we will have a Teachers Appreciation Spirit Week. If you are able to participate, please do so. The schedule is posted below.
Let's show our teachers the love they deserve!
JES Admin
Schedule for appreciation
Grading and Report Cards
For now, please continue to work with your children on their assignments. Our teachers are creating lessons and assignments that will help them start the following school year. If your child does not do the work, they will lose that education our teachers are providing virtually. The importance to continue learning from home is critical for your child's well-being as we move forward. Please continue to monitor their work, submit assignments, and communicate with your teachers. We are all growing through this together, and we need your support at home.
The Lennox community is strong. You, as our parents, are the key to help your child's education continue. We will continue to work together for all our kids.
Here to serve you,
JES Admin
Mother's Day May 10th
We thank you for all you do to help your children. As mothers, you are the first teachers your child ever meets. You teach your children to love, to respect, to live a life with all the values you instill in them since they were babies. A mother's love is unconditional and unbreakable. Mother's day is every day, but on May 10th, all mothers will be celebrated. We at Jefferson would like to thank you and wish you a Happy Mother's Day! You deserve it and much more. This week in honor of Mother's day, we will have mother themed books in our link below.
Newsletter: April 27, 2020
Parents and Teachers working together.
As our school district continues to adjust to the distance learning model, we want to remind you that your children's health and safety is our priority. Together we will overcome these current times and grow from it.
Your child is exactly where they need to be. When we return, our school and teachers will work hard to get our students where they need to be. It's no secret, our teachers are AMAZING and teaching is their SUPER POWER!
Continue to do the assignments teachers are posting as they will help increase the grade of your child. Continue to be kind to yourself and your children. Continue to be the AMAZING parents you are. Please continue to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Here to serve you,
JES administration
Low Cost Internet Opportunity
Below is a resource that was shared by a teacher from Jefferson to help our families get low-cost internet. It is a non profit organization called Human I.T. where families can qualify for low cost internet access that ranges from $10-$25 a month. You can text them or call them. The organization has representatives that can help them in Spanish. In some cases if they qualify, you can qualify for a free Chromebook Below is the link:
Newsletter: April 20, 2020
Hope all is well with you and your families. We wanted to welcome back our students from a much deserved spring break. The transition to distance learning has been hard on all, especially our children. It's challenging times like these that demonstrate the resilience and will of our students to continue moving forward. With your help and support, as a district, we will continue moving forward for these last 9 weeks of the school year.
We cannot stress enough how thankful we are as a school to have amazing parents. We understand distance learning is new to you as well. You are now using technology in ways you hadn't before. You are learning how to navigate through clever and our educational applications like never before. Just know we are grateful for all you are doing. We are in this together for our kids.
As a school, we also acknowledge we do not know your own personal challenge COVID-19 has posed on your family. We are here to help. Please email any of us if we can be of service. In the end, we want our kids healthy and safe. When they return, our amazing teachers will work to ensure we recover the loss of academics. They will do what's best for their students.
As we continue to overcome this health crisis, we want you to focus on the well-being of your children. Give your little heroes more hugs, more one to one play/family time and an extra dose of patience and forgiveness. They are missing their extended families and their school yard friends. Let's work together to have a great end of the year.
Here to serve you,
JES administration
Distance Learning ... What to expect?
As you know, we will not be back this academic school year. We plan to be back in August 2020 and ready to work and educate your children. Until then, we have to continue to teach our students at home.
This week your child's teacher was given the district plan for distance learning. Our incredible teachers will take the plan and implement it to the best of their ability to help their students. They will be communicating with you on next steps for the next 9 weeks. We ask that you be patient with teachers as they too are learning how to use technology to help their students at home.
Some teachers feel more comfortable with technology and will start virtual teaching through zoom or google hangouts. Some teachers need time to adjust and use technology in a way that makes sense to them and their students through applications such as EPIC, Flipgrid, see saw, etc. Some teachers will use all platforms available. We are encouraging our teachers to do what feels right to them. The one thing all teachers are doing is trying their best to educate your child. Our teachers are amazing and truly care for their students. We are all learning together and together we will overcome this educational challenge.
Below is our district distant learning link for resources to help our families.
Thank you for all your understanding and support.
JES Administration
Newsletter April 13, 2020
A Message from the Assistant Principal
Today is April 13th, exactly one month from a moment in time we will all never forget. One month ago we informed you that our school would be closed due to COVID-19. One month ago we asked you help in transitioning from traditional teaching routines to distance learning through technology. One month ago, we never thought we would be where we are. But like the resilient community we are, after a month of distant learning, our kids have continue to learn and the parent school relationship grows even stronger.
I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your hard word and understanding through this transition of remote distant learning. On the surface, it sounds easy to say we will continue to teach our student through a distant learning model, however we recognize it brings on additional complex layers. Not to mention, it underscores the value and importance of student interaction. We miss all of our students dearly.
We will continue to work with students in creative ways when we come back from spring break. Your child's teacher will communicate the next steps for learning from home. As we encounter challenges and barriers with distance learning, we will work as partners to overcome them. As always we continue to stand behind the mission of the school, that every student can and will achieve success!
Thank you for all you are doing to ensure your child is learning at home. We are in this together, and together we will grow and be better for it.
Here at your service,
Mr. Chavez
PS. Mr. Estrada is back at home doing all he can for a speedy recovery! He thanks all of you for your well wishes and prayers.
Newsletter: April 6, 2020
A Message from Principal Estrada...
My Dear Jefferson Parents,
I wanted to inform our families that I will be on a medical leave for the rest of the school year. This year, I was diagnosed with a heart condition that I was born with that will result in a surgery, that was successfully completed and now I am on a lengthy recovery until June possibly July.
Your patience and support has brightened my spirits and have given me strength. Being the Principal where I myself was a student is the highest honor that has ever been given to me for the last 11 years.
I am blessed to serve our families and I appreciate all your support for my family and I.
In my temporary absence, David Chavez and Emily Polk will continue to support our families. Please contact them for any questions and or information you may need.
Blessings to each of you,
Robert Estrada
Jefferson Elementary School Website & Calendar:
We are updating our School Website and Calendar. Please go to our school website to get the latest information.
School Website: Click Here!
Newsletter: March 31, 2020
Spring Break: April 6th- April 17th
COV-19 School Closure through May 4th
As we continue to monitor the COV-19 Virus, Jefferson Elementary School will remain closed until May 4, 2020. Student will return on May 5, 2020. We will continue to keep our families posted if anything changes we will inform our families. Please stay safe and healthy.
District Letter:
English: Click Here
Spanish: Click Here
Please Update Student Contact Information:
We are giving our families an opportunity to update student contact information. Please complete the Student Contact Information Link to receive our Parent Newsletter, Phone Call, E-Mail or information from your Teacher. Please use this link. You will need to complete this for EACH of your children. If you have 3 kids, you will need to click 3 times.
Student Contact Information Link: Click Here!
Imagine Learning Math Facts!
Imagine Math Facts teaches students math facts through a series of powerful, engaging activities on multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction—helping each child quickly gain automaticity and math fluency along with a new interest in math.
All of our student have a FREE ACCOUNT: Click Here!
California Free Mental Health Resources:
California has launched its first statewide mental health line, which is toll-free and will be staffed daily. The line is toll-free, and it will be staffed daily for most of the day. The number is 1-855-845-7415. You can use it via telephone or instant messaging.
Mondays to Fridays: 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Saturdays: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sundays: 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
FREE LUNCH AT JEFFERSON 10am to 12pm April-May 4th
MARCH 23, 2020 Parent NEWSLETTER
We Need Your Help: Spread the Word!
At Jefferson School, all of our contact information to all our parents change from time to time. The school is closed, so we can't change your updated phone numbers or emails. WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you are reading this, we have your email address. Please text this address to other families who are Not Receiving our emails. You are our BEST source of spreading our news, reminders and announcements. This link will never change, but the information will.
Here is the link:
Please copy and paste this link on your text to other Jefferson School Parents- Spread the word!
Jefferson School Email Addresses:
We are here to help our parents and students. Teachers have made every effort to contact all 917 students. However, we are missing 11% of the students. We need your help! If you have not heard from your teacher, please email your teacher with your updated contact information. Please include: 1. Name of child, 2. Updated Phone and 3. Updated: email address. You will need to do this for every one of your children. If you have 3 kids at Jeffereson, you will need to email all three teachers. If you do not know your child's teacher, please ask your child. If you still can't get this information please email one of the administrators.
All Staff is available 8:15 to 3:15, but may take up to 24hrs to follow up with your email. REMINDER: The office is closed, we are not answering any phones. Please email the teacher directly for classroom questions. School concerns, please email one of the administrators. We are here to help.
Lennox School District FREE Online Support & Resources:
The Lennox School District is prepared to support learning at home through its technology adoptions: Google Classroom, Clever, and Nearpod. Take a look at the following resources for ideas on how to support students and families with engaging learning experiences during an extended stay at home. For more resources from the Lennox Technology Department, check out the Lennox District Technology Page. Click Here!
REMINDER THAT YOUR CLASSROOM TEACHERS HAS ASSIGNED EACH STUDENT ASSIGNMENTS. If your child needs more work, please email your child's teacher.
Jefferson School FREE Online Resources: CLEVER
The following on FREE Online Resources available for our Jefferson School Students. Please make sure your child is able to log in using their "CLEVER" Log in. Please email your chil'd teacher to get your child's log in.
The Following Online Resources are available free to our Jefferson Students:
1. Lexia
2. Imagine Learning Math Facts
3. Google Mail
4. Google Classroom
5. Star Fall
6. Accelerated Reader
7. Swun Math
FREE INTERNET for 60 days
LOS ANGELES - SPECTRUM/CHARTER will be offering free access to their respective internet networks for low-income families and others for a need to stay connected to information during this corona virus crisis. This is not sponsored by the Lennox School District.
Spectrum Information LINK: Click Here!
Fox LA News: Click Here!
News Article: Click Here!
TAG Mobile California Free Phone Service
TAG Mobile is happy to offer government assisted wireless service to low income families and individuals that qualify in California. TAG Mobile California Lifeline Service is a Federal Free-Phone program. It is offered to the eligible residents of California who meet certain criteria. To participate in the program, the income of the resident has to be at or below 150% of the federal poverty level. Please find the information about what you will need to apply for the LifeLine service below. This is not sponsored by the Lennox School District.
LINK: Click Here!