The Martin Memo
A School Newsletter for Parents and Guardians
December 20, 2024
A Message from the Principal
Thank you to our wonderful PTA Room Parents for hosting some really fun holiday parties!!
You may have noticed our newest addition on the playground, our Learning Cottages. Our health class will now be held in the Learning Cottage as we are adding two new teachers, one to kinder and one to 2nd grade.
Enjoy your break, and we'll see you on January 7, 2024.
Sallye Norris
Martin Elementary
Spelling Bee Winner
On Wednesday, 28 third, fourth, and fifth graders competed in the first ever Martin Spelling Bee hoping to be named school champion. We are proud of all of them for being courageous enough to stand before their peers and parents to spell some really tough words! Congratulations to our school spelling bee winner, River B.; and to runner up, Bennett M.
Spelling Bee Winner
Spelling Bee Winner and Runner Up
All the Contestants
Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices
In accordance with the Student Handbook, all personal electronic devices must be turned off during the instructional day. This includes cell phones and smart watches. The policy can be found in the Student Handbook starting on page 54.
Box Tops
Lunch Visitors
Lunch visitors, here's a few things to remember:
- Check-in at the front office and obtain a visitor sticker. Wear the sticker during. your visit.
- Please sit at the designated visitor tables with your child. The courtyard tables can also be used.
- Students are not allowed to invite friends to sit at the visitor table.
- Parents may bring lunch for their child only. The sharing of food with other students is prohibited.
- Taking pictures or video of other students is prohibited.
- When students begin to clean up, it's time for your student to return to their table and for parents to be on their way. Please return directly to the office to turn in your badge before leaving. Parents should not walk their child back to class.
1/7: Back to School
1/7-10: No lunch visitors
1/20: Holiday
1/23: 4th Grade Folk Dance Night (6pm-ish)