Aquarian News
Weekly Update #17
Upcoming Events
12/2-12/13- State Testing 3rd-6th
12/2-PTO Meeting 5:30 in the Library
12/6-ASA Ends
12/12- Pizza Lunch
12/12-12/13-mClass Testing K-3
12/19- Last Day of the Semester for Students
12/20- Grading Day (No School for Students)
12/20-1/6 Winter Break (Staff only return the 6th for professional development.)
1/6- Inservice (No School for Students)
1/6- PTO Meeting 5:30 in the Library
1/7- Students First Day Back
1/13- 3rd Quarter ASAs Start
1/13- 5:45 APC Meeting
Meeting ID: 945 3161 5121
Passcode: 871491
1/16- Spelling Bee 10:00
1/16- 3/4 School Battle of the Books
1/20- MLK Jr. Day (No School)
Kindergarten and Stone Soup
Toy Swap
Aquarian Girl Scout troop 25111 is hosting a toy swap for our community! Start looking around your house for a used toy, game, doll or stuffed animal in good condition that you think another child would love. Bring that toy to school on December 11th, 12th or 13th and we will collect it from you in front of the gym doors before school. In return you will get a special ticket to be saved and redeemed at the school wide toy swap on December 18th after school, 3:15-4 in the gym! This is a great opportunity for children to pick out gifts for a sibling or friend while also helping reduce and reuse. Hope to see you all there!
5th Grade Pun Parade
Pizza, Pizza Fundraiser!
Please Help Support Third Grade Field Trips
Pizza order forms were sent home with your child's teacher last week, or you can access them at this link. Please staple cash only to the order form. Return the form to your child's teacher or to Ms. Stacy/Ms. Danielle.
Lunch will be delivered to your child on Thursday, December 12, and will include a slice of cheese pizza, carrots, and an applesauce pouch for $7. Order forms are due on Monday, December 9th.
Thank you for your continuous support!
Breakfast Bake Sale
The second-graders in Ms. Kristin’s and Ms. Jessica’s classes are excited to host a Breakfast Bake Sale on Thursday, December 5th, and Thursday, December 12th!
All proceeds from the bake sales will be used to purchase toys for families in need at the Clare House. During the final week before Christmas Break, the second-graders will shop for the toys and personally deliver the gifts to the Clare House.
We truly appreciate your support in making this meaningful project possible for our students.
Dave and Buster's Gift Idea
⏰ Final Week! ⏰
Thank you for supporting our Dave & Buster’s Power Card Fundraising Campaign! 👾🕹️🌟
This is the final week to grab your Power Card and make a difference while having a blast playing your favorite arcade games. Purchase a $20 Power Card and 50% will be donated to Aquarian 5th Grade. Power up your next date night, family night, or friend hangout and get your Power Card here: grouprai.se/davebusters50187s
#aquarian5thgrade #daveandbusters #groupraise #arcade #fundraiser #fundraising
First Grade STEM Challenge
Food Drive
The Student Council would like to say thank you to our Aquarian Community. We collected 1,113 pounds of food last week to help out families in Anchorage who may not have had a secure meal. An extra special thanks to Garrett Morris for donating his time to come pick up the food and take it to the Food Bank. We have such an amazing and giving community and we could not be prouder! The house that collected the most cans was....Responsibilidad!!! Way to go Rhino's!!!
3rd Grade STEM Challenge
Healthy Futures
November is coming to a close and so is the Healthy Futures challenge for 2024. Once your child has completed 15 days of 60 minutes of activity, you can fill out the form linked here. bit.ly/NovHF The form will close on December 3rd. The Healthy Future activity challenge will start back up in February 2025. Bundle up and get outside.
Red Out!
Science Fair
Dear Aquarian Families,
It's December, the science fair is around the corner! Hopefully, your 3rd-6th graders (or your kindergarten-2nd graders if they are opting to do a science fair project) have their project lined out and are enjoying the process.
Science fair entry forms are due to your child’s classroom teacher by December 6th.
Please be sure to thoroughly read the 2024/25 Science Fair Packet. We suggest you and your child become familiar with the science fair rubric that matches your child’s project type (research, model/demonstration, or experiment). This is the rubric the judges will use to score your child’s project, so please include everything listed!
Each student is required to fill out the project-appropriate checklist (found in the packet) and attach it to the back of the science fair board. You may print the checklist from the packet; however, your child will receive a checklist from the classroom teacher at the beginning of January as well.
We couldn’t pull off the science fair without the fabulous people who volunteer to judge projects. We need 30-40 judges for everything to run smoothly. The time commitment is approximately 8:00 am to 11:30 pm on February 6th. There will be a short training at the beginning. Anyone is welcome. Please forward this to any friends or family that might be interested. Thank you for considering! Sign up at bit.ly/AQSciFairJudge or contact Sarah Fineman.
Dates to remember:
February 6th: science fair projects must be at school by 8:30 am.
*Science Fair will be open for viewing for parents and students from 3:15-5:00
February 7th: Science fair will be open for viewing from 7:45-2:00.
*All projects must go home at the end of the day
Please let us know if you have any questions,
The Science Fair Committee
Lisa Botero botero_lisa@asdk12.org
Sarah Fineman Fineman_Sarah@asdk12.org
Monica Severson severson_monica@asdk12.org
Connie Tracy tracy_connie@asdk12.org