Board Highlights
The Winnetka Public Schools, April 2024
Organizational Meeting
Emily Rose, President, called the meeting to order.
Officer positions were determined for 2024-2025. Dan Waters was elected as President. Alyssa Rapp was elected as Vice-President, and Luke Figora will serve as Secretary. The 2024-2025 Board calendar was approved and meetings will continue to be held at 7:15 p.m. at Carleton Washburne School in August 2024.
Dan Waters thanked Emily Rose for her service as President of the Board, including throughout the pandemic, 2022 Referendum, post-referendum construction and more. Additionally he recognized her volunteer work for District partner The Alliance for Early Childhood and the Winnetka Community House. He commended her longstanding commitment to advocating for the children of Winnetka.
Regular Board Meeting
Dan Waters, newly appointed President, welcomed all in attendance. He noted that the evening’s discussion would be focused on the approval of a new literacy curriculum. He thanked all of the educators involved with this length and involved process on behalf of the Board.
Dr. Kelly Tess, Superintendent, wished a Happy Passover to those in attendance who were celebrating. Dr. Tess also thanked Ms. Rose for her dedication to serving as President of the School Board. Additionally, she recognized Greeley Principal Dr. Joshua Swanner, who recently completed his Doctorate in Education Policy, Organization and Leadership from the University of Illinois.
Additionally, Dr. Tess thanked the instructional staff, District administrators and students who were involved in the Literacy Pilot, along with the team presenting their recommendation on Literacy Curriculum to the Board. Dr. Tess noted that she is keenly aware of their efforts to be stewards of the Progressive philosophy, as well as their responsibility to support student needs in light of best practices.
Painting our Portrait:
Monthly, a selection of the five District schools share a video to showcase an initiative that helps support attributes outlined in our Portrait of a Graduate: Global Citizen, Lifelong Learner, Effective Communicator, Empathetic, Resilient, Creative Problem Solver and Collaborative.
Greeley School showcased its 4th-grade composting ambassador program, which began this April in honor of Earth Week. Nearly half of the 4th-grade student body volunteered to run composting efforts during lunch time, helping their peers learn how to dispose of their lunch items in an environmentally minded manner. Each ambassador signed up for at least one week through the final days of school. Volunteer students also tracked their impact on composting through a math/graphing activity during WIN time. Themes of collaboration, global citizenship, and effective communication were highlighted.
Literacy Curriculum (View the video of presentation here)
A team of 11 educators and 4 administrators presented the recommendation for Tier I literacy materials. The information shared is the result of the culmination of hundreds of hours of research, learning, piloting, and dialogue that formally began in January 2022. The School Board approved the adoption of literacy materials for grades K-8 which are aligned with the Science of Reading by using a knowledge-building approach and systematic direction instruction in foundational skills. The chart below depicts the materials that will be implemented starting in the fall of 2024. The materials that were approved were recommended following a comprehensive study of literacy best practice and wide-scale pilot in The Winnetka Public Schools.
Informational Items
Bulley & Andrews Monthly Construction Update
Bulley & Andrews shared a monthly Executive Summary on construction.
Staffing and Enrollment Update
This month’s staffing and enrollment update shows the recommendations for staffing changes since last month’s approval of the 2024/2025 staffing plan. The memo also includes an update on student enrollment for the upcoming school year.
The District annually provides non-union starting rates for the upcoming school year for 9.5/11/12 month non-union employees. This memo reflects market adjustment for existing employees to coincide with the increase in starting rates for new employees.
On April 12 the District hosted a half Iinstitute day held at Skokie/Washburne schools for all staff. 24 sessions were offered and the results of feedback from each session are included in the memo.
The Board approved the Administration’s recommendation to award contracts to three separate moving companies to address the construction needs for this summer. This will allow for three companies to move the contents of The Skokie School, Carleton Washburne and Crow Island out between June 14th-16th, and back in prior to the start of school in August.
The Board approved a one year extension to our current contract with Quest Food Management Services. The company provides food service at Washburne, and have been the District partner since 2021. The Board also approved a price increase to cover increased costs related to staffing and inflation.
The Board approved a lease agreement for a postage meter for the District Office. Our current machine is no longer able to be updated, and has reached the end of its useful life. This agreement is for a 60-month lease.
The Consent Agenda and Following Action Items Were Approved:
Intra-District Transfer Request
Literacy Curriculum Resources
Quest Food Management Services
Moving Services Bid: Accept and Reject
Quadient Leasing Company
To view the entire Board Packet from the April 23, 2024 Meeting, click here.