Oak Ridge Elementary
Specials Team Updates

Oak Ridge Elementary Specials Team Updates
PE Updates
Library News
We're off to a great start in the library this year! Here is some important information for parents regarding Conroe ISD library services.
Parents have direct access to the online library catalog, Destiny Discover, through the new Parent Portal SSO. Simply select your child's campus from the dashboard.
CISD sends out daily automated emails to let you know what books your child has checked out. This is not an overdue notice. It's just a tool to help you stay informed of the material your child is checking out in the library.
You can TURN OFF this notification, by going to your Parent Access Account, log into your child's account, click on Student Information, click on Notifications, and click the button to turn off library notifications. If you choose to turn off the notifications, you will not receive any emails about library materials, including overdue notices.
Video on how to opt out of library emails: https://conroeisd.instructuremedia.com/embed/60f37e32-8fbd-4ddc-8f63-9aa5096cf36f
Art News
What we have been up to in Art!
· Pre-K: Colors, Shapes, Fall
· Kindergarten: Colors, Shapes, Farm Animals
· First Grade: Color Theory, Lines, Foil Painting
· Second Grade: TAB Studios(Drawing), Drawing Techniques, “WOW” Pieces, Learning about what inspires artists, Western Art, and Foil Painting
· Third and Fourth Grades: TAB Studios(Drawing and Painting *Watercolor Pencils*), Drawing Techniques, “WOW” Pieces, Learning about what inspires artists, and Western Art
Artists of the Month, September…
Our Artists of the Month show exemplary behavior in both the classroom and the hallway. They are also artists that have applied new techniques and mediums!
Music News
The year has started with a loud bang! Our 2nd-4th graders are working hard learning different tempos and dynamics. PreK-1st graders are rocking and rolling to a steady beat.
Upcoming events:
3rd Grade Veterans Day Concert
November 11th, 2024
2:00 p.m.
Oak Ridge Elementary Cafeteria
Here is a link for 3rd graders to practice at home.