Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
AM Session: 8:00am - 11:10am
PM Session: 12:05pm - 3:15pm
Full Day: 8:00am - 3:15pm
Sunnyside Full Day: 7:50am - 3:05pm
Day Care: 7:00am - 5:00pm
November 16 - Policy Council
November 18 - Fatherhood Parent Meeting
November 24-26 - Thanksgiving Break
Letter from the Principal
We had a "boo-tiful" October at Bright Beginnings. Thank you to all of the staff, students, and parents that showed up to our Fall Literacy event. It was super fun and educational. Also, a special thanks to Melyssa White for coordinating our Kindness and Calm week. It was creative and entertaining. Our teachers and staff have been working hard in and out of the classroom and our students have already shown enormous growth.
We know in the fall and winter, our students may be impacted by illness. With COVID 19 still a community concern, we understand if parents are sensitive to potential illnesses. However, we also want to encourage families to get their students to school whenever possible. When students skills are growing so quickly, every absence is a setback. Also, we are committed to getting students outside as long as weather conditions permit. Please keep that in mind and insure your child is dressed to go out.
Please remember that in our limited parking area, all drivers need to take precautions for safety. Please keep your speed low and give the right of way to pedestrians. All children need to hold their parents hand as they arrive and enter the building. Plan for arrival and dismissal to take more time when weather is bad. Do not leave children in vehicles unattended. Be aware that we are a smoke-free environment and--a little human kindness always goes a long way.
Lastly, another special thanks to Sheila Bertelsen and Coach O'Neill for bringing the DCHS Football players to Bright Beginnings and Sunnyside for Free Choice with the Football Players. The young men were awesome with our kids and all of our classrooms were super excited!
Thank you for choosing to send your child to BBEC. We're STILL going to have a great year.
Arthur Barker
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center/Sunnyside Pre-K
Free Choice with Football Players
DCHS Varsity Football Team
You made a difference in the life of a child.
Fine Motor Play
Recess Fun
The Dodge City High School Red Demon Football Team won the day at Bright Beginnings and Sunnyside Preschool by volunteering in our classrooms. Over fifty football players entered into each classroom and engaged children in learning through play during free choice. So many smiles and a lot of conversation was had by all.
Many thanks to Coach O’Neil who agreed to this new event and was witness to the display of great character and leadership of his young men.
We still have spots for qualifying children!
2021-2022 Preschool (Ages 3-5) Fall ASQ Screening Results:
2021-2022 3 Year Old ASQ:3 Fall Screening Data
When looking for areas of improvement, the areas of Communication, Problem Solving, and Personal-Social indicate a need for both home and school to provide more experiences and activities for children to grow.
Although the area of Fine Motor scored the lowest, this area typically is one that will drastically improve exposure to everyday activities in the classroom.
2021-2022 4 Year Old ASQ:3 Fall Screening Data
When looking for areas of improvement, the areas of Problem Solving, Personal-Social, and Communication are three key areas that can be improved by home and school by providing intentional experiences and activities for children to develop these important skills.
Although the area of Fine Motor scored the lowest, this area typically is one that will drastically improve by exposure to classroom activities alone.
Espanol: Problem Solving, Personal-Social, and Communication
2021-2022 3 Year Old and 4 Year Old ASQ:SE-2 Fall Screening Data
The 4 year-olds scored at 77% at the no concern range, 13% were in the monitor range, and 10% were in the concern range. Please look at Miss Melissa's Conscious Discipline tips to improve in the social-emotional areas of development.
Fall Literacy Event Fun
Bright Beginnings and Sunnyside PreK Parent-Teacher Conference Rate was 98%.
Next month we will ask you to assist us in forming Home and School Goals as a part of our partnership in your child's education. Please think about what goals you'd like to form and complete at home and school. We will visit progress on these Home and School Goals at the next Parent-Teacher Conference on February 9th and 10th, 2022.
Thursday, Nov 18, 2021, 05:00 PM
Sunnyside Elementary, Sunnyside Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Policy Council
Our October Policy Council meeting took place on the 19th. Our members learned about our program design for next year, they received information from the Office of Head Start about Wellness and Program Expectations for the year. They gave permission to apply for the upcoming PAT grant.
Policy Council members are important to our program. They help guide us as we prepare the best program for our students. If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, please contact your teacher, advocate, or ask for Bianca.
Please click here to read more about Policy Council.
A Note From Miss Melyssa
Your Child has been learning about Keeping Calm and being Kind. We had a lot of fun during our Kindness Week.
Click HERE to join in! Please click on the Parent Sign in to let us know how you are learning with your child.
You will find videos of read-a-louds, fun ways to teach rhyming and connecting and so much more! Thank you being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family.
Look below to Meet our Feeling Buddies. Miss Melyssa has been visiting your child's classroom families and introducing them. Their teachers will continue these lessons in the classroom as well. Check out the details with the pictures and one the Google Site HERE .
Meet Happy!
The children are learning to use their words to name what things or situations cause them to hold HAPPY.
Describe how their face looks. Your eyebrows are going like this. Your mouth looks like this. Your face looks like when you are Happy. Use these words for each feeling.
Meet the Feeling Buddies
Identifying which feeling a child is feeling
Meet Scared or Afraid!
The children are learning to use their words to name what things or situations cause them to hold SCARED.
Meet Mad!
The children are learning to use their words to name what things or situations cause them to hold MAD/ANGRY.
Meet Sad!
The children are learning to use their words to name what things or situations cause them to hold SAD.
Kindness Week: Keep Calm
Ms. Barb Crosser's class and their Heart Glasses: We can see the Best in our school friends.
Principal Barker and a friend showing their fun glasses.
Mrs. Carney's Class Family with their Heart Glasses
Our Bright Beginnings Team Members who are Speech/Language Pathologists Share this important Information.
Health is the foundation of school readiness. To help children thrive, Head Start staff ensure that children are up to date on immunizations and their state’s Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) schedule, learn healthy habits, and can access the care they need. Head Start programs also promote the physical and social and emotional well-being of families and staff.
This month we focus on dental health. Baby teeth are important for many reasons such as chewing foods, speaking clearly, staying healthy, and maintaining self-confidence. For more information about dental health, please click here .
Bright Beginnings Child Care
Early Head Start Home Visitation
Masks will be optional for all students and staff. Sanitizing stations will be available in high traffic areas.
Please click here for any updated information.